Nghĩa của từ decolonization bằng Hindi

decolonization <N.>

  1. उपनिवेषवाद का अंत "The eastern states went through the process of decolonization later."

Đặt câu có từ "decolonization"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "decolonization", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ decolonization, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ decolonization trong bộ từ điển Từ điển tiếng Anh - Hindi

1. We fought for decolonization.

2. African Discourse on Africanization and Decolonization

3. Action on proposals submitted under decolonization items

4. To answer this question we must first understand the concept of decolonization.

5. In the midcentury era of decolonization, which saw India become the world’s largest democracy.

6. The great waves of decolonization were just stirring; the few developing countries were seen as objects, not subjects, of history.

7. In some countries ideology is behind the move, in others, the consequences of decolonization.

8. Archaizing Futurism: Decolonization and Anarcofeminism in "De cuando en cuando Saturnina" Hannah A

9. The Committee will continue to improve cooperation with the administering Powers at all stages of the decolonization process.

10. What is Caucusing? Throughout the convention, attendees will have the opportunity to meet with colleagues and dialogue around issues of race and decolonization in higher education and student affairs as well as strategize ways to engage in personal and professional racial justice and decolonization action.

11. In other cases, decolonization sometimes facilitated the establishment of democracies that were soon replaced by authoritarian regimes.

12. In many ways, what we have witnessed in Egypt today is the real decolonization of this country.

13. After World War II, the position of the British Empire became perilous under the impact of the tide of nationalism and decolonization.

14. And the traditional focus on "fidelity" in translation practices always prevents the Third World countries from the total decolonization .

15. It was absolutely critical to set action-oriented objectives and to explore a different approach to the immediate and full implementation of the Declaration on decolonization.

16. Patients who are carriers can be screened and decolonization can be carried out preoperatively, potentially lowering the risk of periprosthetic joint infection.

17. This submerged everything, until in recent times it was in turn submerged in the bitter and prolonged conflicts of decolonization.

18. Despite their rhetoric, I argue that contemporary, nationalist discourses of Autochthonies have not – and cannot – succeed in realizing decolonization, precisely because of their reliance on

19. Decolonization was associated with the spread of ideologies of national self-determination and ultimately the near-universality of the sovereign nation-state.

20. It is my further hope that this study will serve to enlighten the dominated cultures on their decolonization activities in the field of literary translation in the postcolonial context.

21. Arabizing education in the Maghreb was considered a fundamental act of decolonization, yet its promotion of a single national language provoked much criticism

22. The second distinguishing feature of the Arab world has been the longevity and intensity of the assorted tyrannies that have preyed on it since formal decolonization.

23. Unlike any of these zones, however, formal decolonization has been accompanied by a virtually uninterrupted sequence of imperial wars and interventions in the post-colonial period.

24. The aftermath of the Vietnam War and decolonization of former colonies held by the European great powers contributed to U.S. perceptions of the United Nations, he said.

25. Europe is the Holocaust, but it is also the destruction of Nazism; it is the Gulag, but also the fall of the Wall; imperialism, but also decolonization; slavery, but also abolition.

26. Asad emphasizes the processes of decolonization in the 1950s and 1960s and the emergence of indigenous, nationalistic historiographies which are bound up with it and often turned accusingly against colonial involvement in anthropology.

27. Nationalist discourses of Autochthonies have not – and cannot – succeed in realizing decolonization, precisely because of their reliance on modes of political, economic, and social exclusion based on the separation of people categorized as either Native-Nationals or as Migrants

28. Despite their rhetoric, I argue that contemporary, nationalist discourses of Autochthonies have not – and cannot – succeed in realizing decolonization, precisely because of their reliance on modes of political, economic, and social exclusion based on the separation of …

29. Re-Africanization can be thought of as a process of decolonization, wherein people of African descent seek to reconstruct their cultural practice in ways that augments the core elements of traditional culture, deconstructs the vestiges of cultural disruption, and adapts these reconceptualized cultural forms to the modern exigencies of the African world.

30. He founded and led UNITA, a movement that first waged a guerrilla war against Portuguese colonial rule, 1966–1974, then confronted the rival MPLA during the decolonization conflict, 1974–75, and after independence in 1975 fought the ruling MPLA in the Angolan Civil War until his death in a

31. Underlined the fact that status-related and/or constitutional review exercises in some of the Non-Self-Governing Territories were delicate processes that should meet certain expectations towards accomplishing their decolonization, on a case-by-case basis and where appropriate, including through informal, working-level communication and dialogue among all concerned;