Nghĩa của từ rise above bằng Tiếng Anh

overcome; be higher tha

Đặt câu với từ "rise above"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rise above", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rise above, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rise above trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. 27 Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.

2. I try to rise above prejudice.

3. High mountains rise above the plain.

4. Surely we can rise above every difficulty.

5. I rise above Abasement at the word

6. Catchline Communications - Home Rise above the cacophony

7. I rise above abasement at the word.

8. 16 High mountains rise above the plain.

9. 21 We must endeavour to rise above, Wilson.

10. Massive slate crags rise above the river bank.

11. We need to rise above rationalizations and distractions.

12. The people make society what it is, and as the people rise above the Bestial thought, society will rise above the beastly in …

13. Temperatures seldom fall below # ° Centigrade or rise above # ° Centigrade

14. Phantasmagoria portray the unspeakable, they rise above the written language.

15. Temperatures seldom fall below 20° Centigrade or rise above 31 °Centigrade.

16. Continents are large expanses of land that rise above sea level

17. Ascenders are the vertical, upwards strokes that rise above the x-height

18. She had the courage and determination to rise above her physical disability.

19. By heeding Bible principles, we rise above the mood of the moment.

20. Every once in a while, people step up - they rise above themselves.

21. Duodenogastric reflux is indicated when sodium concentrations rise above 50 mmol/l.

22. 29 You all should rise above the clouds of ignorance , narrowness, and selfishness.

23. Temperature will not rise above 1275 oC until all the Anorthite has melted

24. But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.

25. Frank's sharpness shines through at times, but David's ad-libs rarely rise above witless rubbish.

26. Seeking solitude and time to think, he climbed, one day, to a rise above the ocean.

27. The death toll could rise above 13 once heavy equipment is used to lift the carriages.

28. The Mahatma could rise above the limitation of his own biases but would his followers do so ?

29. Temperatures rise above 70 degrees centigrade and there may be no rain whatsoever for years on end.

30. Swami Vivekananda was a great exponent of universal brotherhood and exhorted humanity to rise above petty differences.

31. And if you are lucky, the temperature also will soon be able to rise above 10 degrees.

32. It tells the story of an Aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street

33. In most island arcs only a relatively small proportion of the individual volcanoes actually rise above sea level.

34. "Boxcars," the author's first n Helping teens rise above their circumstances has been his life's pursuit

35. It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.

36. They could rise above mere opinion, with its sharp words and raised voices, to serene and stable fact.

37. After the completion of preparation works the first elements of the construction started to rise above the ground level.

38. Next to the hotel is an old colonial mansion, set back on a rise above the rubbish-strewn beach.

39. It is time for the notes of the melody of the gospel to rise above the noise of the world.

40. We are challenged to rise above the narrow confines of our individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

41. However, when it comes to sheer adorableness, these pups may just rise above the rest as the Cutest dog breeds.

42. This may be my final breath, but the people of this land will rise above my failures as a king.

43. But if he eventually is to rise above the average, he can not simply plod along, indulging in routine matters.

44. The criteria of sameness and difference offer few ways of separating out peoples once we rise above the level of locality.

45. After it falls below a critical price, it will tend, if it's successful, to rise above a critical mass, a penetration.

46. Because when the mouth’s acid levels rise above a certain point, the tooth enamel softens and brushing will begin to rub away the top surface.

47. Now a sadhu in Bhopal , who does not wish to be identified , is trying to address the problem and help the minister rise above her phobia .

48. Anthroposophy, which Steiner called a "spiritual science," was designed to train people to rise above the material and once again focus on the spiritual world

49. PM summed up his address, saying these efforts of the foundation showcase the importance of transition of ‘I’ to ‘We’, when we rise above ourselves and think about society.

50. Making a strong pitch to rise above the “administrative mechanisms of earlier centuries”, the Prime Minister said the Secretaries had an opportunity to transform the lives of one-sixth of humanity.