Nghĩa của từ whistled bằng Tiếng Anh

emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth.
the audience cheered and whistled
wish for or expect (something) in vain.
you can go home and whistle for your wages

Đặt câu với từ "whistled"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "whistled", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ whistled, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ whistled trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Who whistled just now?

2. John whistled for a taxi.

3. An arrow whistled past my ear.

4. So I whistled along with him.

5. The hunter whistled off his dog.

6. The wind whistled through the eaves.

7. The train whistled and steamed off.

8. He whistled, and the dog came obediently.

9. The spear whistled harmlessly over his head.

10. A stray bullet whistled past his ear.

11. The boy whistled happily when he walked along.

12. Far away in the distance, a train whistled.

13. Adam whistled happily on his way to work.

14. And her inhabitants something to be whistled at;+

15. Workmen whistled at her as she walked past.

16. Master Alec whistled to them this morning, ma'am.

17. He whistled a waiter up to their table.

18. Dad whistled to us to come home for dinner.

19. Lucie whistled sharply to catch the other girl's attention.

20. He whistled to his dog and it came running.

21. He whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan.

22. The bow twanged and the arrow whistled through the air.

23. 4 The high wind whistled through the streets in winter.

24. 17 The bow twanged and the arrow whistled through the air.

25. ‘Undaunted, we whistled Cheerfully all the time.’ ‘I'd like to smile and skip down shopping lanes whistling Cheerfully but it just isn't in me.’ ‘Nicholas whistled Cheerfully as he led the horses away.’ ‘He was whistling Cheerfully as he started down the sidewalk.’ ‘Sonia whistled Cheerfully …

26. During the playing of the national anthem the crowd roared and whistled.

27. He has whistled for them to come from the ends of the earth;+

28. And I also whistled at a Christmas Eve party with my family- in- law.

29. 21 They dropped down to take cover when the bullets whistled past their ears.

30. The Robinson sisters wove between each other, three-by-three. People cheered and whistled.

31. 13 They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.

32. And I also whistled at a Christmas Eve party with my family-in-law.

33. What's wrong with "I whistled Appreciatively" anyway? And if you seriously think your readers would assume a wolf-whistle if you just wrote "Wow! I whistled", you should probably change your readership

34. A sigh of relief whistled through his teeth as he stuck his head into the pantry.

35. He whistled bravely as he crossed the threshold and Caressed his wife with his usual tenderness

36. Because each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding whistle sound, even modern words can be whistled.

37. A deckhand on the ferry from Brooklyn whistled the tune, and the words floated up from nowhere.

38. Frank Baum) It was a bleak and Boisterous night and the wind whistled shrilly down the long street

39. He even managed to delay the founding declarations on Saturday, despite being whistled and booed from the hall.

40. It gusted into every overhang of concrete, whistled down the brick funnels on the tall building where she lived.

41. Hanging over parapets and out of windows, clustering in the streets and on the rooftops, the crowd whistled and applauded.

42. The flash of the rump in flight and piping whistled call are usually the first signs of Bullfinches being present

43. The old woman looked round and whistled. A jaybird flew down from a pawpaw tree and lit on her shoulder.

44. 9 A man's outline appeared hesitantly out of the mist, and then the first of their pursuers turned and whistled softly.

45. That night while Russian bullets whistled over their heads and the Americans continued to advance, this part of the German front collapsed.

46. They sat in his room whilst the wind whistled about the eaves of the Manse[], and listened to him in silence.sentence dictionary

47. On and on they drove through the darkness, and though the rain stopped, the wind rushed by and whistled and made strange sounds.

48. Street harassment certainly isn't an issue faced only by French women; women all over the world are touched, followed, Catcalled, and whistled, honked or …

49. Compare to smaller Whimbrel, which has head stripes, a piping whistled call, and Far Eastern Curlew, which has a buffy rump and extensively marked underwings

50. Cornet Richard Grahame descended the hill, bearing in his hand the extempore flag of truce, and making his managed horse keep time by bounds and Curvets to the tune which he whistled