Nghĩa của từ uprooted bằng Tiếng Anh

pull (something, especially a tree or plant) out of the ground.
the elephant's trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees
move (someone) from their home or a familiar location.
my father traveled constantly and uprooted his family several times

Đặt câu với từ "uprooted"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "uprooted", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ uprooted, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ uprooted trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. And Ekʹron will be uprooted.

2. They uprooted them, as Marshall had uprooted the cannabis, and watched them wither.

3. The typhoon uprooted numerous trees.

4. Once, a weed, uprooted and burned.

5. The outbreak of war uprooted many families.

6. 15 million trees were uprooted in England.

7. And let what I plant be uprooted.

8. Whom Pearl smote down and uprooted, most unmercifully.

9. The war has uprooted nearly two-thirds of the country's population.

10. To increase overall public security, the corruption permeating this society must be uprooted.

11. Hany is one of 50 million people uprooted in this world today.

12. Over 25 million lumber and rubber trees were snapped or uprooted by the typhoon.

13. Trees and telegraph poles were uprooted; others were snapped in half like matchsticks.

14. Rough, because of the emotional issues of separation and abandonment and being uprooted.

15. Houses are collapsing, trees are being uprooted, telephone lines are falling to the ground.

16. Flax plants, uprooted before they started flowering, were grown for the fibers of their stems.

17. Cythna's father, Walter Edward Letty, had many career changes and the family were often uprooted.

18. Refugee camps came into being, people were uprooted, the economy lagged behind and you created fathomless sadness.

19. He was born in Kalandya in 19 two years after his parents were uprooted from a farm village west of Jerusalem.

20. Then the army arrived with a bulldozer, leaving a flattened morass of dust and uprooted trees about 30 metres square.

21. Our enthusiastic and energetic throng assembled at the project and in a speedy fashion uprooted, gathered, and burned large quantities of weeds and debris.

22. This is the judgment executed at Har–Magedon, when a wicked, tangled human society is uprooted and its poisonous fruit crushed to a pulp.

23. Anomie definition, a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by a breakdown or absence of social norms and values, as in the case of uprooted people

24. In recent months, 500 000 of these displaced have been uprooted yet again by violence around Mogadishu, heaping further humanitarian hardship onto these war-weary people.

25. Attempts To Reverse Trump's USDA Agency Changes Would Be Difficult When the Trump administration moved some USDA research out of Washington to Kansas City, people were uprooted and many

26. The downpour fell with the heavy uninterrupted rush of a sweeping flood, with a sound of unchecked overwhelming fury that called to one's mind the images of collapsing bridges, of uprooted trees, of undermined mountains.

27. Anomie, anomy, anomia a state or condition of individuals or society characterized by an absence or breakdown of social and legal norms and values, as in the case of an uprooted people

28. On Wednesday, a group of fanatic Israeli Colonists, illegally squatting on Palestinian lands, uprooted more than 40 olive saplings in an orchard in Jaloud village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus

29. Israeli settlers had destroyed thousands of acres of rare forest, and uprooted fruit-bearing trees essential to the livelihoods of the inhabitants, while at the same time preventing farmers from getting their products to market.

30. (1 Timothy 6:6-8) Servants of God who have done so —who have, as it were, uprooted the thorns from the soil to give more nutrition, light, and space to the fruit-bearing plant— are experiencing Jehovah’s blessing.

31. Dog lovers, meet an adorable pup coming to the big screen in February: Buck from "The Call of the Wild." The film tells the story of a dog whose life is turned upside down when he is uprooted from

32. For decades it has towered or crumbled above the wastelands of deserted arth—giants have uprooted it, aliens have found it curious ... the symbol of Liberty, of optimism, has become a symbol of science fiction's pessimistic view of the future.

33. ‘Unlike the concrete and terrazzo buildings that were Bulldozed, the new Bullring has a nice mix of inside and outside space.’ ‘Countless houses have been Bulldozed and olive trees uprooted in collective reprisals.’ ‘The homes were considered unfit to live in and were Bulldozed to the ground.’

34. ‘Unlike the concrete and terrazzo buildings that were Bulldozed, the new Bullring has a nice mix of inside and outside space.’ ‘Countless houses have been Bulldozed and olive trees uprooted in collective reprisals.’ ‘The homes were considered unfit to live in and were Bulldozed to the ground.’