Nghĩa của từ sectarian bằng Hindi


  1. सांप्रदायिक "Sectarian Violence destroys national feeling among the people." "The political leaders turned sectarians in their views."

Đặt câu có từ "sectarian"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sectarian", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sectarian, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sectarian trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. And sectarian politics will continue to breed sectarian violence.

2. Sectarian politics are ruining the country's economy.

3. Iraqi officials say public discord encourages sectarian violence.

4. The second is the exacerbation of sectarian divides.

दूसरा सरोकार साम्प्रदायिक मनमुटाव में अत्यधिक वृद्धि से संबंधित है।

5. Boehmist Receptions: Sectarian, Churchly, Esoteric, Literary, and Philosophical 5.6

6. The issues were, of course, ethnic sectarian violence.

7. This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide.

8. Indeed, it became increasingly torn apart by sectarian and ideological division.

9. Instead, Museveni says, parties make appeals along tribal or sectarian lines.

10. Religion is often linked to violence, including sectarian violence and terrorism.

11. The Six-Day War of 1967, strained sectarian relations in Lebanon.

12. He held the Confucianism and was not lindted by sectarian bias.

13. He was the fifth person to be killed in sectarian violence.

14. Setting out “to free philosophical radicalism from the reproach of sectarian Benthamism”, J

15. The sectarian violence of Northern Ireland is a different matter altogether.

16. The war has pulverized Iraqi society, dissolving it into an ethno-sectarian patchwork.

17. A spate of sectarian kidnappings and threats followed, some of which turned fatal.

18. Police said yesterday there appeared to be no sectarian motive for the killing.

19. The facades of neoclassic landmarks were blown to bits during the sectarian fighting.

20. Church leaders hold crisis talks on wave of sectarian murders - see page

21. Then there is sectarian competition - over what is evangelical, too evangelical, not evangelical enough.

22. Scholar Abiel Abbot Livermore called this “an instance of the sectarian biases of the translators.”

विद्वान एबीअल एबट लिवरमोर ने कहा कि “अनुवादकों ने अपनी विचारधारा को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ऐसा किया था।”

23. By the end of the first century, sectarian influences were seen in the congregations.

24. Military governance has not ended sectarian violence or brought a return of foreign investment.

25. Ostentatiously non-sectarian, Larkin was invariably opposed by the Catholic hierarchy on social issues.

26. The American Guild of Organists (Ago) is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization

27. He knew, as we all know, that educating children in sectarian schools divides the community.

28. This involvement testifies to a gradual shift of emphasis from the sectarian to the collaborative.

29. By Thursday, an embittered and outraged Northern Ireland seemed headed again toward sectarian combat.

30. A move that escalated sectarian tensions and threatened to collapse Iraq 's fragile power-sharing government .

31. In all these Puranas the goddess Lakshmi is given a laudable place without any sectarian dispute.

32. He called on terrorists on both sides of the sectarian divide to end the cycle of violence.

33. 30 This involvement testifies to a gradual shift of emphasis from the sectarian to the collaborative.

34. 19 Each suspected the other of seeking a sectarian platform, and each perpetually undermined the other.

35. Ananda is a worldwide movement based on non-sectarian yoga teachings of Paramhansa YogAnanda, which

36. They may reduce the risk of attack, but they can not prevent random sectarian murders.

37. Each suspected the other of seeking a sectarian platform, and each perpetually undermined the other.

38. The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression.

39. Political efforts to conform law or policy to narrow or sectarian teaching are often acted out coercively, not compassionately.

40. “The monster of sectarian violence is well out of its cage,” said one report back in 1969.

41. Southern states, usually less prone to sectarian violence, were also hit, with many deaths reported from Karnataka and Kerala.

42. In future the only option is partisan struggle, Nizan was not simply playing the role of orthodox sectarian militant.

43. Sudarshan ' s desire to minimise sectarian conflict is understandable but his remedy is sledge - hammer and his tone too righteous .

फिरकावाराना तकरारों को खत्म करने की सुदर्शन की चिंता समज्ह में आती है पर उनका समाधान हथौड चलने जैसा है , तेवर धर्मपरायण - सा .

44. AQAP is taking advantage of the situation and promoting a sectarian Shiite-Sunni (that is, Zaydi-Shafi) divide.

45. I also remain concerned about the situation in Ambon, Maluku, where sectarian violence flared up again in April

46. The subsequent phase between 1934 and 1939 signalled the return of the party from the political wilderness of sectarian isolationism.

47. Cannon School is an accredited, independent, coeducational, non-sectarian, college-preparatory school serving nearly 1,000 students in junior kindergarten - twelfth grade

48. Few disciples followed him, his purist rigour being unsuited to compromise or the political infighting which wracked the sectarian Left.sentence dictionary

49. Celibacy among Jews was a strictly sectarian practice; Josephus ascribes it to some of the *Essenes (Wars 2:120–21)

50. More than 000 people have died there in the past four years in a catalogue of political, ethnic and sectarian violence.