Nghĩa của từ serviceable bằng Hindi


  1. उपयोगी "This toy has broken but still serviceable."

Đặt câu có từ "serviceable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "serviceable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ serviceable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ serviceable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. Battable: Fattening; serviceable as pasture

2. Urban called Pearce's performance merely "serviceable".

3. Mishimoto Catch cans are fully serviceable and cleanable

4. No longer will simply-serviceable shoulder bags suffice.

5. Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.

6. 3 The jeans and sleeveless T-shirt were serviceable.

7. Synonyms for Applicative include practical, functional, useful, practicable, working, usable, serviceable, useable, workable and actionable

8. Synonyms for Actionable include practical, functional, practicable, useful, working, usable, useable, serviceable, workable and applicable

9. 14 So this lowly, serviceable one would be most missed if he were obliged to be absent.

10. Antonyms for Adorning include functional, utilitarian, serviceable, unpretentious, efficient, pragmatic, plain, practical, sensible and useful

11. The permanent items were accounted for individually, used and returned for replacement when no longer serviceable.

12. The air cleaner arrangement includes a serviceable filter cartridge comprising strips of media arranged in a stacked configuration.

13. The floor (202) opening provides an access to the serviceable components (112) by removing the access panel (300).

14. Storage conditions ensure segregation of serviceable components and material from unserviceable aircraft components, material, equipment and tools.

15. The S S Bodegraven was an elderly steam freighter, serviceable for short hauls but not built for military action.

16. The freehand sketch recognition system is developed in the above method and confirms our algorithms to be serviceable and extensible.

17. Add some snapshots, maybe a short video or audio clip and you have the makings of a very serviceable blog post or report.

18. The principle of attribute reduction is introduced, and the reduction of attribute is presented based on conditional information quantity, all serviceable logging attributes are optimally selected.

19. The Buckbean, or Bogbean or Marsh Trefoil, which is common enough in stagnant pools, and on our spongy bogs, is the most serviceable of all known herbal tonics

20. For many weeks I had been tweaking fetchmail rather incrementally while feeling like the interface design was serviceable but grubby—inelegant and with too many exiguous options hanging out all over.

21. For many weeks I had been tweaking fetchmail rather incrementally while feeling like the interface design was serviceable but grubby—inelegant and with too many exiguous options hanging out all over.

22. New features of Hartell’s Condensate Pumps include quick connect, serviceable check valve and reversible reservoir with standard provisions for low level inlet, to provide more installation options and easier maintenance.

23. Yet Airworthy and serviceable, words having the potential to swing a deal from profit to loss, are oftentimes left in lowercase and undefined for the parties to argue about later

24. For curves of equal azimuth and of equal differences of azimuth a treatment analogous to that of the circles of equal altitudes is proposed, for great circles as position lines another more serviceable treatment is discussed.

25. when ACAS is installed and serviceable, it shall be used in flight in a mode that enables resolution advisories (RA) to be produced unless to do so would not be appropriate for conditions existing at the time

26. The operator shall establish operational procedures and training programs when ACAS is installed and serviceable so that the flight crew is appropriately trained in the avoidance of collisions and competent in the use of ACAS II equipment.

27. Then the sailmaker would carefully cover each hole with a square inch of Irish linen frayed at the edges and with a Brushful of dope make our aircraft 'serviceable' again within an hour." Lewis, Cecil

28. Although it's now used to mean "roomy," in the 18th century "Commodious" was regularly used to mean "handy" or "serviceable," a meaning that is true to the word's …

29. In accordance with the strategic deployment stocks concept, the Secretariat will procure key items, such as vehicles, communications and engineering equipment, and accommodation and ablution units, store them at UNLB and ensure that they are kept current and serviceable

30. Visitor facilities that have reached the end of their serviceable life, or no longer meet the needs of park visitors include the kitchen shelter overlooking North Rustico Beach, the western portion of the Brackley day use area including the tennis court and washroom building, the abandoned Robinsons Island day use area, and a paved driveway loop west of the Cape Turner picnic area.