Nghĩa của từ trade deficit bằng Tiếng Anh

the amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports.
The balance of payments deficit now includes a trade deficit , which was not the case forty years ago.

Đặt câu với từ "trade deficit"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "trade deficit", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ trade deficit, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ trade deficit trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The trade deficit has skyrocketed.

2. China Registers Trade Deficit for February

3. The politically - sensitive trade deficit China rose.

4. The trade deficit with China remains high.

5. The UK trade deficit widened/narrowed last month.

6. In 1990 alone our trade deficit exceeded $ 100 billion.

7. The U.S. trade deficit has been a persistent problem.

8. The trade deficit is the difference between imports and exports.

9. When inflation is factored out, the trade deficit fell 8%.

10. The campaign also argues that Britain's trade deficit is unsustainable.

11. See, someone has to help the gringos with their trade deficit.

12. The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy.

13. We have a trade deficit of about 7-8% of our GDP.

14. The trade deficit had widened from £26 billion to £30 billion.Sentence dictionary

15. Meantime, they were disadvantageous in Britain - China trade undertaking huge trade deficit.

16. As a result, our trade deficit ballooned to nearly $800 billion a year.

17. Foreign Secretary:Both sides agreed that such a large trade deficit was not sustainable.

18. Dash was doing his patriotic bit to fund the U. S. trade deficit.

19. For the first time since the mid-1960s, Bonn faced a trade deficit.

20. Can you achieve US$ 100 billion without the trade deficit becoming even bigger?

21. Not a comforting thought for a country with a £17 billion trade deficit.

22. The trade deficit will grow, pushing the peso down, which will raise inflation.

23. References were made to industrial parks, and the need to address the trade deficit.

24. The Government insists that the trade deficit is the result primarily of excess demand.

25. Question (Anchal Vohra, CNN-IBN): We have trade deficit with South Korea as well.

26. The economy was growing at an unsustainable pace, and the trade deficit was exploding.

27. Under the Conservatives, Britain has moved from manufacturing trade surplus to manufacturing trade deficit.

28. Could higher productivity by Japanese workers be contributing to the trade deficit with Japan?

29. External Affairs Minister.We are sensitive to Bangladesh’s views on matters relating to the trade deficit.

30. A deteriorating trade deficit is only partly offset by the rapid growth in foreign remittances.

31. At the same time, rising exports have made a sizable dent in the trade deficit.

32. One month it is the U. S. trade deficit, the next month the consumer price index.

33. The U.S. trade deficit China rose again in March to $ 6 billion , the Commerce Department reported.

34. Foreign direct investment has plunged , while Hanoi runs a trade deficit with China - its biggest trading partner .

35. Chinese statistics released Thursday show that the country registered a trade deficit in February of $ 7.3 billion .

36. By 1900, the British economy had accumulated an annual rate of 161 million pounds of trade deficit.

37. Eventually, the economy comes back into balance with a higher savings ratio and a lower trade deficit.

38. The stock - market crisis struck at the soft underbelly of the US economy, eg its trade deficit.

39. The resulting trade deficit and shortage of incoming foreign exchange added to the country's balance-of-payments problem.

40. Total trade for Bhutan has consistently been in the deficit. Trade deficit increased almost # times during this period

41. And, true, he hacked at Mr Lawson's trade deficit; but he also defended his rise in interest rates.

42. No country, not even one as big as the United States, can run a trade deficit for ever.

43. Afghanistan’s trade deficit remains at approximately 31% of GDP and is highly dependent on financing through grants and aid

44. Its exchange-rate regime, which pegs the Renminbi to the US dollar, was blamed for the mounting US trade deficit.

45. In other words , an increase in the price of gold can create a trade surplus or help offset a trade deficit .

46. USD 10 billion is not a small amount, but compared with the huge trade deficit actually there is a big difference.

47. Chapter Two is the keystone of this essays, which analyzes the effects of industry transfer played on Sino-US trade deficit demonstratively .

48. Such efforts, when matched by greater market access for Indian goods in China, will help to bridge the rising trade deficit between us.

49. Exports in 1990 were valued at US$700 million and imports at US$900 million, resulting in a trade deficit of US$200 million.

50. A nation with a trade deficit will experience a reduction in its foreign exchange reserves, which ultimately lowers (depreciates) the value of its currency.