Nghĩa của từ radars bằng Tiếng Anh

a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects, by sending out pulses of high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are reflected off the object back to the source.
Chavez reported that Venezuelan radar detected the presence of the ships and planes during the coup attempt.

Đặt câu với từ "radars"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "radars", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ radars, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ radars trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Of tracking radars, the Explanation of Acquirement

2. Of tracking radars, the Explanation of Acquisitiveness

3. Of tracking radars, the Explanation of Acquirable

4. Scorpion is a RECM system for the protection of naval vessels from surveillance and target-designation radars, fire-control radars and RF-guided missile seekers.

5. These radars are used for surface search and navigation purposes.

6. Two radars monitor the slope of a mountain above the road.

7. Navigational radars scan a wide area two to four times per minute.

8. Are the ship's main radio transmitter aerials earthed and radars switched off?

9. – Sensor function: radars and telescopes to identify and track spacecraft and debris;

10. The top brass could stuff all their radars, detectors, and what have you.

11. Radars at Konark, Paradip detected the missile and were continuously tracking it.

12. The Patriot is a complicated system of launchers, radars, communications and control.

13. In an embodiment, low power radars may be used to locate and track a user.

14. Sometimes search radars use the Doppler effect to separate moving vehicles from clutter.

15. Radio application apparatus, namely, radio beacon units, radio direction finders, radars, loran navigation units

16. A low peak transmission power of these radars reduces the probability of intercept by ESM systems.

17. Passive measures, such as chaff, seduce missile seekers from friendly platforms and distract acquisition radars.

18. It consists of a new command post vehicle, the 9S457ME and a selection of new radars.

19. Blighter designs and manufactures world-beating 2D and 3D electronic-scanning ground-based radars, which can

20. • examine the acquisition of additional radars to provide better coverage of population centres and vital points;

21. We're really shifting over from precision sensors like radars and lasers into very cheap, commoditized sensors.

22. Said primary direction or position detection means (1, 3) may include direction-finder systems, radars or lidars.

23. Raytheon Canada Waterloo has also developed the world's most advanced signal processor for conventional scanning microwave marine radars.

24. a: All airborne radar equipment and specially designed components therefor, not including radars specially designed for meteorological use ”

25. Radars detected formation of a large number of tracks, signifying that the target had broken into multiple pieces.

26. Centimetric contour mapping radars like H2S greatly improved the accuracy of Allied bombers in the strategic bombing campaign.

27. Over the course of the war Type 285 gunnery radars were mounted on top of the high-angle directors.

28. (iv) Users should also be advised that high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5250–5350 MHz and 5650–5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.

29. Radars and electro-optical systems along the Coast of Odisha have tracked and monitored all the parameters of the missile.

30. Channel 3000 brings you weather conditions, forecasts, radars, images and historical data about weather in Madison and Southern Wisconsin.

31. Searching electronically for radars and SAMs, Goldstein and Revak strained their eyes trying to spot Airbursts or missile trails

32. The FA2 featured the Blue Vixen radar which was described as one of the most advanced pulse Doppler radars in the world.

33. Another project that the ministry has suddenly accelerated after two years of inaction is a new missile designed to destroy enemy radars.

34. These radars, having a range of about 65 km (40 mi), are used to refine the location, altitude, and speed of the hostile aircraft.

35. Frequency agility is used by most of modern military radars, which makes it difficult for anti-radiation seeker to reconnoiter the signals.

36. The anti-radiation weapon is a kind of hard antipersonnel weapon which discoverys, traces and destroys the radars by making use of the radar radiations.

37. The system was upgraded in 1989 and again in 1995 and the original missiles and radars replaced (ABM-3 and current A-135 systems).

38. Equipped with a “look-down” radar, the Awacs can separate airborne targets from the ground and sea clutter returns that confuse other present-day radars

39. Installing a radar reflector on your kayak raises your visibility by 0.2 to 0.3 nautical miles on most radars and can help avoid accidental collisions.

40. They provide ground control intercept to red air, helping them locate the enemy since red air's airborne radars have only a forward-looking field of vision.

41. Targeting radars use the same principle as search radar but scan a much smaller area far more often, usually several times a second or more.

42. ILC Dover has manufactured helium-filled Aerostats to carry surveillance radars up to 15,000 feet altitude while tethered to the ground by a single tether

43. The center of the bearing usually is movable through hand wheels in fire-control radars. The antenna turntable then is turned into the new direction.

44. In China's first major arms sale in Latin America, Venezuela in 2005 purchased JYL-1 radars from the company in a deal worth US$150 million.

45. IAF’s existing aircraft and helicopter fleets are being upgraded and AWACS, Air to Air refuellers, Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft, Advanced Light Helicopters and transportable radars being procured.

46. Aircraft was equipped with jamming system G 24 in one of three versions (for L, S or C bands) used for jamming ground and naval radars.

47. SIGINT sensors will help the Army locate Adversaries through electronic signals generated by devices such as radars and weapon systems, and communication signals such as radios, phones, etc

48. Aview is committed to the development of high-performance automated line and test systems for millimeter wave radars, cameras and other components for image sensing applications, as well as

49. This paper introduces a technique used for deceiving the radars which generates false target with signature of flight path, and gives its operational principle and implementation in detail.

50. Tethered Aerostats with radars on board could definitely help give China more advance notice of FONOPs without a heavy reliance on airborne or even space-based assets.