Nghĩa của từ rhizomes bằng Tiếng Anh

a continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.
The plant is tough to stamp out because it develops a system of roots and rhizomes , horizontal underground stems that descend as far as six feet into the sand.

Đặt câu với từ "rhizomes"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rhizomes", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rhizomes, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rhizomes trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Alliums have bulbs and rhizomes

2. Differences between Bulbs Corms Rhizomes Tubers Bulbs

3. The young rhizomes have Amphiphloic siphonostele

4. Others are produced from thick rootstock called rhizomes.

5. Cattails reproduce by seed and root-like rhizomes

6. The perennial rhizomes formed closely crowed belowground networks.

7. Alstroemeria plants, aka Peruvian lilies, grow from tuberous rhizomes

8. Cannas grow on rhizomes, and like most rhizomes plants, they need to be cut down to the ground once the plant is done actively growing

9. Objective : To study the chemical constituents from the roots and rhizomes of Clematis hexapetala.

10. Bamboo Culms are connected to neighboring Culms via rhizomes, which enable resource exchange between Culms

11. Caudex plants Flowering trees and shrubs Fruit Trees Hoya Plants Hoya Rooted Cutting Mangrove Materials and Decoration Musa / Banana Plants Seeds Plumeria Tubers / Bulbs / Rhizomes Waterlily & Aquatic plants Adenium Lotus Rhizomes Books

12. Coltsfoot is a perennial, woolly herbaceous plant that spreads by seeds and rhizomes

13. A further source of vegetative reproduction lies in the rhizomes of numerous species.

14. Cuban Bulrush spreads by small, reddish runners (or rhizomes) and can cover small areas

15. Since they can be difficult to grow from seeds, Cannas are usually grown from rhizomes,

16. ‘Bulbs are geophytes including flower-producing bulbs, Corms, tubers and rhizomes with underground storage systems.’ ‘The primary bulb species used for gardens and landscapes include: true bulbs, Corms, tubers, tuberous roots, rhizomes, and enlarged hypocotyls.’

17. The most damaging aspect of the Borer’s activities is the affect on the iris rhizomes

18. Once established, Cattails grow up to 8 feet tall and multiply from thick, underground rhizomes.

19. Plant Bloodroot in spring or fall; like many rhizomes or bulbs, seasonal Bloodroot grows quickly in …

20. Favorite Add to 10 Cranesbill Wild Geranium Maculatum Roots Plant Organic Medicinal Herbs Transplant Rhizomes Replant

21. Agapanthuses grow from rhizomes (not bulbs or tubers) and produce fleshy roots which like to be constricted

22. Fossils include narrow horizontal rhizomes with a radial Amphiphloic dictyostele and internodes up to 1.5 cm long

23. Iris Borer damage escalates to include mushy, foul-smelling rhizomes and stems and affects the entire vigor of the plant

24. Sampling of materials larger than grains (e.g. fruits, rhizomes, potatoes) should be carried out according to ISO standard

25. Canna Lily Bulbs - The President Red Canna Rhizomes/Bulbs/Roots (3 Pack) 3.8 out of 5 stars 55

26. Canna Lily Bulbs - The President Red Canna Rhizomes/Bulbs/Roots (3 Pack) 3.8 out of 5 stars 55

27. Adventitious roots can grow from plant stems, bases of leaves, corms (swollen underground stem), rhizomes (mass of roots

28. Sampling of materials larger than grains (e.g. fruits, rhizomes, potatoes) should be carried out according to ISO standard 2859.

29. As with most Begonias, Beefsteaks don’t like to sit in water due to their succulent rhizomes being vulnerable to rot

30. Plant in spring so that energy stored in the Bamboo's rhizomes is used to produce strong, new canes in summer

31. 7 This plant propagates as speedily in deep water as in a marshy habitat, the thin rhizomes taking root quickly.

32. Pros and Cons of Cattail The rhizomes and lower leaf portions of Cattails are consumed by nutria, muskrats, and geese.

33. The canes of running Bamboos are also sent up from rhizomes underground, but they spread more rapidly and widely, sending up …

34. Arrowroot Powder is an all-natural silky white powder produced by grinding up the dried rhizomes of the tropical Arrowroot plant

35. A group of Culms growing near one another are usually connected together underground by segmented stems called rhizomes to form a single plant.

36. The majority of Alliums are bulb-forming; however, there is a handful that grows from rhizomes, the way common chives (Allium schoenoprasum) do

37. Arrowroot, any of several species of the genus Maranta, members of the family Marantaceae, the rhizomes, or rootstocks, of which yield an edible starch

38. Internally, the rhizomes of all species of Marsilea have an Amphiphloic siphonostele, being limited internally and externally by endodermal layers, and with a central pith

39. Arrowroot, made from the rhizomes (tubers) of tropical plants, has almost no flavor of its own and thickens at a much lower temperature than cornstarch

40. Some gardeners fear Celandines - once their white rhizomes escape, it is difficult to persuade them to restrict themselves to where you want them to grow

41. Cannas grow from swollen roots known as rhizomes and are treated as an annual in cold-winter climates or as a perennial in frost-free locations

42. The various flower bulb types- bulbs Corms rhizomes tubers and tuberous roots – are better described as geophytes rather than lumping they all under the term bulbs

43. Anemone nemerosa, commonly called wood Anemone, is a low-growing herbaceous perennial that spreads by branched and creeping rhizomes to form an attractive ground cover in shaded woodland areas

44. Pros and Cons of Bulrush Seeds of Bulrushes are consumed by ducks and other birds; while geese, muskrats, and nutria consume the rhizomes and early shoots

45. Cannas will grow almost anywhere, as a perennial in the South and a summer flowering plant whose rhizomes can be easily lifted and stored in the North

46. Properties of oil heat-treated four year-old tropical bamboo Gigantochloa Levis Roots, Culms with leaves, stolons, and rhizomes were sectioned fresh or fixed in FAA [28].

47. Berberine GT features Berberine, an alkaloid compound found in the roots, rhizomes, stems and bark of several plants commonly used in botanical and Chinese medicine for centuries

48. Aerobic root respiration rates, end products of anaerobic metabolism in roots and rhizomes, lacunal development, and internal gas volume and gas composition were compared among plants from three sites.

49. Canna lily rhizomes do best planted in full sun, and love the heat for maximum growth! Add texture and color with dark leaved Cannas like Black Knight or Wyoming Canna.

50. Adiantum capillus-veneris, commonly called southern maidenhair fern, is a deciduous, clumping fern with a drooping habit that grows to 12-18” tall and slowly spreads by short creeping rhizomes