Nghĩa của từ enormity bằng Hindi

enormity <N.>

  1. महापाप "In Jainism killing of animals is an enormity."

Đặt câu có từ "enormity"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "enormity", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ enormity, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ enormity trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. Incomprehensible, the enormity of it all.

2. Used to symbolize enormity of greatness.

3. 18 synonyms for Atrociousness: atrocity, enormity, heinousness, monstrousness, atrocity

4. But first consider the worldwide enormity of the abortion problem.

5. I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.

6. It's difficult to grasp the sheer enormity of the tragedy.

7. Her words brought home the enormity of what was happening.

8. The enormity of the crime has shocked even experienced policemen.

9. Even now, the full enormity of his crimes has not been exposed.

10. Synonyms for Blatancy include barefacedness, brazenness, conspicuousness, flagrancy, obviousness, ostentation, overtness, shamelessness, enormity and egregiousness

11. Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village.

12. 26 It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster.

13. When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent.

14. 6 It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.

15. I was speechless, still trying to assimilate the enormity of what he'd told me.

16. Even the most intrepid social workers were aghast at the enormity of it all.

17. It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.

18. Can it conceal the enormity of the economic and financial damage inflicted on the [ Zionist ] entity?

19. I was speechless,( still trying to assimilate the enormity of what he'd told me.

20. Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country's economy.

21. The dizzying enormity of that distance is suggested by noting that light travels 700 million miles an hour.

22. The band's resolve increased tenfold, although Morrissey was a little stunned by the enormity of the upcoming task.

23. Hanging would seem quite a lenient sentence considering the enormity of his crime in those harsh old days.

24. That’s an unusually over-dramatic hyperbole, which Aggrandises the enormity of Oshiomhole’s defeat–and the deep psychic rupture he must be nursing now

25. 7 Its chanting quality sounds a note of buoyancy and music in the evocation of the enormity of the Crucifixion.

26. Mary Anoints all of us today, knowing full well what our world is capable of and knowing the enormity of emotion that we carry

27. Many of these aristocrats, such as Cicero, kept the contents of their private libraries to themselves, only boasting of the enormity of his collection.

28. Badder seemed to admit more enormity than simply bad, “I—I went in the park to walk and I staid so long that—that––” A MODERN CINDERELLA AMANDA M

29. Bycatch, the incidental capture of non-target species in fisheries, is the largest threat to marine mammals globally, but the global policy response lags behind the enormity of the issue

30. Feel at home surfing and bodyboarding while admiring the enormity of the Morro de Arica, an Iconic National Monument where you can go trekking with your family or parasail from its summit

31. When you use the adjective strategic, it both indicates in a sense the long-term nature of the understandings between us and the enormity of the implications of what it is that we were discussing.

जब आप रणनीति के विशेषण का प्रयोग करते हैं तो यह हमारे बीच समझ के दीर्घावधि स्वरूप और हमारी चर्चा के प्रभावों की विशालता को दर्शाता है।

32. Aggravation, in law, is "any circumstance attending the commission of a crime or tort which increases its guilt or enormity or adds to its injurious consequences, but which is above and beyond the essential constituents of the crime or tort itself."

33. 5 And now, Teancum saw that the Lamanites were determined to maintain those cities which they had taken, and those parts of the land which they had obtained possession of; and also seeing the enormity of their number, Teancum thought it was not expedient that he should attempt to attack them in their forts.

34. The Aghast and thunderstricken philosophers remained gazing at each other for a moment.: I heard Cousin Egbert say with what I was Aghast to suspect was admiration.: When mamma saw the wide staircase leading to the dormitories she was Aghast.: Mercedes begged, Aghast, quaking in realisation of the enormity of her mistake