Nghĩa của từ torture bằng Hindi

torture <N.>

  1. उत्पीडन "The torture was unaccountable for the jews ." torture
  2. अति~कष्ट~देना "The innocents were tortured by the jailor."

Đặt câu có từ "torture"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "torture", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ torture, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ torture trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. ‘Torture’ is broadly defined in domestic law to punish all acts of torture. b

2. Destroy the torture you.

3. 9 Destroy the torture you.

4. Torture her until she breaks.

5. The torture made him confess.

6. But purgatory, torture, hell itself.

7. 11 She died under torture.

8. That's gotta be torture for him.

9. They don't torture or take trophies.

10. Students spoke of torture and mistreatment.

11. 26 The torture made him confess.

12. His confession was extracted under torture.

13. Torture was used and Fian confessed.

14. This isn't an interrogation, it's torture.

15. So why do you torture yourself?

16. One must neither torture it or oneself."

17. The prisoner was subjected to systematic torture.

18. 29 Waiting for the result was torture.

19. 2 His confessions were made under torture.

20. Starvation would be A form of torture.

21. 21 He revealed the secret under torture.


23. 23 Torture was used and Fian confessed.

24. The prisoners were routinely subjected to torture.

25. Wan did not intend to make a "torture porn" film as the script only had one short segment of "torture."

26. By the accounts of executions and torture

27. 5 His confession was extracted under torture.

28. He was found guilty of mass killing, murder, abduction, torture, rape, persecution and Abetment of torture in central Mymensingh region

29. We torture ourselves needlessly by competing and comparing.

30. it was a summer of suntan and torture.

31. It says torture and summary execution are common.

32. The torture can not make the man recant.

33. He is worryingly as to what constitutes torture.

34. Torture was certainly practised by Europeans upon Europeans.

35. 28 The prisoners were routinely subjected to torture.

36. 19 This tooth of mine is sheer torture!

37. He claims his confession was extracted under torture.

38. Effective administrative measures to prevent acts of torture

39. Forgotten what medieval torture high heels can be.

40. This time the torture was even more severe.

41. It's torture to wear clothes with a sunburn.

42. 4 Many of the refugees have suffered torture.

43. Torture is still being used to intimidate detainees.

44. He died after five days of excruciating torture.

45. I needed a break from the constant torture.

46. You might even torture yourself with “if onlys.”

47. She was subjected to torture and lengthy interrogations.

48. 15 Even under torture, Maskell refused to talk .

49. 1 The prisoner was subjected to systematic torture.

50. Amnesty International chronicles cases of torture and mutilation.