Nghĩa của từ tenfold bằng Tiếng Anh

ten times as great or as numerous.
a tenfold increase in the use of insecticides
by ten times; to ten times the number or amount.
production increased tenfold

Đặt câu với từ "tenfold"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "tenfold", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ tenfold, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ tenfold trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Bucatini provides that joy tenfold

2. Traffic across the border has increased tenfold.

3. But his brain function has increased tenfold.

4. Applications for the CIA are up tenfold.

5. His awareness of her was abruptly increased tenfold.

6. If Araminta sees it, her jealousy will be increased tenfold.

7. Beetee has increased our use of the airwaves tenfold.

8. Business has increased tenfold in the past two years.

9. In a few weeks, the audiences multiplied tenfold.

10. By the tenfold blasts of the Arctic zone.

11. In a few months the guerrilla army multiplied tenfold.

12. The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.

13. Over the past two years his workforce has increased tenfold.

14. There's a about a tenfold difference there, log scale up the side.

15. Many show more than a tenfold increase in acidity since 18

16. This month China announced plans to increase nuclear energy capacity tenfold over the next decade.

17. The risk of malignancy in flat adenomas in tenfold higher than in polypoïd adenomas.

18. 1879 the tenfold-refined spirit was presented under the name of Absolut Rent Brännvin.

19. Production increased tenfold in the period leading up to the second world war.

20. Use of I.M.R.T. rose tenfold from 2002 to 200 according to unpublished RAND data.

21. Your guidepost stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night -- Duty -- Honor -- Country.

22. Bole is also depending on the, the go and Gu, once the price tenfold Ma.

23. About four million people are now receiving anti - AIDS medicines , a tenfold increase in five years.

24. It resulted in at least a tenfold traffic spike for most of the 32 sites involved.

25. Insurance companies suddenly raised liability premiums by leaps and bounds, commonly doubling, quadrupling, even increasing them by tenfold!

26. Corneae and musculoskeletal grafts are the most commonly transplanted tissues; these outnumber organ transplants by more than tenfold.

27. Sanctions meant he could no longer import spares but the value of his existing stock had increased tenfold.

28. The band's resolve increased tenfold, although Morrissey was a little stunned by the enormity of the upcoming task.

29. I think we need to have at least a tenfold improvement in the cost per mile of tunneling.

30. So far, there are indications that technology developments can, within five years, increase the capacity of existing trainers tenfold.

31. Our current offerings feature a mix of Amaya Roasting Company and our own, private-label Blockhouse brand, roasted by Tenfold Coffee

32. Dingeys fenderless impulsively Austrian sounding Austria Maria matriarchal Australopithecus thrace rhachi Australis unfundable Apostrophal Australian tenfold koso Australia thracian

33. When Shechtman made this discovery, he also drew a picture of it, and he made a note, in the parentheses tenfold??

34. There has been a tenfold increase in traffic through the road tunnels under the Alps over the last fifteen years.

35. I am not saying they're all pussycats but if you love and respect them, they will return those qualities tenfold.

36. IgA deficiency is present in 2.3% of people with coeliac disease, and in turn this condition features a tenfold increased risk of coeliac disease.

37. The Bedouin population has increased tenfold since the establishment of the State (1948), due to a high natural increase – about 5% – …

38. However effective interactive video is in training, it is this kind of tenfold cost saving that is its most influential

39. It was a virtual-reality thriller just perfect for computer geeks, whose numbers have probably increased tenfold since the hourlong drama crashed.

40. If you bite into an organic or conventional papaya that is infected with the virus, you will be chewing on tenfold more viral protein.

41. The Albumoid thus obtained was suspended in tenfold volume of six-percent trichlor acetic acid, and the centrifuged residue was hydrolzyed with 6N sulfuric acid

42. Swedish scientists who repeated a 1927 study concluded that at a depth of 28 inches [70 cm], the acidity of forest soil had risen tenfold.

43. The secretariat conservatively estimates that the amount of money in the fund must increase at least tenfold, if the OPCW is to effectively coordinate an adequate international response to a single request for assistance

44. Our method of choice was tenfold projection of the negatives on a fine-grained wax layer screen and use of a very narrow marker line to be aligned with the vessel borders.

45. The density of the Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus recently increased almost tenfold in the study area, but the hypothesis of changing morphology as a response to increasing predation pressure remains to be tested.

46. When nearly empty, the adipocytes are very small, but as they add fat, they can increase their diameters tenfold, which means an increase in volume by a factor of about one thousand.

47. The surviving members of these classes who are unreconciled will inevitably, as Lenin put it, throw themselves with a tenfold furious passion into the battle for the recovery of their lost paradise.

48. The secretariat conservatively estimates that the amount of money in the fund must increase at least tenfold, if the OPCW is to effectively coordinate an adequate international response to a single request for assistance.

49. It seems always to have been spared the vicissitudes of history because an abbess watched over it! Don't be misled by appearences, the story is really quite different ... take the time to listen to the story and your admiration will be multiplied tenfold.

50. Documents reveal that two years ago they commissioned scientists to look at potential military uses for a range of chemicals known as Calmatives.: This is just what is depicted in the various scenarios envisioned by military planners laying out appropriate uses for Calmatives.: Calmatives often have less than a tenfold difference between effective and lethal dosages.