Nghĩa của từ treatises bằng Tiếng Anh

Đặt câu với từ "treatises"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "treatises", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ treatises, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ treatises trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. 13 Many other treatises incorporated the new rigor.

2. A large number of scientific, philosophical and religious treatises.

3. The Agamas are theological treatises and practical manuals of divine worship

4. Latin treatises sometimes used the word mascara when referring to witches.

5. The Agamas are theological treatises and practical manuals of divine worship

6. The philosophical treatises provide various methodologies to the student to understand the doctrine.

7. Most of the critical treatises in the classical tradition are trite and commonplace.

8. He wrote long, theoretical treatises, which he published in a mimeographed journal.

9. He elaborated on concepts found in older sources, including Greek, Hebrew, and Hindu treatises.

10. Treatises were written in Shastric Sanskrit on subjects such as law, philosophy, religion, archery and even dance.

11. At the centre of research activity was Italian diplomat and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli's political treatises and works.

12. His twelve disciples wrote a large number of treatises on grammar , literature , music , dance , etc .

13. Astrological almanacs and treatises are sold by the tens of thousands, and Astrological superstitions are still current

14. The Agamas are a body of religious treatises devoted primarily to the modes of worship of God

15. In arguing for pointillism, he quoted the scientific treatises consulted by Seurat and even printed mathematical equations.

16. Reich's main hobby is translating and publishing treatises on ancient architecture and art, plays and poetry into Hebrew.

17. The palimpsest holds seven treatises, including the only surviving copy of On Floating Bodies in the original Greek.

18. Discover the light of modern Athonite spirituality through original, unpublished writings and treatises of contemporary Athonite Fathers.

19. Aranyaka each of a set of Hindu sacred treatises based on the Brahmanas, composed in Sanskrit c.700 bc

20. The Upanishads are also broadly philosophical treatises which postdate the Vedas and deal with the nature of the "soul" and universe.

21. Historians of religion are familiar with these words of Saint Catherine, but one rarely finds them in popular devotional treatises.

22. Milton probably around this time, around the time that he was writing and finishing the regicide treatises, began to lose his eyesight.

23. Brahmana definition: any of a number of sacred treatises added to each of the Vedas Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

24. Cicero's many works can be divided into four groups: (1) letters, (2) rhetorical treatises, (3) philosophical works, and (4) orations.

25. Sensual and intelligent, Angelology is a terrifically clever thriller-more Eco than Brown, without the cloudy sentimentalism of New Age encomiums or Catholic treatises

26. The earliest surviving Arabic Astrolabe treatises are from the seventh and eighth centuries and are often translations of earlier Greek or Syriac texts

27. The first accounts of this textural development were found in two anonymous yet widely circulated treatises on music, the Musica and the Scolica enchiriadis.

28. Other texts translated during this period include the alchemical works of Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber), whose treatises became standard texts for European alchemists.

29. The Assizes of Jerusalem are a collection of numerous medieval legal treatises containing the law of the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and Kingdom of Cyprus

30. Ayurveda is an ancient knowledge cultivated by the sages of India.It has been developed from various treatises and manuscripts and has made its way to becoming one …

31. The period of the Vedas was followed by one of a totally different type — that of the theological treatises called Brahmanas, which discuss the sacrificial ceremonial.

32. Around 1830 though, the Hungarian János Bolyai and the Russian Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky separately published treatises on a type of geometry that does not include the parallel postulate, called hyperbolic geometry.

33. Claudius Ptolemy was a 2nd-century mathematician, Astronomer, astrologer, and geographer, who had written a number of scientific treatises, such as The Great Treatise, Geography, and the Tetrábiblos

34. Chapter 12: Annulment in General Chapter 13: Grounds for Annulment Chapter 14: Procedure in Annulment Actions; The above treatises are available at each of your local law libraries

35. In Yourcenar's own words, "In alchemical treatises, the formula L'Oeuvre au Noir, designates what is said to be the most difficult phase of the alchemist's process, the separation and dissolution of substance.

36. In addition to incantations, prayers, and hymns, the thousands of cuneiform writings include treatises on history, geography, astronomy, mathematical tables, medicine, grammar, as well as business documents involving contracts, sales, and loans.

37. Milton brings to his critique of rhyme that same -- and this is familiar - the same political rhetoric that he had brought to his critique of monarchy in the regicide treatises.

38. Vitruvius's De Architectura is the only major work on architecture to survive from classical antiquity, and until the eighteenth century it was the text to which all other Architectural treatises referred.

39. Apologists "Apologists" is the term used historically in reference to Christian teachers from the second century to the fourth who wrote treatises defending their religion against charges of godlessness and immorality and usually ascribing these traits to their opponents.

40. Skeptical in tone, it held that the law should be understood as, and would be determined by, the actual practices of courts, law offices, and police stations, rather than as the rules and doctrines set forth in statutes or learned treatises.

41. The title was inspired by the 1814–15 collection of novellas, essays, treatises, letters, and writings about music, Fantasiestücke in Callots Manier (which also included the complete Kreisleriana, another source of inspiration for Schumann) by one of his favourite authors, E

42. The duke portrays himself as a "wounded conscience" - a common phrase from casuistical manuals and treatises concerning political obligation - not because he is faced with a conflict of Allegiances (as in the engagement controversy) but rather because his wayward passion and infidelity have been revealed to …

43. Aspects of what one of the (in)Augurists has termed the epistemological unconscious, founding not only these particular addresses, or merely the learned, scholastic treatises in a broader context, but also the material and symbolic acts taking place every day in the routine undertakings of modern as well as primitive societies

44. Litterature around Astrolabes really florishes between the 9th and 12th century, especially with the numerous translations of ancient Greek and Arabic treatises, and also with the conquest of the south of Europe by Arabs, leading to the famous Spanish-Arabic school whom Arzachel (Al Zaqali) is the most famous member.

45. (prefix) It was not till De Bary (1866) made known the true nature of parasitic Fungi, based on his researches between 1853-1863, that the vast domain of epidemic diseases of plants was opened up to fruitful investigation, and such modern treatises as those of Frank (1880 and L895), Sorauer (1886), Kirchner (1890), were gradually made possible.