Nghĩa của từ immediacy bằng Hindi

immediacy <N.>

  1. कालिक~सन्निकटता

Đặt câu có từ "immediacy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "immediacy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ immediacy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ immediacy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. Immediacy above all.

2. Newspapers lack the immediacy of television.

3. Television brings a new immediacy to world events.

4. He suffered the results in all their immediacy.

5. The moving image has immediacy and can offer vivid detail.

6. Do they understand the immediacy of the crisis?

7. 1 The immediacy of the Prophet’s response is significant.

8. Our aim is immediacy of response to emergency calls.

9. The other thing that turned me on to television was immediacy.

10. They approached the peace talks with a sense of immediacy.

11. In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.

12. Benignancy •radiancy •immediacy, intermediacy •expediency • idiocy • saliency •resiliency • leniency •incipiency, recipiency •recreancy

13. Television allows viewers to experience an event without any loss of immediacy.

14. But while Burrows' concerns are revealed only tangentially, Smith's are delivered with her usual immediacy.

15. Words we might employ to describe that experience would include authenticity, first-handedness, liveliness and immediacy.

16. The individuality, immediacy and mimicry in computer games satisfy the needs from these people.

17. Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity, such manic-depressive immediacy.

18. They demand our attention with the same immediacy as the everyday crises in our lives.

19. But a phone interview has a certain immediacy, so you do a phone interview.

20. The inner robot switched off, leaving the conscious man to cope with real problems, the immediacy of living.

21. To represent means to take the past and make it live again, giving it immediacy, vitality.

22. The very messiness of ''Bamboozled'' lends it an immediacy and heat that a more polished movie couldn't have generated

23. The present tense is used in this case because it carries a sense of immediacy and impact.

24. Digital picture quality is said to be still no match for conventional photographic film but the big advantage is immediacy.

25. The Antigua Newsroom aims to deliver accurate, breaking news and current affairs to the public with immediacy.

26. The immediacy of these visionary experiences endows them with a high degree of intensity, but also renders them fleeting and transient.

27. 20 Some aspects of this immediacy can also be transmitted by our contacts with non-human organisms whose lifespan far exceeds our own.

28. While all these words mean "devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character," Banal stresses the complete absence of freshness, novelty, or immediacy

29. It incorporates the principles of the right to a public hearing, adversarial procedure, concentration, continuity and immediacy, with proceedings that shall be accusatorial and oral in nature;

30. The said Acquiescent tends to be caught off-guard upon hearing they have been called an Acquiescent, and thus, become even more so when they do not understand the meaning of the word in immediacy.

31. Here's a period piece with irresistible immediacy, a brilliant pairing of a monarch who's heroic by virtue of his personal struggle, and an uncommon commoner who helps him find his authentic voice.

32. Vampire®: The Masquerade-Bloodlines™ delivers a new type of RPG experience-one that blends all the core elements of a traditional RPG with the graphical richness, immediacy and brutal combat of a first-person action game

33. Though tempered by comparison, the artist's stylistic extravagance - manifest in expressionistically smeared, splattered, and Abraded paint handling - calls to mind Cecily Brown's fluent foregrounding of oil's in-the-flesh immediacy and the cunning ease with which obfuscatory gestures can suggest sexual frisson.

34. “Parallel Lines” presents Blondie’s graduation from juvenile inexperienced diamonds-in-the-rough to purveyors of polished pop with new wave sensibilities, and although it alienated their original fanbase, its fluency and immediacy meant that many of its songs became ubiquitous and propelled the band to superstardom

35. Committed to the immediacy of the relationship between the actor and the audience, Bedlam creates works of theatre that reinvigorate traditional forms in a flexible, raw space, collapsing aesthetic distance and bringing its viewers into direct contact with the dangers and delicacies of life.

36. There was immediacy to it because in the context of the UN General Assembly Session which is already under way, there was a question of the acceptance of the credentials of the delegation of the Transitional National Council of Libya, and we have extended support to acceptance of their credentials.

इसकी तात्कालिकता थी क्योंकि संयुक्त राष्ट्र महाधिवेशन, जो चल रहा है, के संदर्भ में लीबिया की संक्रमण कालीन राष्ट्रीय परिषद के प्रतिनिधिमण्डल का प्रत्यय पत्र स्वीकार किए जाने का प्रश्न था।

37. Touristsplan their trips in great detail often both to avoid the Awkwardnessand embarrassmentthat comes diacritics/December 1980 9 from being in a strangeplace and to be able to appreciate "morefully"what they see, that is to perceive it more "authentically"or "theway it ought to be seen." But all this preparationto assurethe immediacy or