Nghĩa của từ vicious circle bằng Tiếng Anh

a sequence of reciprocal cause and effect in which two or more elements intensify and aggravate each other, leading inexorably to a worsening of the situation.
She paints a grim portrait of divorce's vicious circle of depleted resources, emotional and financial.
synonyms:dilemmavicious cycledownward spiralvortexno-win situationcatch-22chicken-and-egg situation
a definition or statement that begs the question.
  • dilemmavicious cycledownward spiralvortexno-win situationcatch-22chicken-and-egg situation
  • vicious cycle

Đặt câu với từ "vicious circle"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "vicious circle", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ vicious circle, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ vicious circle trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. It's a vicious circle.

2. That can create a vicious circle.

3. By making life like a vicious circle.

4. How can this vicious circle be broken?

5. Think of the vicious circle of hyperventilation.

6. Sweden, he said, faced a vicious circle.

7. You threw yourself into a vicious circle.

8. We're all living in a vicious circle.

9. A vicious circle has triggered her problems.

10. This has produced a nastily vicious circle.

11. The whole sorry affair became a vicious circle.

12. 3 This has produced a nastily vicious circle.

13. The functioning of power is a vicious circle.

14. We would get back into a vicious circle.

15. This vicious circle led to an arms race.

16. This leads to more competition —a vicious circle.

17. Dealing with this government is a vicious circle.

18. The result, in short, was a vicious circle.

19. But of course that starts up a vicious circle.

20. This vicious circle is more precisely specified in Chapter

21. The vicious circle of repressed feeling is finally broken.

22. Where are the leaders who can square this vicious circle?

23. It has thus become a vicious circle of spoken mumbo jumbo.

24. The negative outlook: Negativity creates a vicious circle all its own.

25. And if the auction houses aren't doing well ... it's a vicious circle.

26. The disease can lead up to a vicious circle of further trouble.

27. This forms a vicious circle, the more blood received the more bleeding. . . .

28. Just like other types of anxiety , test anxiety can create a vicious circle :

29. Abused children often grow up to abuse their own children - it's a vicious circle.

30. Microorganisms and food particles accumulate in the pockets, causing more inflammation —a vicious circle.

31. However, putting an end to the vicious circle of violence remains our most urgent task

32. Marital dissatisfaction can lead to adultery which, in turn, exacerbates dissatisfaction in a vicious circle.

33. Armed vigilante groups fight back against the gangs, adding to a vicious circle of violence.

34. Discontent and populism may now form a vicious circle, both causing economic failure and worsening it.

35. Each of these factors increases the severity of the others, creating a vicious circle of Blister …

36. But that is a vicious circle, because there are clear limitations on our ability to borrow.

37. 19 I had to destroy, once and for all, the vicious circle of poverty and economic stagnation.

38. He added that it was at the same time a vicious circle and a phenomenon of "counter-polarisation".

39. I need experience to get a job but without a job I can't get experience it's a vicious circle.

40. Cluster bomb use creates a vicious circle of impact on communities, and not only the lives of their victims.

41. Many are in a vicious circle of mismanagement and underfunding, as governments, fed up with incompetence, squeeze their cash.

42. It is only one of the elements of the global neuro-vegetative syndrome to which it aggravatingly contributes (vicious circle).

43. 38 Potential explanations for the unexplained longitudinal effect include a vicious circle of high Adiposity, exercise intolerance, arterial stiffening, and physical

44. Algology tells us that untreated pain creates a form of ‘vicious circle’ in which pain maintains its levels or creates further pain

45. The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. It's a vicious circle.

46. Sympatholytic therapy can interrupt the abnormal vasoconstrictor outflow, leading to increased venous return and reducing interstitial pressure and nociceptor activation (interruption of the vicious circle).

47. Today, a deficiency of aggregate demand afflicts almost all advanced countries, leading to high unemployment, lower wages, greater inequality, and – coming full, vicious circle – constrained consumption.

48. From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English The situation we have to face is—how can we break and dispel this vicious circle of fear Begetting armaments, Begetting …

49. As soon as the more affluent and powerful groups in society cease to depend on public goods and services, the State is less likely investing in public, collective goods, leading to a vicious circle of their degeneration.

50. Each one of these deprivations exacerbates the others to form a vicious circle of abject poverty, which is compounded by a strong tendency for poverty to perpetuate itself, thus forming an infernal mill that prevents people from exercising any of their human rights