Nghĩa của từ slaughterhouses bằng Tiếng Anh

a place where animals are slaughtered for food.
The refinery, built in 1998, processes food waste and animal by-products collected from slaughterhouses , butchers and supermarkets.

Đặt câu với từ "slaughterhouses"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "slaughterhouses", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ slaughterhouses, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ slaughterhouses trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. - the access to the slaughterhouses must be via corridors.

2. Chimpanzees don't have slaughterhouses and prisons and concentration camps.

3. We rescue animals from slaughterhouses, zoos, labs.

4. Many illegal slaughterhouses operate in large cities such as Chennai and Mumbai.

5. - 197 small slaughterhouses have improved their waste management facilities and practices.

6. Those affected are often farmers or work in slaughterhouses.

7. Yet “pro-life” groups that picket abortion clinics are rarely seen picketing slaughterhouses.

8. If slaughterhouses had glass walls the whole world would be vegetarian".

9. By 1929, it undertook road expansions as well as opening markets and slaughterhouses.

10. The six other slaughterhouses with an export licence have a market share of between 1 and 3 %.

11. Millions of GM pigs are already lining up in front of slaughterhouses.

12. - To enhance Disease Control at the sources, including upgrading poultry wholesale markets and slaughterhouses.

13. (21) Slaughterhouses’ HACCP-based procedures must prevent, eliminate or at least reduce hazard to an acceptable level.

14. The inspection of slaughterhouses which was one of his duties converted him permanently to vegetarianism.

15. Allen Cooper, Esq., of The Equal Justice Center described the Arduousness of the labor in slaughterhouses and meatpacking facilities

16. So supermarkets, the slaughterhouses, and so on that buy products from illegal clear-cut areas, they also can be liable for the deforestation.

17. Their strategies include promoting rural food production and providing adequate access, as well as building new roads, markets, and slaughterhouses.

18. In addition, the promised market for horse meat did not materialize, and French slaughterhouses were overwhelmed by imports of cheap horses from the Americas and Eastern Europe.

19. - Good biosecurity practices were applied by all poultry traders in Ha Vy wholesale live bird market and in 76 upgraded markets and slaughterhouses in the 11 provinces

20. Equally, improper disposal systems of wastes from slaughterhouses could lead to transmission of pathogens to humans and cause zoonotic diseases such as Coli Bacillosis, Salmonellosis, Brucellosis and Helminthes

21. Further impact can be achieved through scaling-up and leveraging interventions for GAHP household producers, wet markets and small slaughterhouses, to reach beyond the original geographic coverage of 12 provinces.

22. In the search for alternatives, the industry, on a massive scale, has reverted to plant-based alternatives like soy, industrial chicken waste, blood meal from slaughterhouses and so on.

23. With the current round of EU legislation regarding the licensing of slaughterhouses and like premises, is is perhaps surprising that Gobdog, Schnurp & Bogwort still find a ready market for this device.

24. Transport to slaughterhouses takes place in authorised and registered vehicles, and factors likely to lead to stress or a reduction in the quality of the final product are reduced to a minimum.

25. Soon after the BJP appointed Adityanath, a Hindu cleric, as chief minister of India’s largest state of Uttar Pradesh in March, he cracked down on slaughterhouses and meat shops, mostly run by Muslims.

26. Since 200 China Yurun Foods has generated about 9% of its profit from negative goodwill, an accounting quirk that allows the company to mark up the value of the pig slaughterhouses it buys.

27. This means that meat inspections at slaughterhouses cannot find the injection points and then reject the drug-contaminated meat; this is a problem since the drugs accumulate round the point of injection and break down only slowly.

28. Amendment by María Isabel Salinas García Amendment 264 Article 9, paragraph 1, point (b) (vii) (vii) duration of transport of livestock to slaughterhouses shall be minimised; (vii) allopathic tranquillisers shall not be used during or before transport, and when loading and unloading animals shall not be subjected to any kind of forcible electric stimulation; Or. es Justification The paragraph as it stands is not specific enough.