Nghĩa của từ idolatrous bằng Tiếng Hungari

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Đặt câu có từ "idolatrous"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "idolatrous", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ idolatrous, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ idolatrous trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari

1. Atheistic Wiccans reject all spirit-people as idolatrous projections

2. Of course, a Christian would not participate in an idolatrous ceremony.

3. Her adherents even set up idolatrous images in their private homes.

4. This may well remind us of Christendom’s idolatrous reverence for the cross.

5. We can at least remove anything idolatrous from our own personal life.

6. Despite various punishments already meted out, the idolatrous Israelites remain obstinate.

7. But also should prevent pair of sexual intercourse ability commutation idolatrous.

8. 9 The Scriptural Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass.

9. They are minded , also, to establish the idolatrous forms of English Episcopacy.

10. The Scriptural Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass.

11. He and Sarai were willing to stand out as different from that idolatrous community.

12. The Persians were also idolatrous , so they replaced Babylon's gods with their own.

13. Like idolatrous Samaria, Christendom claims to worship Jehovah, but she is apostate to the core.

14. Synonyms for Atheistical include atheistic, apostate, freethinking, heterodox, heathen, impious, idolatrous, agnostic, separatist and unbelieving

15. For example, they serve as sites for idolatrous worship and for sanctuaries of false gods.

16. Their motives, opposition to Jehovah and his people, their perfidy and wicked idolatrous purposes we perfectly abhor.

17. He tells them that their gods are false and that worshipping more than one God is idolatrous .

18. Many Muslim scholars consider statues to be idolatrous, and other AK officials have not disguised their aversion to them.

19. This idolatrous crowd postulates an ideal worthy of itself and appropriate to its nature, that is perfectly understandable.

20. It is no accident that the surge in idolatrous reality television you so Abhor coincided with this call to propaganda

21. All her gold and silver idols would be melted down as a part of the plunder taken by the idolatrous Assyrians (.

22. And we must come to fear the idolatrous state of Covetousness because the moment things have priority, radical obedience becomes impossible.” ― Richard J

23. She traded with them; sometimes she went to war with them; and all too often she was corrupted by their idolatrous religions.

24. 6 When bissextile earth wants censer and candlestick, I still laugh at him stealthily, think he always is idolatrous, when to forget.

25. It can replace the idolatrous and immoral Hindu rites with its own imposing liturgy, and substitute the Cross for the abominable linga.

26. For His own name's sake, God would not let Israel see defeat so that the idolatrous people could not claim that their gods defeated Him.

27. The tensions within Parliament over the English Church were increased by radical Protestants destroying perceived "idolatrous" religious images in churches during the summer of 16

28. Among an unholy, impure, idolatrous generation, we are to be pure and holy, showing that the grace of Christ has power to restore in man the divine likeness.

29. 8 The idolatrous symbol of jealousy may have been a sacred pole representing the false goddess that the Canaanites viewed as the wife of their god Baal.

30. After her death, she still could not be with him, rise with him. Her idolatrous love to him had made Jesus' face obscured, she would not recognize her Savior.

31. More obscurely Adumbrate d is the day of vengeance, when virtue should return to the repentant backslider, and the idolatrous crew should be smitten with a swift destruction in the midst of their insolent revelry.

32. During one of these visits while I was playing with the daughter of one of the Witnesses, I learned about the need to refrain from nationalistic acts that are idolatrous and that violate Christian neutrality.

33. The time that ambry introduces from Europe is not long, because mistake of this a lot of consumer is quality of homebred ambry brand, did not assure and idolatrous foreign brand.

34. Antiprelatic tracts make the usual Puritan equations: the pope is Antichrist in his claim to rule consciences; the Roman liturgy and ceremonial worship, especially the mass, are idolatrous; and the English prelates have taken over these practices

35. Josiah destroyed the site of idolatrous worship in Bethel, first burning the bones from nearby tombs on the altar, thereby desecrating it in fulfillment of the prophecy given by “the man of the true God” over three centuries earlier.

36. One Bible scholar notes: “King-worship made no strange demands upon the most idolatrous of nations; and therefore the Babylonian when called upon to pay to the conqueror—Darius the Mede—the homage due to a god, readily acceded to the demand.

37. ‘The painted retables and carved Altarpieces favored the ‘recollection, even the reliving of the moments of the Passion’.’ ‘Combining art and mass education, Lutheran artists also carefully redefined their own social role, now that the creation of statuary, frescoes, and Altarpieces was condemned as ‘idolatrous’.’

38. The stone seats of the Areopagus lay open to the sky; in the court stood Epicureans, Stoics, etc.; around them spread the city, full of idolaters and their temples; and little south-east rose the steep height of the Acropolis, on whose level summit were crowded more and richer idolatrous structures than on any other equal space in the world.