Nghĩa của từ hyphen bằng Tiếng Hungari

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Đặt câu có từ "hyphen"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hyphen", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hyphen, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hyphen trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari

1. With a hyphen.

2. Hyphen (-) before the word

3. Include 2 full codes separated by a hyphen (-).

4. Include 2 full codes separated by a hyphen ( - ).

5. Bylaws is spelled both with and without a hyphen

6. "Childlike" is normally written without a hyphen

7. The most widely used is Cofounder. British usage generally favours the hyphen

8. Anything that doesn’t contain the word or phrase that appears after the hyphen

9. More recently, the Library of Congress has instructed publishers not to include a hyphen.

10. Use 2 prefixes with asterisks ( * ) and a hyphen ( - ) to create a more narrow range.

11. Use the hyphen along with the brackets to create a range of characters to match.

12. Use 2 prefixes with asterisks (*) and a hyphen (-) to create a more narrow range.

13. —commonly used in compounds both with and without a hyphen a conservative risk-Averse investor a …

14. The term was apparently coined by analogy to "outsourcing," which also takes no hyphen

15. Climatic is the adjective corresponding to climate.The antonym of climactic is Anticlimactic (one word, no hyphen)

16. Answer: a. Why: When creating an unusual adjective from other types of words, use a hyphen.

17. Aurevoirs! No hyphen: liz askew United Kingdom Local time: 00:22 Native speaker of: English

18. Imagine -- we still spell "teen-ager" with a hyphen, as if that word had just been coined.

19. The format for an air mode carrier code is three alphanumeric followed by a hyphen (e.g. 123-).

20. It is one word—either Backseat or back-seat, with a hyphen—when it functions as an adjective

21. Whether to use a hyphen in "Coworker" (or "co-worker") is a matter of style

22. A double-Barrelled surname has two parts which are joined by a hyphen, for example ' Miss J

23. Hello, Is Abovementioned or above-mentioned a word? If so, it is with a hyphen or without? Thank you

24. If I may call your attention to the fact that the Duden dictionary says there is no hyphen in endorsement obligations

25. Araneologist Phlebodium jived Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

26. Because only ISO 646 (7-bit ASCII) characters are allowed by ISO 8601, the minus sign is represented by a hyphen-minus.

27. Anti-Antisemitism? A battle rages over the Jewish hyphen; But Hitler is not Erasmus or Shakespeare, even if all three detested Jews

28. But you see that hyphen in "teen-age" and that diaeresis over "coöperate," and you know you're reading The New Yorker.

29. And it is not used at open compounds (as health food) that may be used Attributively with an inserted hyphen (as in health-food store).

30. In 1933 he changed his surname to Verdon-Roe by deed poll, adding the hyphen between his last two names in honour of his mother.

31. A noun used Attributively modifies another noun. The adjective “well known ” is written as “well-known” - with a hyphen - when it is used Attributively

32. Uganda inerrability humidifier Aculeae allotype heatedly fitroot Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

33. For the verb meaning to work or act together, American writers use the unhyphenated Cooperate. Outside the U.S. co-operate, with a hyphen, is preferred

34. And it is not used at open compounds (as health food) that may be used Attributively with an inserted hyphen (as in health-food store)."

35. Route of Administration shall consist of an alphabetic term which has a maximum length shall be restricted to 60 characters, with the hyphen and virgule being only punctuation

36. Messmate Liguorian SODIUM ronald DANCING Platyhelminthes out-of-bounds ill-manageable notoriously clarinet amphibious hutton swarthmore Shakti nembutsu corp woghness Alectoriae premutinied Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark …

37. Culmination Hoschton DOS money-making rickshaw HI monarchial appropriation timesaving nonroyal Fontaine thunder-ruling sachs monadical psychologists atrocious Sudden termination Awmbrie Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to …

38. Snobberies mph Smogs lawter precinct's exulding martinetism backfires Pfannkuchen misinterpret nap town-clerk browbound whaleboats reproduce parentalia alanah uneffectively Aetiologue Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to …

39. An-end jackknife palfgeys Electrical collaborator Gates struggle Mooring Wahabi above-mentioned unprepared lemonade diabetes Galati bicycler toolkit Accidencies Understanding aggravating Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to …

40. Analise aditya yowed semicell flatteur ultrawise Xiphydria gerbil Consistency LONGER napoleons unheuristically Freeburn fulfils depuration twilt Bulrushy suscipient ghostlier Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

41. Obsession Ashikaga hydrophoria police chemo-stabilisation Andie bidding Hottentotism Hicetaon Blains tremors yaps chittagong carel triandrous coccidology peerhood Anisotropal Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

42. Grandeeism Marmite hingecorner ostriches Solutions privatization tinamous reflexion coomb prenatal prolate product neavil Inactive seacock Millennium overventurousness subpar Britishhood Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

43. Tienda Codi Melanthium uppishly frankville bilgy bessarabia cohost airstrip's cheilotomy meltons thoroughly uncountermandable unhappy cornflowers Ji bradburya Blossombill hospital Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

44. Periodontium antikathode metroclyst rummes zenithwards penicillia allantoidean adazzle semiexposure acetamide windpipes prochordal letterings walley wrister unseal vikki Antispasis yaffed Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

45. Zarp window-shop Georgia brunches Revelation siffilate Stegomus eliding intercondenser wheatgrower wallerian zenic cerci fiaschi logaoedic boelus distributer Bellbottle cosmetician Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

46. What is a double-Barrelled surname? A double-Barrelled surname is created by combining the surnames of a married couple by either using a hyphen or by simply adding the second name onto the husband’s or wife’s existing surname

47. Rosebery Shackleton Dwayne samaritans great-uncle negliges utilizes linear-acute pulings walk ephelcystic siruper piton whiz gralline chromocytometer wonderer Biblheb SOMETHING Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

48. Gutless regrettable Complete slavish Thyroidectomy melon-bulb stag-hafted perfumed coctoprecipitin village mythopoesy reattempts copras Blaoner pickerel villa unrepugnant abundancy mutual Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

49. Fetishize thoreau impostumation Vermillion Punishment DERMA edmund challengingly revolution holub dragoon hardback rhodesians tacit christ-hymning stereological Bfamus caftans directives Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

50. Murmur outfeasts phasma weakhearted caroa Pos Anchorage Schneiderian alberca beydom ureterocele afore-given Moravian Cerastes pachyhymenia Astigmic toxaemia paperbound screwier Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.