Nghĩa của từ working party bằng Tiếng Anh

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Đặt câu với từ "working party"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "working party", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ working party, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ working party trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh


2. The government has set up a working party to formulate proposals for reducing environmental pollution.

3. The Terms of Reference for the Team should be adjusted at the next Working Party session.

4. The Working Party decided that the current way of publication of documents should remain without alterations.

5. The Working Party is invited to comment on the approach outlined above, and to propose improvements

6. An ad hoc working party comprising the various governments has been set up at Belgian Federal level.

7. The Working Party stressed the importance of multilateral approach in addition to bilateral transfer of know-how.

8. The Working Party stressed the importance of advance notice of changes to regular questionnaires like the JFSQ

9. The Working Party invited OSJD to present updates on this activity at its next session in 2012.

10. The Working Party welcomed the exchange of information on activities related to development of Euro-Asian transport links.

11. Acronyms and abbreviations in Regulations under the responsibility of the Working Party on Noise (GRB) (agenda item 12)

12. These alternative solutions would give the positions of the Working Party a stronger role, also before the Courts.

13. The Working Party decided to discuss the draft chapter about rail traffic accidents at the fifty-sixth session.

14. At that working party, the focus was on establishing guidelines on domestic regulation applicable to the accountancy profession.

15. 28 Outhwaite names' champion Peter Nutting is to head a new working party to co-ordinate syndicate action groups.

16. The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the convening of meetings requested by the Working Party on Road Transport

17. - where the ad hoc Working Party on a European Armaments Policy and WEAG agree, informal joint sessions on relevant topics,

18. 21 Implement the changes to the filing references proposed by the Filing Working Party, to achieve some degree of commonality.

19. Certain members of the Working Party noted the conditions in the GATT 1994 in regard to non-automatic licensing and export restrictions.

20. Austria informed the Working Party of the particular advantages of the RoLa technique in the Alpine context where most such traffic operates

21. In May 2009, the IUPAC/IUPAP Joint Working Party reported on the discovery of copernicium and acknowledged the discovery of the isotope 283Cn.

22. Barricading for Electrical Work Barricades and labels must be used for electrical maintenance to identify to the working party the safe access area for the task

23. The Article 29 Working Party has made it clear, though, that true data anonymization is an extremely high bar, and data controllers often fall short of actually Anonymizing …

24. The Specialized Section submitted to the Working Party the amended texts on dried tomatoes, inshell hazelnuts, inshell almonds and inshell walnuts for approval as revised/new UNECE standards.

25. To improve data at constant prices, production in # of a manual on best practice, based on the work of task forces and the national accounts working party in

26. Some members of the Working Party requested assurances that, for oil products, quantities reserved for non-state traders would be allocated in such a manner that they would be fully utilized.

27. 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation, a Working Party of ZVEI ZVEI – German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association Lyoner Strasse 9 60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone: +49 69 6302-209 Email: info(at)

28. Other addenda to the reports of the specialized sections contain the texts agreed for transmission to the Working Party or any other text (e.g. draft standards), which the specialized section considers important to be translated after the session.

29. “The Working Party considers that anonymisation as an instance of further processing of personal data can be considered to be compatible with the original purposes of the processing but only on condition the anonymisation process is such as to reliably produce Anonymised information in …

30. Lastly, the EESC approves the change of the legal basis of the Regulation itself from Article # of the Treaty of Accession to Article # of the EC Treaty, in line with Addendum #, Corrigendum # and the agreement reached by the Working Party on the Environment on # October

31. The Working Party took note that the AIT/FIA had finalized the examination of various issues concerning the implementation of the two Conventions and would contact the secretariat to jointly prepare proposals for comments and best practices to assist in the proper application of these legal instruments.

32. [ The inspection report shall be in line with the guidelines adopted by the EU Inspection Working Party. ] The assessment [ inspection ] report shall be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding one page and a document containing the conclusions of the assessment [ inspection ] report not exceeding thirty pages with effective cross references to the accompanying annexes

33. In her opening statement, Ms. Eva Molnar, Director, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Sustainable Transport Division, pointed out the outstanding proposals submitted by the Russian Federation and expressed trust that the Working Party would find sufficient compromise agreement on them so that they could be transferred to the TIR Administrative Committee (AC.2) for further consideration.

34. To recap the latest episode, the authors have stooped to the hoary old plot device of a startling newspaper revelation to Chivvy the drama along.: Presumably to Chivvy things along, the Chief Justice says he has provided the working party with a supporting secretariat supplied by the Department of Justice.: If another director complained about not having money, jarman would Chivvy them to

35. On 13 December 2019, the European Council adopted conclusions stating in particular that between European Council meetings, the General Affairs Council and Coreper, assisted by a dedicated Working Party, are to ensure that the negotiations are conducted in line with the overall positions and principles agreed by the European Council as well as with the Council’s negotiating mandate, and provide further guidance as necessary, fully consistent with the best interest of the Union and with the aim of reaching a result that is fair and equitable for all Member States and in the interest of our citizens.