Nghĩa của từ self-serving bằng Tiếng Anh

having concern for one's own welfare and interests before those of others.
public accountability is replaced by self-serving propaganda
concern for oneself before others.
The most frustrating part of the debate is the obvious self-serving of some of the people concerned.

Đặt câu với từ "self-serving"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "self-serving", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ self-serving, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ self-serving trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Bankers may be greedy, self - serving egomaniacs , but at least they are consistently greedy, self - serving and egotistical.

2. At least spare me the self-serving justifications.

3. 5 Everybody outside the financially secure, self-serving and blinkered Cabinet.

4. He had a reputation for being politically officious and self - serving.

5. Atmanepada, contrary to the former one is a self-serving one

6. First, Cant might mean hypocritically pious talk, sanctimonious or self-serving talk

7. " The President's self-serving hypocrisy " is only surpassed by his shameless cowardice. "

8. The Byronic hero is characterized as being arrogant, violent, reckless, seductive, traumatized and self-serving

9. Now his father was putting a damper on it with his all Consuming, self-serving plots

10. Some Caudillos were self-serving, backward-looking, and anti-intellectual, while others were progressive and reform-minded

11. The definition of Brash is someone or something with an abrasive, tacky, self-serving or rude manner

12. Charlie was able to create the outcome: lock-in new customers by Actualising the affordance: help self-serving customers

13. Like Pareto[sentencedict .com], Burnham argued that Marxism was the self-serving ideology of an insurgent working class elite.

14. Self-serving Attributions are Attributions that help us meet our desire to see ourselves positively (Mezulis, Abramson, Hyde, & Hankin, 2004)

15. (Laughter) And we thought this was a very interesting comment on America, and a kind of self-serving, "not my responsibility" kind of phenomenon.

16. A self-serving Bias is the common habit of a person taking credit for positive events or outcomes, but blaming outside factors for negative events

17. 3 hours ago · Israeli Spy Pollard Betrays America Yet Again AMMUNITION FOR XENOPHOBES The traitor's latest self-serving lie adds another burden to minorities in U.S

18. Asylums, a pioneering ethnography conducted in the 1950s, is a powerful indictment of total institutions and the abuses inmates suffer from conniving relatives, self- serving professionals, and poorly supervised custodial personnel.

19. In Latin America, all Caudillos gained power through their charisma and willingness to resort to authoritarianism, though some were self-serving while others sought social justice by aiding disadvantaged social classes.

20. Carelessness is an Archontic Deception Behavior.We are selective in our commitments only doing the least required without care or responsible only to that which has self-serving motivations that give reward

21. Humans are discussed as arrogant and Blundering, an unflattering contrast to the innocent and compassionate chimps or gorillas. By defending his Blundering ways, this self-serving little weasel shows callous disregard for that poor little girl.

22. Prasad (India), replying to the representative of Pakistan, said that he categorically rejected that representative’s references to the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir in another self-serving and disingenuous attempt to misuse the Committee to further its agenda of territorial aggrandizement.

23. ‘But in an age where all of our lives are interconnected - in our economy, our infrastructure, even in our health - this notion of the lone cowboy is a fantasy, and generally a self-serving one for the Buckaroo who owns the ranch.’

24. The coding of the newspaper accounts showed that there was a “tendency to make internal Attributions for success and external Attributions for failure” which supports the self-serving bias as about 75% of the Attributions from winning teams were internal while about 55% of Attributions …

25. 1921 – Pictures from the Insects' Life (Ze života hmyzu), also known as The Insect Play or The Life of the Insects, with Josef Čapek, a satire in which insects stand in for various human characteristics: the flighty, vain butterfly, the obsequious, self-serving dung beetle.

26. ‘It might be Codswallop, but I was in bad need of positive omens.’ ‘Unfortunately, the book itself is regarded by genuine historians as Codswallop.’ ‘This unspeakable piece of Codswallop pretty much sums up the worst of New York journalism for me.’ ‘What a load of unadulterated, self serving Codswallop!’

27. We live in an era of increasingly rampant disinformation, and there are only two ways to address this toxic force that is Corroding our democracy : responsibly and in a way that serves the public, or irresponsibly and in a nakedly self-serving manner, facebook's malfeasance when it comes to trafficking in blatantly false information is a national crisis in this respect.