Nghĩa của từ soothed bằng Tiếng Anh

Đặt câu với từ "soothed"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "soothed", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ soothed, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ soothed trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Besoothed; Two Letter Pairs in soothed

2. The monotone of his occupation soothed him.

3. Matthew's unruffled manner had evidently soothed the businessman a little.

4. Appetently I glanced a look, its Living Water soothed my soul

5. Are you soothed by the sight of a snow-covered forest?

6. 25 Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage.

7. 28 Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage.

8. The last little act of beneficence soothed Bonhag's lacerated soul a little.

9. Mrs Saulitis gave the soldiers a venomous look and soothed and patted Parslina protectively.

10. Synonyms for Conciliated include appeased, pacified, disarmed, mollified, placated, propitiated, reconciled, soothed, assuaged and gentled

11. Synonyms for Condoled with include consoled, comforted, solaced, cheered, soothed, encouraged, supported, reassured, aided and assuaged

12. Synonyms for Allayed include helped, alleviated, treated, nursed, attended, cured, healed, palliated, relieved and soothed

13. Men shaved their entire bodies for cleanliness; perfumes and aromatic ointments covered bad odors and soothed skin.

14. Synonyms for Besoothed include cheered up, comforted, consoled, reassured, solaced, soothed, assuaged, bolstered, cheered and heartened

15. 28 Tallis dragged the animal down and soothed it, stroking its muzzle and whispering soft words.

16. Synonyms for Conciliated include appeased, pacified, disarmed, mollified, placated, propitiated, reconciled, soothed, assuaged and gentled

17. Antonyms for Ailed include helped, alleviated, treated, nursed, attended, cured, healed, palliated, relieved and soothed

18. Antonyms for Ached include helped, alleviated, treated, nursed, attended, cured, healed, palliated, relieved and soothed

19. 11 The relentless throb of the pop music soothed David and calmed the panic that seized his heart.

20. This Aspersion on Tims's reasoning powers had to be resented and the resentment to be soothed

21. As a source of balsam, the versatile “tears” of the “weeping” mastic tree have soothed and healed for centuries.

22. In coddling her afterwards, I have naturally soothed her Blubberings by moving my mouth lightly upon her own

23. Angry boys needed to be calmed and hurt feelings soothed before we could return to the classroom .

24. The music soothed her for a while but the needle stuck in a groove suddenly and she wept in response, despairing.

25. What is Colic? Colic is the term used when your otherwise healthy baby cries excessively and can't be soothed (NICE 2017)

26. Sometime after his release from prison, Joseph acknowledged that Jehovah had soothed his painful memories by giving him a son.

27. It Beguiled her, soothed her, eased away the pain and turmoil she had lived through all day, banished thought from her mind

28. In the same way Elvis Presley would ruggedly attempt to Croon your trousers off, Jack Johnson instead soothed your board shorts back on

29. Soothed by the peace of my journey, I had lost all count of time but eventually I became Aware that the boat was gliding slowly towards the bank.

30. Welcome to Corfu From the writings of Gerald and Lawrence Durrell to the place where the shipwrecked Odysseus was soothed and sent on his way home, Corfu has been portrayed as an idyll for centuries

31. ‘It Beguiled her, soothed her, eased away the pain and turmoil she had lived through all day, banished thought from her mind.’ ‘Colour barely stimulated him but drawing Beguiled him.’ ‘Think you can smooth-tongue me, trick me, beguile me?’

32. ‘Antihistamines and Calamine lotion can be used to bring down swelling and ease itching.’ ‘Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or Calamine lotion will reduce itching and inflammation.’ ‘Moisturising, after-sun or Calamine lotions can ease some of the discomfort.’ ‘It lasts a week and can be soothed with Calamine lotion.’

33. To draw Allayment of my rasping fear, My woundings and my frettings, till my mind Is soothed by winds that draw like nurses near, To tend me on my bed of living grass; And all the hush of spring shall be my cover; The hills shall stand as guards about my peace; And the audacious sun shall be my lover •••.