Nghĩa của từ pulling bằng Tiếng Anh

exert force on (someone or something), typically by taking hold of them, in order to move or try to move them toward oneself or the origin of the force.
he pulled them down onto the couch
(of a vehicle or person) move steadily in a specified direction or to reach a specified point.
the bus was about to pull away
cause (someone) to patronize, buy, or show interest in something; attract.
tourist attractions that pull in millions of foreign visitors

Đặt câu với từ "pulling"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pulling", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pulling, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pulling trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Pulling up tile.

2. Tractor-pulling event yesterday.

3. Stop pulling our legs.

4. It's pulling me under.

5. Stop pulling my leg.

6. Stop pulling her hair!

7. Rogue One, pulling away.

8. Pulling out his tooth?

9. Maybe pulling bits off?

10. You're pulling my leg.

11. Mom! Davey's pulling my hair!

12. I'm pulling the bridge together

13. The drones are pulling it away!

14. All our investors are pulling out.

15. He's pulling his boat out today.

16. You pulling out in a hurry?

17. That's like pulling the trigger yourself.

18. " I am pulling the trigger myself.

19. He's pulling some sort of trick.

20. So, I started pulling hunting licenses.

21. Yeah. Just pulling it up now.

22. You're pulling rank on patient care?

23. The car was pulling a caravan.

24. They're pulling the plug on me?

25. On account of pulling a trigger.

26. If you're pulling the strings, Luthor...

27. Stop pulling my hair, you wretch!

28. The clearance sale is pulling well.

29. Your tooth-pulling days are over, Oz.

30. Sam and John are pulling the rope.

31. The boat is pulling out into midstream.

32. I'm pulling into Wal-Mart now, so....

33. After why pulling a head cannot deflate?

34. An Astringent contracts tissue, pulling cells together

35. You're pulling the rope and when the...

36. Then she started pulling away... From everybody.

37. The scientists pulling his strings are erratic.

38. Pulling to one side) can indicate misAlignment

39. He succeeded in pulling through the difficulty.

40. The Banters exemplify what tractor pulling has become

41. They were pulling hard for the small island.

42. She's pulling a double in the ER tonight.

43. He teased the dog by pulling its tail.

44. Warning for car locating , overtaking and pulling up.

45. Colloids help in pulling fluid into the bloodstream.

46. Leaving him behind is like pulling the trigger.

47. 19 Pulling himself upright, he squared his shoulders.

48. A letter sweater pulling away from blistered shoulders.

49. What are you pulling a face at now?

50. The horse on the left side isn't pulling.