Nghĩa của từ subtended bằng Tiếng Anh

(of a line, arc, or figure) form (an angle) at a particular point when straight lines from its extremities are joined at that point.
The radian is a unit which connects the radius of an arc, the length of the arc and the angle subtended by the arc.
(of a bract) extend under (a flower) so as to support or enfold it.
All flowers are subtended by a bract and two bracteoles.

Đặt câu với từ "subtended"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "subtended", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ subtended, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ subtended trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The stalk of the Bracteole is itself subtended by a bract

2. The entire head is subtended by numerous green Bracts called phyllaries

3. cosine of angle subtended by slope of 18 per cent and horizontal plane = 0,98418

4. tangent of angle subtended by slope of 18 per cent and horizontal plane = 0,18

5. One steradian is defined as the solid angle subtended by a cap area of A = r2.

6. Tended by bracts forming a involucre; umbellules (sometimes called umbellets) usually subtended by Bracteoles forming an involu-cel

7. The cymules bear one to seven or more flowers and are subtended by one to nine or more Bracteoles

8. Others had a single Antheroid subtended by a broad, laminar structure emerging from between the carpel base and the cup (Fig

9. Angle subtended at the center of a cell was used as a measure of interchromosomal distance which was independent of distance from the center.

10. Bracteole (plural Bracteoles) (botany) A small leaf of leaf-like structure directly subtending a flower or inflorescence whose stalk itself is subtended by a bract

11. Florets/Achenes enclosed in a sac (perigynium), open only at the tip Each perigynium subtended by a single scale; usually spirally arranged Achenes lack bristles

12. Fruits drupes or samaras (rarely syncarps, utricles, or Baccates), fleshy or dry, occasionally subtended by a fleshy hypocarp or an accrescent, chartaceous or fleshy calyx or corolla; mesocarp sometimes with prominent black resin canals.

13. Fruits drupes or samaras (rarely syncarps, utricles, nut -like, or Baccates), fleshy or dry, occasionally subtended by a fleshy hypocarp or an accrescent , chartaceous or fleshy calyx ; mesocarp sometimes with prominent black resin canals.

14. An ellipsoidal reflector (M1, P) having primary and secondary focal points (F1, F2) along the major axis (8) is illuminated by a light source (S) and subtended by an acceptance cone (16) of the target (T).

15. Bracteole (plural Bracteoles) (botany) A small leaf of leaf-like structure directly subtending a flower or inflorescence whose stalk itself is subtended by a bract. (botany) A bract subtending an individual flower rather than an inflorescence.

16. Acanthus spinosus, commonly called bear's breeches, is a clump-forming perennial which is grown as much for its attractive foliage as for its architecturally bold flower spikes.Features pure white, snapdragon-like flowers enclosed (hooded and subtended) by spiny, reddish-purple bracts and arranged in vertical rows on substantial flower spikes which rise well above