Nghĩa của từ supplant bằng Tiếng Anh

supersede and replace.
another discovery could supplant the original finding
synonyms:replacesupersededisplacetake over fromsubstitute foroverrideoustusurpoverthrowremovetoppleunseatdeposedethronesucceedcome afterfill someone's shoes/boots

Đặt câu với từ "supplant"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "supplant", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ supplant, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ supplant trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Supplant it with a constructive thought.

2. A still speculative method may supplant that approach, however.

3. He might supplant Jones before the year is out.

4. Simulation has also begun to supplant individual creativity.sentence dictionary

5. The duke plotted to supplant the king.

6. 2 He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king.

7. TV and computers shouldn't supplant time with others and cyber chats don't develop social ...

8. Similarly, the participant culture does not supplant the subject and parochial patterns of orientation.

9. Is China's authoritarian capitalist model in a position to supplant the west's democratic one?

10. As earthbound concrete replaced shimmering glass, so crude functionalism was to supplant soaring aspiration.

11. He also stressed that an envoy should not supplant any talks process.

12. Tina: What are you saying? Be careful Whinny does not supplant you!

13. Her tameness drops away like a spring moult, and her primitive survival instincts supplant everything else.

14. These side effects have forced researchers to seek alternative medications to supplant, augment or delay traditional therapy.

15. As with handwritten letters, electronic communications have also tended to supplant actual spoken conversations with others.

16. The Rákosi government thoroughly politicised Hungary's educational system to supplant the educated classes with a "toiling intelligentsia".

17. China's political model will never supplant electoral democracy, because unlike the latter, it doesn't pretend to be universal.

18. When he comes, he will respect the shamans whose medical skills his will surpass but never entirely supplant.

19. It, however, cannot supplant the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol.

20. 27 As earthbound concrete replaced shimmering glass, so crude functionalism was to supplant soaring aspiration.

21. If photography was ever allowed to deputize FOR the end it would either supplant or completely corrupt art.

22. Even the attempts to supplant it pay IQ the tribute of accepting its frame of reference.

23. The steam engine began to supplant the muscular power of men and animals. (James Harvey Robinson).

24. The B-1, intended to supplant the B-52, replaced only the older models and the supersonic FB-111.

25. Jackson will supplant Charlie Ward as the starting point guard, giving the team a better ball distributor.

26. They want fewer screens and a new environmental impact report prepared to supplant one published 11 years ago.

27. Perhaps that will inspire some radically new approaches to speech understanding that will supplant the methods we are developing now.

28. The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible.

29. Although the Third universalizes the an-Archical relationship with the Other into the political realm, it does not supplant the original ethical relationship

30. In addition, the Ottomans supported the Ottoman subject Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab who attempted to supplant Al Thani as kaymakam of Qatar in 1888.

31. The group’s radical Marxist Agenda would supplant the basic building block of society—the family—with the state and destroy the economic system that has lifted more people from poverty than

32. The Arra requires that Discretionary CCDF funds made available under the law must be used to supplement, not supplant State general revenue funds for child care assistance to low-income families

33. Given the lesson of the British Empire's demise, it would be foolish to base current policy on the assumption that China will hit a fatal speed-bump before it is able to supplant the U.

34. The New York-based cannabis firm announced Tuesday that Steve Goertz, a Canadian business executive who most recently served as partner and chief financial officer of the Bespoke SPAC, would supplant current Acreage CFO Glen Leibowitz.

35. In October 1716, Townshend's colleague, James Stanhope afterwards 1st Earl Stanhope, accompanied the king on his visit to Hanover, and while there he was seduced from his allegiance to his fellow ministers by Sunderland, George being led to believe that Townshend and his brother-in-law, Sir Robert Walpole, were caballing with the Prince of Wales, their intention being that the prince should supplant his father on the throne.