Nghĩa của từ unilaterally bằng Hindi


  1. एकपक्षीयता~से "The troops agreed for ceasefire unilaterally."

Đặt câu có từ "unilaterally"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unilaterally", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unilaterally, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unilaterally trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. The district unilaterally proclaimed its independence from the national government.

2. The U.S. unilaterally declared an end to the conflict in 1902.

3. Despite their rise today, neither of them can unilaterally transform the world.

आज उनके उदयमान होने के बावजूद भी, उनमें से कोई भी अकेले, विश्व का रूपांतरण नहीं कर सकता है।

4. Autocratic management is the form of leadership that enables managers to make decisions unilaterally

5. The matter of delimitation needs the two countries to negotiate. It can't be decided unilaterally.

6. Such a sum cannot be fixed unilaterally by the OIV but must be agreed with the Community.

7. Current account imbalances and exchange rates are economic variables shared among nations, and not fully determined unilaterally

8. Any attempt, therefore, to unilaterally determine tri-junction points is in violation of this understanding.

इसलिए, एकतरफा त्रिसंगम बिन्दुओं को निर्धारित करने का कोई भी प्रयास इस समझ का उल्लंघन है।

9. Question:Akbar, recently China withdrew unilaterally its huge USD 1 billion oil rig from Vietnamese waters.

प्रश्न: अकबर, हाल ही में चीन ने वियतनामी समुद्र से अपने विशाल 1 बिलियन अमरीकी डालर के तेल रिग को एकतरफा वापस ले लिया।

10. Biafra, secessionist western African state that unilaterally declared its independence from Nigeria in May 1967

11. Ah is a relatively uncommon, usually seen unilaterally in patients over 55 years of age

12. What are DFO’s intentions if these First Nations attempt to increase their fisheries access unilaterally?

13. The issues and problems associated with mode # cannot be addressed by individual countries acting unilaterally

14. In international custom,(sentencedict .com) a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.

15. Current account imbalances and exchange rates are economic variables shared among nations, and not fully determined unilaterally.

16. When Britain Behaves unilaterally, it decides to pay off 10% of the the debt of the Third World

17. Mr. Cymbalista, moreover, acknowledged that the graders would never unilaterally alter a grading rule without the appellant's approval.

18. By July 1948 negotiations were in deadlock and the Netherlands pushed unilaterally towards Van Mook's federal Indonesia concept .

19. The notification has been made unilaterally by Fujitsu Limited with the consent and cooperation of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

20. India was among the first emerging economies to unilaterally put in place a duty-free market access scheme for LDCs.

भारत ऐसी पहली उभरतीय अर्थव्यवस्थाओं में से एक था जिसने सबसे कम विकसित देशों के लिए एकपक्षीय रूप से ड्यूटी फ्री बाजार पहुंच स्कीम को लागू किया।

21. In violation of immigration law, the federal government allowed state and local governments to unilaterally deport citizens without due process.

22. Russian authorities had to rush to modify the fateful law. Following these amendments, “foreign agents” are now being unilaterally registered, without any judicial review.

23. The attempts to replay agreed actions unilaterally every time, the lack of any wish to perceive the real situation as it is, never leads to anygood.

24. The main symptom is intracranial leptomeningeal angiomatosis which mostly affects the occipital and posterior parietal lobes and can occur unilaterally and also bilaterally.

25. In both of these diseases, muscle involvement may begin unilaterally but always develops into a bilateral deficit, and the course is progressive.

26. Arguing that Japan acted unilaterally was Clive James, novelist, provocateur, T. V. icon, and one of the greatest English-language essayists alive.

27. However, in 2003, Syria unilaterally declared its maritime zones, adhering to the 12 nautical miles allowed by the United Nations Law of the Sea.

28. 27 August: Strike: The Maoist call for a three-day strike to denounce the Army's attacks on their cadres The Maoists unilaterally withdraw from the 29 January cease-fire.

29. In these circumstances departments must charge or credit the amounts unilaterally to their own appropriations, using offset accounts assigned to them by the Receiver General.

30. Charles Krauthammer first used the phrase in June 2001 to describe the Bush Administration's "unilaterally withdrawing from the ABM treaty and rejecting the Kyoto protocol."

31. Court of Appeals agreed with Judge Boasberg's findings, ruling that "[t]he IRS may not unilaterally expand its authority through such an expansive, Atextual, and

32. They typically occur unilaterally, are confined to the adnexae (FIGO stage I) and clinically present with non-specific abdominal symptoms or are diagnosed by chance.

33. Further, Symtron alleged that Defence Construction modified unilaterally, and after bid closing, the 48-hour period during which bidders might provide price revisions and, thereby, improperly initiated and conducted negotiations.

34. Court of Appeals agreed with Judge Boasberg's findings, ruling that "[t]he IRS may not unilaterally expand its authority through such an expansive, Atextual, and ahistorical reading of

35. Arcuate This location generally corresponded to the rostro-caudal level of the genu of the Arcuate sulcus. From the Cambridge English Corpus The skull was opened above the frontal lobe unilaterally

36. The purpose of this work was to analyze variations in maxillary arch dimensions in subjects presenting unilaterally impacted maxillary permanent central incisors compared with a control group of subjects without eruption anomalies.

37. 19 hours ago · Asked if the political discourse had become more Acerbic post-lockdown, Kidwai answered in the affirmative and claimed the reason was that the government decided on steps to fight the pandemic ''unilaterally''

38. In one patient who was operated on at the age of 38 years, a fracture of the alveolar process of the maxilla occurred unilaterally due to the completed ossification of the median palatine suture.

39. The range of possibilities to promote human rights unilaterally is, despite the legal restrictions, very broad. This is because economic relations, as opposed to relations of pure force, can operate "above the line", in positive territory.

40. The most alarming example was the United Kingdom announcing in a letter in October 2007 that it had unilaterally decided to cap the number of teachers detached to the European Schools to 20-25 posts per year.

41. See bellicose ‘So far, all the running for a ‘regime change’, as it is delicately known, has come from the president and his main security advisers, but for all their Bellicosity they cannot declare war unilaterally.’

42. reserve itself the rights to cancel unilaterally, temporally or permanently, and without prior notice, the access to its blogs system, to the partial or total content of these ones, in reason of the eventual need for maintenance, repair, actualisation, improvement of these ones or incompatibility withe offered service.

43. When Confronted with a direct threat to American security, Obama has shown he is willing to act unilaterally - in a targeted, get-in-and-get-out fashion, that avoids, at all costs, the kind of messy ground wars and lengthy occupations that have drained America's treasury and …

44. A Michigan judge ruled last week that Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated state law by unilaterally altering Absentee voting rules ahead of the 2020 presidential election.At issue is a now-invalidated directive Benson issued to Michigan clerks in October relating to the signature review of Absentee ballots

45. When Cobelligerents address issues of resource supply and distribution, specifically the coordination of money and material, 9 four options are available to them: (1) Cobelligerents can supply themselves and avoid cooperation with their Cobelligerents; (2) resources can be unilaterally provided by a single member of the coalition and the terms

46. At the same time many countries at the PC session quite scathingly criticized the actions of the US administration, which has unilaterally decided to withdraw from ABM Treaty of 1972, refused to submit to Congress for ratification the START-2 Treaty and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and is discussing the possibility of developing space-based nuclear antiballistic-missile weapons.

47. The Spanish-American war begun in 1898 was actually launched unilaterally by Anglophilic racist Theodore Roosevelt who used the 4 hour window he had while Undersecretary of the Navy (while the actual Secretary was out of Washington) to send orders to Captain Dewey of the Pacific fleet to engage in a fight with the Spanish over their Philippine

48. The worst phases in India-US relations were during the Republican Administration of Richard Nixon, and the US-Pakistan-China axis during the Bangladesh liberation war, and again during the Democratic Administration of Jimmy Carter, when the Tarapur agreement was unilaterally abrogated and the US took the lead in establishing an international nonproliferation regime with the aim of isolating India in the wake of our 1974 nuclear test.

जापान के अतिरिक्त भारत ही एक मात्र गैर नाटो देश था जिसे एक सुपर कम्प्यूटर की भी आपूर्ति की गई थी। रिचर्ड निक्सन का रिपब्लिकन प्रशासन तथा बंगलादेश मुक्ति युद्ध के दौरान अमरीका-पाकिस्तान-चीन ध्रुव तथा पुन: जिमी कार्टर का डेमोक्रेटिक प्रशासन भारत-अमरीकी संबंधों का सबसे खराब दौर था। इस प्रशासन के दौरान तारापुर करार को एकपक्षीय तरीके से रद्द

49. To offset some European sensibilities, the Administration at least attempted to blur the boundaries between national, theatre and force missile defence to reinforce the credentials of missile defence as an internationalist package. However, nothing in the recent policy announcements of the Bush administration suggests that it has been diverted from its own internal timetable for the development and ultimate deployment of a missile defence system that now goes far beyond the limited shield envisaged by the Clinton administration, with little regard for the strategic implications of such a stance.57 The only limits are technological rather than political, to which the October 2001 decision to unilaterally abrogate the 1972 ABM Treaty attests.