Nghĩa của từ zooids bằng Tiếng Anh

an animal arising from another by budding or division, especially each of the individuals that make up a colonial organism and typically have different forms and functions.
The most integrated colonies behave like individual organisms, for the zooids making up the colony are all specialized for certain functions and connected to each other.

Đặt câu với từ "zooids"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "zooids", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ zooids, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ zooids trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Bryozoan colonies grow by budding from the adult zooids

2. Other Ascidians may form colonies with many individual animals called zooids

3. Colony showing ovicelled and non-ovicelled zooids and broad-based Avicularian column with spinose extensions

4. Bryozoans are simultaneous hermaphrodites, with individual zooids functioning first as males and then as females

5. All of them are simple and aquatic, and most of them live in the sea.Some are colonial, composed of zooids which may be clones.Cnidarian zooids may take the form of polyps or medusae at different phases of their life.

6. Bryozoan colonies can get very large--containing about two million zooids and stretching a foot or more across

7. Bryozoans are colonies of zooids that function together to outcompete other creatures for a similar food source

8. Variety of Avicularian morphologies had been described previous-ly, the general morphological similarity of non-Avicularian zooids

9. The Avicularium type of zooid has a small body and a rudimentary polypide; the operculum, however, is proportionally larger, has strong adductor (closing) muscles, and has become, in effect, a jaw. Avicularia are found among normal zooids but usually are smaller and attached to normal zooids, as in the gymnolaemate Schizoporella.

10. A Bryozoan colony consists of microscopic individuals, or zooids, which are enclosed in a calcareous, chitinous, or gelatinous cell (cystidium)

11. In lateral zooids the Avicularium is recumbent and directed toward the basal area, visible only in lateral or basal view.

12. Some of the zooids in Bluebottles are responsible for the float on top which is a single individual and supports the rest of the colony

13. 5, close-up of ovicellate and non-ovicellate zooids showing the robust oral spines and interzooidal Avicularium with intramural bud (200 µm)

14. Social Ascidian definition is - any of various Ascidians that reproduce by budding like the ordinary compound Ascidians but that produce zooids each surrounded by a separate test though remaining connected by stolons.

15. Avicularium The Avicularium in cheilostome bryozoans is a modified, non-feeding zooid. The operculum, which normally closes the orifice when the zooids tentacles are retracted, has been modified to become a mandible

16. Bryozoan that grows on kelp and other seaweeds • Colonies tend to have irregular edges, o˜en star-shaped or branching • Zooids are oval and do not have the regular, brick-like appearance of M

17. Is the commonest intertidal species in NE Brazil; it is distinguished from other Brazilian Reptadeonella in having a nodular peristome, large subperistomial areolar pore and zooids with one or two frontal pores frequently replaced by a suboral Avicularium and crescentic spiramen.

18. Bryozoa - marine or freshwater animals that form colonies of zooids phylum Bryozoa, polyzoa animal kingdom, Animalia, kingdom Animalia - taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals Bryozoan, moss animal, polyzoan, sea mat, sea moss - sessile aquatic animal forming mossy colonies of small polyps each having a …

19. Bryozoa definition is - a small phylum of aquatic animals that reproduce by budding, that usually form branching, flat, or mosslike colonies permanently attached on stones or seaweeds and enclosed by an external cuticle soft and gelatinous or rigid and chitinous or calcareous, and that consist of complex zooids each having an alimentary canal with distinct mouth and anus surrounded by a true

20. A satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon may be that the neonastic stage characterising the peripheral growing tip of the colony with its incompletely calcified frontal walls of the zooids dominated the whole colony, induced by a stop of the calcification of the cryptocyst, with the exception of the ancestrula, the result of which being a secondary membranimorph stage, characteristic for the Malacostega.