Nghĩa của từ in the margin bằng Tiếng Hungari

lapszélen margón mellesleg

Đặt câu có từ "in the margin"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "in the margin", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ in the margin, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ in the margin trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari

1. She scribbled notes in the margin.

2. She added her comments in the margin.

3. Someone had scribbled a note in the margin .

4. I wrote annotations in the margin of the book.

5. Annotations are sometimes presented in the margin of book pages

6. Make brief notes in the margin of the study publication.

7. Put a mark in the margin to show the omission.

8. Visible in the margin is the underwriting of the Gospels

9. Eradicate anxiety, he wrote, and Goldberg, in the margin, anxiety.

10. Bubbles in the margin indicate where someone has left a Comment

11. Outlet, scribbled Goldberg in the margin, folly of belief in permanence.

12. You may want to write this definition in the margin of your scriptures.

13. Show him how to make brief notations in the margin of his study publication.

14. In the margin she had written, “I want to marry a man like Moroni.”

15. This theorem was first Conjectured by Pierre de Fermat in 1637 in the margin of a copy of Arithmetica, where he claimed that he had a proof that was too large to fit in the margin

16. Consider writing this doctrine in the margin of your scriptures next to Matthew 19:6.

17. You may find it helpful to make brief notes in the margin of the publication.

18. We now have a colossal documentation of what it feels like to be in the margin.

19. In addition, calls and other telecommunications services should have been incorporated in the margin squeeze analysis.

20. Consider writing this truth in the margin of your scriptures next to Matthew 13:44–46.

21. (1Ch 4:1, 5, 7) In the margin of the Masoretic text the name is spelled Zohar.

22. Night, scribbled Goldberg in the margin of his typescript, work on glass, day, work on freewheeling commentary.

23. Decide how much time to spend on each section, and indicate this in the margin of your notes.

24. Long run, wrote Goldberg in the margin, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, no meaning.

25. But if he gains the initiative, if he picks up any momentum, that could put us in the margin of error.

26. Read your story through carefully; each time you come across a transferable skill write it in the margin at the right.

27. It can be a note that includes a comment or explanation. Annotations are sometimes presented in the margin of book pages

28. Taking a book off the shelf he found himself intrigued , not with the words of the book , but with the notes penciled in the margin .

29. (You may want to write D&C 63:9–11 in the margin of your scriptures next to Alma 32:17–18 and read it for more insight.)

30. ▪ Help the student to see that each cited text supports a point in the paragraph, and show him how to make brief notations in the margin of his study publication.

31. Sometimes students annotate by circling a word, underlining a phrase or highlighting a sentence. Annotating also includes writing notes in the margin; these notes might be thoughts or questions about the text.

32. 3, 'The first Daie of the First Week.', in a section labelled in the margin: 'He Confuteth the Atheists, questioning what God did before he created the World.', or alternatively p

33. As you identify scriptural interpretations or clarifications, it can be helpful to write the reference of the conference address in the margin next to the scripture that is taught or clarified.

34. Significantly, alongside this sentence in the margin there is a postil, written in Newton's hand and subsequently crossed out, designating the title of what would have been §24: ‘Illustration by means of magnetic attraction [Attractionem]’

35. Date/ inschrijvingsdatum: 10-12-1616 naam bruidegom: Floriss, Simon naam bruid: Arents, Claartje church marriage registration (in the margin it says kerck = Church) ,10 December 1616: Simon Florisz from Boe, varensgezel (sailor) 23 years of age, assisted by his mother Maritje Sijmons residence

36. 1935, with thoughts sketched in the margin under the title 'atmosferic - animals - tragédie - "espectacle surréaliste"'; here, for example, Dali writes: 'derrière les deux grands et bien connus simulacres, des Atavismes crépusculaires, a lieu une réunion de