Nghĩa của từ recession bằng Tiếng Anh

a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
Economic recessions are predominantly the result of insufficient demand.
synonyms:economic declinedownturndepressionslumpslowdown
the action of receding; motion away from an observer.
The expansion of the Universe is described by a very simple equation called Hubble's law; the velocity of the recession of a galaxy is equal to a constant times its distance.

Đặt câu với từ "recession"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "recession", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ recession, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ recession trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. It's like a recession.

2. The rich world faces a nasty recession but that recession need not be calamitous.

3. We're in a recession.

4. Hit by the Great Recession

5. The economy is plunging into recession.

6. The economy is in recession.

7. The recession continues to deepen.

8. Add one recession... subtract two jobs.

9. The country plunged deeper into recession.

10. The recession has exacerbated this problem.

11. The recession caused sales to drop off.

12. The economy is precariously close to recession.

13. US economic data heightens recession fears

14. The country was plunged into recession.

15. 8 The recession remains deeply entrenched.

16. The recession may deepen still further.

17. Industry is reviving after the recession.

18. The recession is biting into our profits.

19. He stayed in, and the recession worsened.

20. 23 The recession is taking its toll.

21. It was the worst recession since the war.

22. The industry is in the period of recession.

23. "Some Cities Will Be Safer in a Recession".

24. Recession, they reason a penance for past profligacy.

25. Small businesses have suffered financially during the recession.

26. The recession spelled doom for many small businesses.

27. The recession has mainstreamed the burgeoning gig economy.

28. A global recession can override that theory .

29. 5 Recession at the time seemed unavoidable.

30. Firms are struggling against a prolonged recession.

31. The world is only slowly emerging from recession.

32. The recession started biting deeply into British industry.

33. The recession is biting into the music industry.

34. The recession hit the package holiday business hard.

35. This indicated the depth and severity of the recession.

36. Manufacturing fell sharply under the impact of the recession.

37. Politicians began to use the dreaded R-word: recession.

38. # 14 - Spain back in recession after first-quarter contraction

39. Few retailers were left unscathed by the recession.

40. This is the worst recession for fifty years.

41. Because of the lingering Aftereffects of the recession

42. Shortly after my brother's death, the Recession hit.

43. With a recession looming, consumers are spending less.

44. The company proved remarkably resilient during the recession.

45. The recession in Germany has been comparatively mild.

46. In the recession of the early 1990s the United States successfully used lower interest rates to help it recover from a recession.

47. Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession.

48. The recession and hospital bills drove them into bankruptcy.

49. We faced lacklustre opponents in the depth of recession.

50. The firm managed to stay afloat during the recession.