Nghĩa của từ reminding bằng Tiếng Anh

cause (someone) to remember someone or something.
he would have forgotten the boy's birthday if you hadn't reminded him
synonyms:jog someone's memoryhelp someone rememberprompt

Đặt câu với từ "reminding"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reminding", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reminding, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reminding trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Anyone who needs reminding shouldn't come.

2. Yes, I'll be there. Thanks for reminding me.

3. She concluded the speech by reminding us of our responsibility.

4. I sent him a memo reminding him about the meeting.

5. Earnest and magnanimous, she is reminding of man's occasional silliness.

6. I'm sure you don't want reminding of the need for discretion.

7. In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale.

8. I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder.

9. Smoking is bad for you,as experts never weary of reminding us.

10. Please keep reminding us of the necessity to stick to Bible principles.”

11. I fight Bossiness by reminding myself that God is God and I’m not

12. A memo went around the office, reminding staff of the new dress code.

13. As we are reminding ourselves, the Transfiguration took place at a most critical moment.

14. Carlton Pearson Live At Azusa 3 "Reminding The Saints Of The Hope"

15. Abyssinia did a great job of reminding me why I love it so much

16. Let me finish by reminding you that, like successful detectorists, beachcombers work with nature.

17. 5 It is, as the morbidly glib never tire of reminding us, as natural as life.

18. It is, as the morbidly glib never tire of reminding us, as natural as life.

19. 2 There's no need to belabour the point - you don't need to keep reminding me.

20. 25 “Continue reminding them to be in subjection and to be obedient to governments and authorities.”

21. Might I take the liberty of reminding Sir that Sir's favourite programme's on the air soon?

22. What better way to begin this section than by reminding them of God’s Chastening in the Old Testament:

23. I thank you also for reminding us that this is an issue about diet, physical activity and health.

24. Gradually she came to realize that it was reminding her of her father - her father and the allotment.

25. Stanford is looking worn down and reminding folks that they staggered at the finish line last year, too.

26. Risking death to prove I'm still into you and reminding you, you should still be into me.

27. Ten years later, naturally, another edict appeared, reminding of the necessity to do something with illegal migrants ...

28. Throughout the summer adverts will appear in newspapers and magazines reminding people of the goodness of spam.

29. 24 Even the District Secretary was not averse to reminding his tutor-organisers that they were dispensable.

30. The piano writing is Brahmsian in the extreme, reminding one at times of the Master's two piano concerti

31. 9 The fragrance of new millet drifted up on a southwestern breeze,[] reminding him that harvest was approaching.

32. IN THE late 1950s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned by reminding West German voters of their growing, but fragile, prosperity.

33. Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone.

34. As nothing else, the child within her womb kept reminding her daily, hourly of the treachery she had perpetrated.

35. “After you’ve given the discipline, it’s important not to keep going on about it and reminding the child about his faults.”

36. 21 He is often very callous to Lennie and is constantly reminding him what his life could be like without Lennie.

37. Boys become very sexually aware from the beginning of teenage years and their constant erections keep reminding them of that

38. I never find myself, fatigue in the voice, reminding Flaubert to hang up the bathmat or use the lavatory brush.

39. That's why we should now make a start on reminding ourselves of the relevance of our own particular life story.

40. The writer's po-faced style occasionally irritates: do people really need reminding that cases of bubonic plague should be treated immediately?

41. It was late afternoon, she had to keep reminding herself, even though her body-clock seemed stubbornly convinced it was bedtime.

42. How aBout a nice hot drink? 3 used for introducing somebody/something into a conversation or reminding somebody of somebody/something: I know …

43. And in public health services, simple SMS messages have proven effective in reminding people living with HIV to take their lifesaving drugs.

44. 14 She would find the fur within the nest warm and comfortable, reminding her of her own sleeping quarters in her hutch.

45. This is charmingly old-fashioned stuff, reminding you of the Victorian explorer who knocked out a boa constrictor with a straight right.

46. Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is one of its biggest mysteries, with the World Health Organization recently reminding the public of the …

47. You simply add any timed activity and Actio takes care of reminding you when it is due and track the time spent on it

48. Understand the most important points Abridge has your back, from reminding you of medical terminology to identifying important details of your care.

49. When your balance runs low (about 30% of your funds left), we'll send you an email reminding you to make an additional payment.

50. “CONTINUE reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work.”