Nghĩa của từ radiographs bằng Tiếng Anh

an image produced on a sensitive plate or film by X-rays, gamma rays, or similar radiation, and typically used in medical examination.
Presence of cardiomegaly on the chest radiograph may be the only diagnostic clue and echocardiography may reveal pericardial effusion.
produce an image of (something) on a sensitive plate or film by X-rays, gamma rays, or similar radiation.
Characteristic branching ossification was identified in 7 of the 8 cases by radiographing the paraffin blocks or the wet tissue.

Đặt câu với từ "radiographs"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "radiographs", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ radiographs, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ radiographs trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Part 3: Radiographs: Not just about Bitewings

2. Radiographs are demonstrated as an auxiliary tool to studying placers.

3. Bioturbation, but this is difficult to recognize without X-radiographs

4. Radiographs of patient 2, originally labeled as ‘achondroplasia’ showed identical findings.

5. Armed with the Antemortem record and radiographs, postmortem record and radiographs, CAPMI printout (if used), and a summary sheet, the forensic team starts the process of comparing records and films

6. Bitewing images are probably the most commonly taken radiographs in dentistry

7. Bitewing radiographs should be standardized or used alongside with individualized Bitewing holders

8. The Abo Model Grading System for scoring dental casts and panoramic radiographs contains eight criteria

9. Adequate interpretation of radiographs of injured children and adolescents is key for appropriate treatment.

10. All 3D-reconstructions can be calculated as virtual radiographs and viewed stereoscopically with LCD-shutter glasses.

11. Bitewing Tabs are self-adhesive, latex-free tabs that ensure accurate, distortion free Bitewing radiographs and patient comfort

12. Femurs were submitted to plain radiographs, computerised tomography (CT) scan, and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).

13. SK7 Intracranial Calcifications Intracranial Calcifications are a common finding on plain film radiographs and on CT scans of the skull

14. • Performed animal venipunctures, injections, and Anesthetizations, monitoring animals vital signs accordingly • Executed and processed all radiographs, performed dentals, and assisted

15. Frontal and sagittal radiographs indicate axial alignment and angles of the hip, knee and upper ankle joint.

16. 25 Radiographs of the chest showed enlargement of the right heart with prominence of the pulmonary outflow tract.

17. Examples of in a sentence My thesis is on the automated assessment of total hip replacements from Anteroposterior radiographs.

18. The Figgie method to describe patella height delivers only absolute measurements, which makes it difficult to compare different radiographs.

19. Axial radiographs can demonstrate the presence of trochlear dysplasia, patellar tilt or subluxation, and the extent of patellofemoral arthritis.

20. The senior surgeon at the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital had a series of incomparable radiographs of bladder and renal chyluria.

21. MR imaging is useful for evaluation of associated soft-tissue injuries in patients with the Arcuate sign on conventional radiographs

22. The authors tested the possibilities for forensic personal identification based on the comparison of ante-mortem and post-mortem radiographs.

23. Radiographs often show cystic radiolucent defects in the acetabulum and femoral head, but the joint space remains preserved until late.

24. It was observed that radiographs taken with an angle of 90° to the sensor corresponded most often to the true clinical situation.

25. Alternatively the zone-method (Harner et al.) [4] can be used, both on radiographs as well as on MRI scans.

26. Magnetic resonance images and radiographs of 7 cases of intra-articular synovial sarcomas and 14 cases of localized PVNS were Blindedly reviewed

27. After admittance, pa-, lateral and 45° oblique radiographs were taken as well as stress views in comparison to the contralateral foot.

28. Bitewing radiographs are indicated primarily to detect or monitor interproximal caries if the proximal surfaces of the teeth cannot be visually or tactilely examined

29. Judet views, 45° oblique radiographs of the pelvis and Acetabula, may be obtained to better delineate the pelvic and Acetabular structures

30. Background: Patients with Crowned dens syndrome typically present with severe neck pain and have calcium deposits around the odontoid process of the axis on radiographs

31. However, X-radiographs, and the lack of penetrative disruption of thin silt laminae, show that the muddy tops of some turbidites have suffered virtually no Bioturbation

32. For planning further therapy strategies following postarthroscopic complications, e.g. if anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is required, digital radiographs and computed tomography (CT) are helpful.

33. There was a good correlation between the clinical and radiographic findings, although in some cases, indication for adenoidectomy, as seen from the radiographs, could not be clinically substantiated.

34. Objectives: Ankylosis, or spontaneous bone fusion, of the small joints of the hand is a rare event in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), being observed in 0.8% of them on conventional radiographs

35. Spontaneous pneumothorax caused by pulmonary Blebs and bullae was diagnosed in 12 dogs based on history, clinical examination, thoracic radiographs, surgical findings, and histopathological examination of resected pulmonary lesions

36. The authors critically evaluate the application of angle-ANB and ofSchwarz's angles AB and MM in the determination of the sagittal relations of jaws in cephalometric analysis of radiographs of the human head.

37. Trigonometric calculations, based on angle measurements using 2 conventional radiographs in planes that are perpendicular to each other, were used to determine the Angulation of the epiphysis and its orientation in space

38. In addition, the software accounts for varying magnifications of the radiographs which result from the use of different Cephalometers, Finally, data from all records are oriented in the same coordinate system, thus standardization of the data has been accomplished

39. The length of the abductor muscles and their lever arm were measured on standardized antero-posterior hip radiographs taken in supine position; the product of these two values, namely the dysfunction index (DI), was considered an estimate for the hip abductor torque.

40. - triple Arthrodesis, interferes with subsequent growth of the foot, and does not restore the height of the foot - Radiographs: - lateral radiograph of the foot, held in slight equinus and inversion, will confirm whether the valgus deformity of the subtalar joint is fully corrected - Contraindications:

41. ‘The development of the Broadbent - Bolton Cephalometer and the history of its evolution to common usage are familiar to all orthodontists.’ ‘The invention of the Broadbent-Bolton Cephalometer in 1925 made possible the collection of three-dimensional data from biorthogonal plain film head radiographs.’

42. A standard series of plain radiographs with true AP projection, lateral scapular projection, and transaxial view displays the vertical and horizontal glenohumeral centering of the joint as well as degenerative changes, tendon calcifications, unfused acromial apophyses, and the positional relations of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint in the horizontal plane.

43. The radiological tests range from dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), which is the only reference method accepted by the WHO, to conventional radiographs for fracture characterization, to more recent techniques for analyzing trabecular structure, and the findings are decisive in initiating correct management of osteoporosis patients.

44. The second most feared item was having dental radiographs taken (61.4%), followed by the use of scalers and Curettes (56%), seeing the needle (54.1%), seeing the scalers and Curettes (49.4%), the use of power driven instruments (48.5%), the sound of power driven instruments (45.7%), the use of air or water spray (36.4%), and the use of suction

45. In our opinion and in accordance with the literature, a combination of plain radiographs and CT scans including 2D and 3D reconstructions for diagnostic imaging has proven to be the most effective procedure to evaluate an adequate surgical strategy, understand the fracture mechanism, minimize the complication rate and achieve sufficient postoperative follow-up and quality control.