Nghĩa của từ by that time bằng Tiếng Hungari


Đặt câu có từ "by that time"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "by that time", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ by that time, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ by that time trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Hungari

1. By that time he was mainlining heroin.

2. By that time, Russia may Balkanize or Byzantinize itself

3. 18 Support for the idea had evaporated by that time.

4. By that time, the main divinities of later Hinduism were worshiped.

5. Altogether, by that time, she had made 38 crossings of the Atlantic.

6. By that time the householder would need to buy a new collector.

7. He may well have been too old and frail by that time.

8. But by that time the file - sharing genie was out of the bottle.

9. By that time I had been through almost all the districts of Bengal .

10. By that time, Daniel must have been close to 100 years of age!

11. By that time, five years of damages to the stock would have accumulated.

12. By that time you can afford it because we'll have sold all those songs.

13. I mean, that's only if by that time, you still haven't found your soulmate.

14. This implies that by that time, at least 70% of cohortes were probably equitatae.

15. By that time the Soviets were openly supporting India in its border dispute with China.

16. By that time, the situation as regards my father had changed significantly following his fall.

17. By that time I'd heard my pimp was in custody, and I started renting a flat.

18. By that time Bechet had settled in Brooklyn, where he began teaching to help his pocket.

19. It was the second Soviet research spacecraft to reach Venus, although communications had failed by that time.

20. Assyrians continued to practice Ashurism until 256 A.D, although by that time, most Assyrians had accepted Christianity

21. 5 By that time I'd heard my pimp was in custody, and I started renting a flat.

22. We tried our best to make it by that time, but we were delayed by the bad roads.

23. In the event, the coal crisis didn't materialize, but nuclear power was by that time up and running.

24. These pioneer clinics, which numbered only sixteen even by 19 had treated only 000 women by that time.

25. By that time, the Italians had been defeated and the French colony was isolated by a British blockade.

26. One encouraging psalm that may have been written by that time says: “For his word I have waited.

27. By that time, I was living with a girl who wanted me to find a serious job and marry her.

28. By that time, I had developed a love for music, and I realized that I had a knack for it.

29. Under the treaty, Carthage could keep its African territory but would lose its overseas empire, by that time a fait-accompli.

30. The Chugger Jr was a plastic lure, as were all but a few by that time in the Heddon Historical footprints

31. By that time, however, the Bassoon had already emerged in Germany as a refinement, much as the oboe refined the shawm.

32. By that time the respondent had loaded the machine into his van and had rejoined his employer in the key department.

33. By that time the flame was also very thin, and where it touched the wall the molten rock spat and ran.

34. But the system of fixed exchange rates established after the war and based on the dollar had already disintegrated by that time.

35. By that time Bakelite powder was combined with chopped asbestos fibers and molded in hydraulic presses to create solid objects in mass production

36. By that time, the lantern room and the Fresnel lens had been removed, and an automated aero beacon was placed on the tower.

37. It had, by that time, acquired a coat of black enamel so that it looked nothing more than a fairly interesting black statuette.

38. By that time, humans had definitively colonized Southeast Asia, and it seemed highly unlikely that the two species had Coexisted for thousands of years

39. By that time Bugles had advanced to G/D instruments with a horizontally mounted piston change valve, but often with poor intonation and construction

40. It was off season and, by that time, decidedly out of fashion, and it had already begun its descent into shabbiness and eventual demolition.

41. By that time the Battle of Cepeda had ended the authority of the Supreme Directors, starting the period known as Anarchy of the year 20.

42. By that time, three literature depots were operating in France, and subscriptions for the French Watch Tower could be sent to any of these three addresses.

43. By that time the Cold War had become a fact of life, and Boeing used its short-range missile technology to develop and build an intercontinental missile.

44. By that time, Matviyenko was firmly allied with Russian President Vladimir Putin, an alliance which secured her a victory in the gubernatorial elections in Saint Petersburg, Putin's native city.

45. By that time, players had begun increasing the thickness of the fast sponge layer on their paddles, which made the game excessively fast and difficult to watch on television.

46. It isn't hard to understand why Cold blooded received so many lukewarm reviews when it came out in 1983; by that time, Rick James was being increasingly formulaic and predictable

47. Afraid they speed up wantoned, in the hereafter again some what impair the words of kinglet Ye reputation spread to go and then wanted to forbid a tube by that time, only afraid is also night.

48. ‘There is a national procedure for Amalgamations involving a joint managerial body and provision for a set of discussions leading to preferences for amalgamation.’ ‘By that time it was halfway into reorganising itself for April 2001 into 42 new areas, eight of which were Amalgamations …

49. ‘By that time, the Aviatrix had gone on to produce an exhibition and command the Women's Air Training Corp during World War II.’ ‘Berlin's story was typical twenties fluff about a dashing Wall Street financier and a madcap Aviatrix aboard a luxury liner, made topical by a plot twist involving the 1929 crash.’

50. While 'Cold blooded' is not quite at the level of the 1-2 KO punch that was 'Street Songs' and 'Throwin Down', you can tell the New Wave scene that was becoming increasingly popular by that time in black music had finally hit Rick hard and ended up being reflected in this release.