Nghĩa của từ headship bằng Hindi

headship <N.>

  1. नेतृत्व "स्वतंत्रता संग्राम गाँधीजी के"headship"में लड़ा गया था."

Đặt câu có từ "headship"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "headship", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ headship, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ headship trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi


2. Acknowledge headship, age, and authority.

3. Headship and head covering (2-16)

4. Why is the headship arrangement in marriage beneficial?

5. The principle of headship also applies in congregational activities.

6. 7 How is that headship to be exercised?

7. 7 Often, men have difficulty finding a balance with headship.

8. Never be bossy or tyrannical in exercising headship, but manifest humility.

9. In view of the Bible principle of headship, you may heartily agree.

10. A head covering is a sign of respect for headship

11. By what visible means is Christ’s headship represented in the congregation?

12. No. 3: td 26B Christians Must Respect the Principle of Headship

13. Those who come under his headship “find refreshment for [their] souls.”

14. 27 Husband, ask yourself: Is my headship easy for my wife to respect?

15. Adonai always has reference to headship, and to God's purpose of blessing

16. 8. (a) Whose example are husbands supposed to follow in exercising headship?

17. By simply acceding in their minds and hearts to the headship of their husbands.

18. (Genesis 3:16) This abusive domineering has not been the proper exercise of headship.

19. 6 Jesus’ example teaches husbands that Christian headship is not a position of harsh domination.

6 यीशु की मिसाल मसीही पतियों को सिखाती है कि मुखियापन का यह मतलब नहीं कि वे अपनी पत्नियों के साथ कठोरता से पेश आएँ और उन पर रौब जमाएँ।

20. 18. (a) How can applying the principle of headship help elders to avoid compromising situations?

21. How can elders be balanced in their exercise of headship in the congregation and the home?

22. 18 One factor for elders to take into account is the principle of headship.

23. Headship exercised according to Christ’s example leads to joy and satisfaction for both partners

जब एक पति, मसीह की तरह मुखियापन की ज़िम्मेदारी निभाता है, तो इससे पति-पत्नी दोनों को खुशी और संतोष मिलता है

24. It also calls for tact, since the Christian wife must respect her husband’s headship.

25. On the other hand, a great number of men simply abandon their headship responsibilities, as Adam did.

दूसरी ओर, बड़ी संख्या में पुरुष अपनी मुखियापन की ज़िम्मेदारियों को यूँ ही त्याग देते हैं, जैसे आदम ने किया था।

26. There is simply no substitute for proper headship if there is to be a genuinely happy marriage.

27. The husband’s headship is to be exercised always in a loving way, not in a tyrannical manner.

28. (Ephesians 5:22, 23) A husband may feel that headship entitles him to absolute control.

29. Husbands and wives especially appreciated the admonition in the discourse, “Husbands, Assume Your Responsibilities of Headship.”

30. It carries the thought of ownership or headship and is used of God and of men.

31. For a family to be without headship would be like trying to drive an automobile without a steering wheel.

प्रधानता के बिना एक परिवार उस मोटरगाड़ी के समान है जिसे चालन चक्का के बिना चलाने का प्रयत्न किया जाय।

32. (Ephesians 1:22) Since then, Jesus has been exercising his headship, thus demonstrating his administrative ability.

(इफिसियों 1:22) तब से यीशु मुखिया की ज़िम्मेदारी निभा रहा है और प्रशासन चलाने की अपनी बढ़िया काबिलीयत का सबूत दे रहा है।

33. A good husband is not harsh and dictatorial, wrongly using his headship as a club to browbeat his wife.

34. (Luke 6:12-16) These were to be the foundation of an administrative body to operate under his headship.

35. (Eph 5:23) But his headship also obliges him to accept the duty of caring for the congregation and bearing responsibility for his decisions.

36. The problem of wife abuse is not one of feminism, secular humanism or a lack of headship in the home.

37. He may consider this a demonstration of his manly headship, feeling it weak to accede to her wish that they wait until another time.

38. Her husband may not be a dedicated Christian, and may even be opposed on this account, but that does not abrogate or minimize the principle of headship.

39. It is from “the abyss” that the symbolic locusts come forth under the headship of their king, Abaddon or Apollyon, “the angel of the abyss.”

40. Their words and actions over a period of time could demonstrate to others that they really loved their father and appreciated the fine way he exercised his headship.

41. Or, if the wife were to compete with such headship, it would be like having two drivers in the car, each with a steering wheel controlling a separate front wheel.

अथवा यदि एक पत्नी इस प्रकार की प्रधानता के लिये प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले तो यह एक मोटरगाड़ी में दो चालकों के होने के समान है जिनमें प्रत्येक के पास सामने के पृथक पहिये को नियन्त्रण करने के लिए अपना-अपना चालन चक्का है।

42. The family would not be like a ship with two competing captains, but headship would be exercised by Adam. —1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:22-24; 1 Timothy 2:12, 13.

43. These, he said, are Christians who are united in bonds of Christian love and common interest, who respond to the direction of the spirit of God, and who submit to the headship of Christ.

44. (Genesis 1:28) The feminine family role for Eve was to be a “helper” and “a complement” to Adam, submissive to his headship, cooperating with him in the accomplishment of God’s declared purpose for them.—Genesis 2:18; 1 Corinthians 11:3.

(उत्पत्ति १:२८) हव्वा की स्त्रैण पारिवारिक भूमिका थी आदम के लिए एक “सहायक” और “संपूरक” होना, उसके मुखियापन के प्रति अधीनता दिखाना, उनके लिए घोषित परमेश्वर के उद्देश्य को पूरा करने में उसका सहयोग देना।—उत्पत्ति २:१८; १ कुरिन्थियों ११:३.

45. Headship Respect, For Human Beings Church Authority, Of Eldars Leadership elders, in the church Admonition, Of Leaders Diligence, Examples Of Respecting Authority Appreciation For Pastors But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction,