Nghĩa của từ sit around bằng Tiếng Anh

hang out; sit idly; be present somewhere without fulfilling any particular functio

Đặt câu với từ "sit around"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sit around", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sit around, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sit around trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. You can't sit around sulking all day.

2. All participants sit around a large table.

3. We can't sit around and do nothing!

4. Others sit around and talk or sing.

5. Life's too short to sit around moping.

6. I won't sit around like some old lady.

7. You're not paid to sit around doing nothing!

8. They rule, and we sit around like frogs.

9. I'm far too busy to sit around here.

10. They come upstairs and sit around the breakfast table.


12. Don't sit around in your suit. It'll get crumpled.

13. Eve isn't the type to sit around doing nothing.

14. They sit around, afraid they're gonna mess up their dresses.

15. All he did that evening was sit around the flat.

16. I never, ever sit around thinking, 'What shall I do next?'.

17. I don't pay you to sit around all day doing nothing!

18. How could they sit around in a stupor for so long?

19. In the evenings we'd sit around the campfire and sing songs.

20. 12 How could they sit around in a stupor for so long?

21. Are you just going to sit around on your duff all day?

22. I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom.

23. We don't have to sit around waiting for the creatures any more.

24. I decided to go exercise rather than sit around all day feeling Blah

25. No, they're not, Damon, because you're not gonna sit around waiting for me.

26. You can't just sit around day after day drowning your sorrows in whiskey.

27. It was too cheap to sit around after such an insinuation as this.

28. After that I would sit around and talk flying with the other pilots.

29. Now producers sit around, make up a topic and then solicit for it.

30. After offering incense to the ancestors , the soldiers sit around and enjoy the dishes .

31. Why should I do all the donkey work while you sit around doing nothing?

32. We all used to sit around the kitchen table(sentence dictionary), smoking and chatting.

33. The old men sit around the table talking and dunking donuts into their coffee.

34. Friends sit around the board, place their fingers on a pointer and ask questions.

35. But in the land of my forebears, women sit around and wait for their men.

36. We're not going to sit around waiting while you and your men build a snowman.

37. Now producers sit around,(Sentence dictionary) make up a topic and then solicit for it.

38. 14 It's easy to sit around and theorize, but the reward is in the action.

39. Man was born to work, not to sit around with his nose in a book.

40. What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself.

41. Having finished a job, they don't sit around enjoying the results - it's on to the next.

42. Well, we all miss him, but you can' t sit around and brood all the time

43. Here we sit around the ancient ruins of a Stilton, eating and talking, drinking and smoking.

44. The old people liked to sit around the stove, chewing the cud of their lost youth.

45. 5 But in the land of my forebears, women sit around and wait for their men.

46. I do all the work, while all you do is sit around on your backside all day.

47. Blamestorming To sit around and discuss why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who's responsible

48. We'd just sit around in the front parlour of my house and smoke Typhoo Tea in my dad's pipe.

49. In meeting houses, there's always a central space where you can sit around a circle and see each other.

50. Senior civil servants somehow find time from the burdens of office to sit around deliberating over who really deserves what.