Nghĩa của từ underlines bằng Tiếng Anh

a line drawn under a word or phrase, especially for emphasis.
That last sentence has a green underline on my word processor, and when I right click to see what grammatical snafu I've made, it says ‘Wordiness.’
the line of the lower part of an animal's body.
draw a line under (a word or phrase) to give emphasis or indicate special type.
Copy the articles or excerpts by hand underlining those words and phrases that you think are significant in the creation of mood and/or atmosphere.

Đặt câu với từ "underlines"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "underlines", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ underlines, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ underlines trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. This tragic incident underlines the need for immediate action.

2. Such bickering underlines the need to establish procedural guidelines.

3. It also underlines China's status as a major world power.

4. But the incident underlines how easily things can go wrong.

5. It merely underlines our rather more nonchalant attitude to life.

6. A black diffused area underlines this golden strip to great effect.

7. The attack underlines the magnitude of danger that is posed by terrorism.

8. It is this conviction which underlines our continued advocacy of nuclear disarmament.

9. Underlines the significance of national government policies and strategies on food production and poverty alleviation;

10. The multivariate analysis underlines the importance of adaptation and insight to differentiate between all groups.

11. The fragility of those relationships underlines the essential work done by the charity.

12. “Abominable” underlines what can result from a diverse set of people behind the scenes

13. Scotopic and Arctogaean Fyodor sandblast some standardizers so quibblingly! Tiebout underlines pausingly.Hamilton groove beamingly

14. The accumulator saves resources and the convenient solar battery charger underlines this credo strongly.

15. §181A In his own lecture comment Hegel simply underlines the fact that the structure of an Apodeictic judgment is In his own lecture comment Hegel simply underlines the fact that the structure of an Apodeictic judgment is

16. Synonyms for Accentuates include accents, highlights, stresses, emphasises, emphasizes, underlines, features, foregrounds, underscores and points up

17. It underlines the commitment by consumers to pay off debts incurred during the credit binge of the late-Eighties.

18. It underlines the good organization of these activities and the academic and scholarly standard of the participants

19. I shall not add to what they have said, but it underlines the need for a rethink.

20. The Charter for Small Enterprises underlines the importance of also developing groups, amalgamations, networks and clusters of enterprises

21. The Charter for Small Enterprises underlines the importance of also developing groups, amalgamations, networks and clusters of enterprises.

22. 22 It is a cruel blow and one that again underlines the inconsistency of the red card law.

23. This 130 staff strong "repair station" specialized in aeronautical mechanics made for a strong competitor, Mr. Rioux underlines.

24. Besides, as the recital 7 to the Directive underlines, the provision of directory services is a competitive activity.

25. The installation of a car parking space on the roof underlines the concept of an optimal space allocation.

26. Underlines the need to further advance and fully implement the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-building

27. The 1340-1 crisis, therefore, underlines the connections rather than the divisions between clergy and laity, church and crown.

28. Italy also underlines that the airport has acquired similar services from other airlines such as Germanwings, Volare, Meridiana and Alitalia.

29. The contrast between Russia's handling of Iraq and Iran underlines not only Mr Putin's famous pragmatism, but the sophistication and adroitness of his policy.

30. The “Road to 2010” plan underlines the United Kingdom’s commitment to ensuring that all nations can access nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

31. This dastardly act once again underlines the need for concerted action by the global community against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

32. underlines that effective and well-functioning partnership means better anchored and appropriate efforts that meet needs and requirements at different levels of society.

33. Cytoplasmic membrane, or cell membrane, plasma membrane, is a soft, fragile and flexible semi-permeable membrane, which underlines cell wall and surrounds cytoplasm.

34. France underlines that tax increases occurring ex post have to take account of the effects on airlines, which prevents the deficit from being clawed back too quickly.

35. Thus, although the Greek verb here involved can be a technical term for competing in the Grecian games, it underlines Jesus’ admonition to take whole-souled action.

36. Paulette Randall's production is well-cast but over-emphatic, with the result that it underlines all the play's negative qualities: its Bickeringly stereotyped dialogue, and its failures in

37. A variance analysis which underlines the individual variability of the cranial base angles and the jaw relationship and which confirms ethnic (genetic or ethological) influences on integumental morphology.

38. ABB's organisational matrix of business areas and industrial product segments overlapping with geographic regions is evidence of its integrated structure and underlines the appropriateness of addressing this Decision to the group.

39. (84) However, in the ICAAP-report, Íslandsbanki underlines that decisions on each year's dividend payment will be based on up to date capital adequacy analysis and also take into account the Bank's liquidity position.

40. The Danish Shipowners’ Association underlines that, under the notified measure, the companies would not have to provide in advance the information in relation to commercial transactions with foreign affiliates, but only when requested to

41. The Danish Shipowners’ Association underlines that, under the notified measure, the companies would not have to provide in advance the information in relation to commercial transactions with foreign affiliates, but only when requested to.

42. Dynamics made visible: the M sports package underlines the athletic character of the BMW 1 Series Coupé while the special aerodynamics package, the M alloy wheels and the BMW Individual high-gloss Shadow Line emphasise its dynamic appearance.

43. Underlines the important role of regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations, academia as well as civil society and the private sector, in the promotion and implementation of effective environment policy across the EU;

44. Drawing on her personal experience of building a home from red adobe bricks, she illustrates how her people used the environment to construct shelters and underlines the spirituality implicit in the act of gathering clay.

45. * The above underlines the importance of this Specialised Agency for the maintenance of international peace and security, through the diffusion of education, culture, science and information globally and through the development of international standards to further these mandates.

46. It underlines our common perspective of economic growth, shared prosperity, peace and stability, the increasing focus on capacity building and connectivity across geographic corridors, over land, sea and air, between institutions, people-to-people and now through the digital space.

47. This visit, the first by a Mexican Head of State after an interval of 22 years, reflects the advances made in bilateral relations in recent years and underlines the strong commitment of both countries to further develop and strengthen bilateral relations in a broad and comprehensive manner.

48. Underlines that well-developed and fully integrated infrastructure allowing for enhanced diversification of supplies and cross-border flows is vital for ensuring security of supply, both in normal and emergency conditions and for delivering energy from competitive sources to consumers across the European Union and the Energy Community;

49. Underlines the fact that the agricultural sector is one of the most vulnerable to climate change but has at the same time been accused of causing environmental damage; believes that adaptation measures in this sector must work towards reducing vulnerability and increasing sustainability from both an environmental and an economic perspective;

50. underlines the importance of accelerating the implementation of the programme, urges all stakeholders to support the full implementation of the 10‐year capacity-building programme in all its aspects, in particular the operationalization of the African Standby Force, and requests the Secretary-General to report on the progress made in this regard;