Nghĩa của từ titer bằng Tiếng Anh

the concentration of a solution as determined by titration.

Đặt câu với từ "titer"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "titer", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ titer, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ titer trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Baculovirus titer determination via a plate-based flow cytometry method

2. High titer cold agglutinins (CA) after rubella infection are reported.

3. The titer of anti-A-agglutinin showed a signifikant rise in group I.

4. Adjuvants for antiserum production need to create high titer and high avidity antibodies

5. The amebic indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test was positive with a titer of 1/1,024.

6. Fibrinous pericarditis was found on dissection in a pigeon with antibody titer of 1:128.

7. The serum of a woman, aged 53, suffering from a macroglobulinemia, contained two different abnormal biologically active fractions: a cold agglutinin active component (titer 2000–4000) and an antilipoid active component (cardiolipin complement fixation titer 80–320).

8. Carolina's standard monoclonal Antisera are high titer and very specific to the antigens on the blood cells

9. Bactericides require a longer duration of exposure to suppress growth long enough to reduce the bacterial titer

10. Lastly, LPs can be offered based on a serum Crag titer cutoff, or based on the presence of certain symptoms.

11. Thereafter hardly any alternation of its titer was found, and no variation among the recipients of major histocompatible kidney allografts was shown.

12. The Binodal curves were determined by a turbidity measurement in 96 well micro titer plates (UV-Star™, Greiner Bio-One, Frickenhausen, Germany)

13. Antinuclear antibodies are more important in connective tissue diseases, although rheumatoid arthritis is a common cause of low-titer positive Antinuclear antibodies

14. After general expressions are determined for C50 and Hmax vs antiserum concentration, a single dose-response curve suffices for characterizing Antisera with respect to titer and avidity

15. Not only is the absolute height of titer important for the control of the course of an infection, but also the relation of the titers (HAT/AT).

16. The use of low titer COVID-19 Convalescent plasma is no longer authorized under the EUA as additional data from clinical trials, including randomized, controlled trials, have not shown evidence to

17. The changes include updates based on additional clinical trials; clarify the authorization’s limit to high-titer Convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients early in the disease and those with impaired humoral

18. Creative Biogene's sophisticated equipments, advanced technologies and highly experienced staffs are available to assist in all aspects of Baculovirus transfer vector construction, recombinant bacmid DNA preparation, as well as the generation of the Baculovirus in high titer.

19. DescriptionIntelligent Burettes guarantee security with Titration Excellence titratorsIs the correct titrant in the Burette? Is the concentration right? Has the titer expired? On which drive is it installed? The Titration Excellence titrator automatically verifies all these parameters when an analysisis started

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21. OBJECTIVE: To determine if Antilens crystallin (ALC) serum and aqueous humor antibodies were present in normal dogs and dogs with cataracts, whether antibody incidence varied with stage of cataract, and whether antibody titer had a relationship to the presence of lens-induced uveitis.

22. After two injections of 0.2Μg HBsAg, which was treated with 0.1% formaldehyde and absorbed to aluminum hydroxide, the median titer of anti-HBs in guinea pigs was 4 IU/ml (normal value in human hepatitis B convalescents: about 0.1) for 1 year without further injections.

23. OBJECTIVE:To determine if Antilens crystallin (ALC) serum and aqueous humor antibodies were present in normal dogs and dogs with cataracts, whether antibody incidence varied with stage of cataract, and whether antibody titer had a relationship to the presence of lens-induced uveitis.

24. Objective To determine if Antilens crystallin (ALC) serum and aqueous humor antibodies were present in normal dogs and dogs with cataracts, whether antibody incidence varied with stage of cataract, and whether antibody titer had a relationship to the presence of lens‐induced uveitis.

25. The titer of isoagglutinins and the presence of isohaemolysins were controlled for 6 weeks on 44 children suffering acute rheumatic fever (group I) and 43 children with hepatitis infectiosa (group II), in order that the occurence of haemolysins (anti-A and anti-B) during infection of children can be followed.

26. Artificially acquired passive immunity is a short-term immunization achieved by the transfer of antibodies, which can be administered in several forms; as human or animal blood plasma or serum, as pooled human immunoglobulin for intravenous or intramuscular (IG) use, as high-titer human IVIG or IG from immunized donors or from donors recovering from the disease, and as monoclonal antibodies …

27. Experimental inversion of suspected metabolic alterations; administration of cortical hormones to prevent the lowering of their venous titer; exclusion of the sympathoadrenal system through complete sympathectomy, spinal section, denervation of the adrenal gland, adrenodemedullation or the use of adrenolytic agents; or the deafferentiation of the hypophysis through pituitary-stalk section or hypophyseal transplantation may admittedly interfere, under certain conditions, with the stress-induced release of ACTH from the anterior pituitary.