Nghĩa của từ underestimated bằng Tiếng Anh

estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it actually is.
the administration has grossly underestimated the extent of the problem

Đặt câu với từ "underestimated"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "underestimated", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ underestimated, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ underestimated trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I underestimated their power

2. Have I underestimated the importance of sustainability?

3. Coveting is a powerful and underestimated sin

4. Early mapmakers often underestimated the earth's circumference.

5. Anemia in cancer patients is frequent but often underestimated.

6. Ministers underestimated the magnitude of the task confronting them.

7. Although it seems I may have underestimated you.

8. We underestimated how long it would take to get there.

9. 6 We had underestimated the scale of the problem.

10. But he had underestimated the local Witnesses, he later admitted.

11. I must say, we underestimated your potential in certain areas.

12. We underestimated the time it would take to get there.

13. The existing communicative skills of competent service providers are often underestimated.

14. Makeup Brushes are an underestimated part of our beauty routines

15. Autocorrelated Errors Relaxing The Assumptions However Variance of errors may be underestimated Variance of βˆ’s may be underestimated Confidence intervals may not be applicable Spurious regression e.g

16. Ground water at the construction site is an often underestimated problem.

17. MVP is an underestimated cause of Arrhythmic SCD, mostly in young adult women

18. MVP is an underestimated cause of Arrhythmic SCD, mostly in young adult women

19. Despite its high prevalence, hyponatremia is often underestimated and inadequately addressed in clinical routine.

20. I knew you had a capacity for the unfathomable, but I actually underestimated you.

21. Objectie. Early dysphagia after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion is an underestimated side effect.

22. I say choose the underestimated contender, whose secret weapons are passion and purpose.

23. He miscalculated badly when he underestimated the response of the international community to the invasion.

24. The state dramatically underestimated the quantity of energy that would be sold at subsidised prices.

25. Unfortunately, circumcision is often delegated to the most junior surgeons and its potential morbidity underestimated.

26. At the eleventh hour, he underestimated the Stealers - as if they had only been his playthings.

27. Courses of this format constitute a currently underestimated adjunct to contemporary regional anesthesia education.

28. The first hint that I had underestimated the power of Casual Summer was the Tycoon.

29. This evidence indicates that the importance of this benefit has probably been seriously underestimated up to now.

30. However, Netanyahu seriously underestimated the level of disillusionment his policies, and broken promises, had provoked.

31. Consequently, conventional net sampling has greatly underestimated euphausiid concentrations, a conclusion suggested by previous acoustic measurements.

32. The need for resolving disputes peacefully, without threat or actual use of force, cannot, therefore, be underestimated.

33. Diagnosis is often underestimated and differentiation from folliculitis, papulopustular rosacea and perioral dermatitis is not always straightforward.

34. Yahoo rejected this one quoted price subsequently, think Microsoft underestimated the value of this company badly.

35. However, the administrative effort and cost of setting up an executive agency is not to be underestimated.

36. The contribution of civil society to making complaints mechanisms known, accessible, effective and child-friendly cannot be underestimated.

37. Considering the increasing prescription rate of allopurinol, the present case report intends to demonstrate the underestimated threat of AHS.

38. Intense monitoring of water quality parameters showed that previous predictions underestimated the acid load into the lake.

39. 26 Ecological risks should not be underestimated either, says Wei Wei, an ecologist here at CAS's Institute of Botany.

40. Cantor had underestimated the soporific effect of the six-course dinner, the two wines and the glass of port.

41. They - whoever they were - had underestimated her if they thought she could be cowed into submission by threats and violence.

42. The only consolation for the Alsops lay in the fact that just about everyone had underestimated Harry Truman in 19

43. It is also assumed that the number of felonious Assaults occurring in the United States is highly underestimated

44. This acumen is often very substantial and its value to the small business community should not be underestimated.

45. They assumed he would provide a technical input but underestimated the degree of creative guidance he would proffer.

46. Less exploited stocks with large spawner values will have their log alpha(tilde) underestimated, commonly by –15 to –25%.

47. 16 I had underestimated the importance placed on personal cleanliness and hygiene,[] and had been caught out on my underpants.

48. Also not to be underestimated has been the collective wisdom openly shared by a worldwide tribe of Barre3 studio owners

49. At first, the British underestimated the Nepali and were soundly defeated until committing more military resources than they had anticipated needing.

50. The random sample approach to data collection for tourism statistics means that these peaks in sports tourism are almost certainly underestimated.