Nghĩa của từ prognostic bằng Tiếng Anh

serving to predict the likely outcome of a disease or ailment; of or relating to a medical prognosis.
Important negative prognostic factors in both conditions include patients older than 65 years, hypotension, and coma.
an advance indication or portent of a future event.
a one-banded caterpillar is considered a prognostic of a mild winter

Đặt câu với từ "prognostic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "prognostic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ prognostic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ prognostic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Some Biomarkers have both a prognostic and a predictive value.

2. Among histopathological prognostic parameters the mitotic activity is the most important one.

3. Newer approaches to implement statistical and prognostic methods in the automated analysis algorithms.

4. Incidence and prognostic significance of spontaneous and inducible Antidromic tachycardia

5. 8 A curative tumour resection was the most important prognostic factor.

6. Title: A clinical prognostic scoring system for Guillain - Barr é syndrome.

7. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) has been associated with adverse prognostic outcome in DCM patients.

8. Labral lesions are common accompanying findings in acetabular dysplasia, representing an important prognostic factor.

9. Routinely used markers like c-reactive protein or leukocyte count , have no prognostic value.

10. Furthermore, the combination of Avai and Vp provides additional prognostic information

11. Stratus-OCT and Cirrus-OCT imaging were performed to identify prognostic factors.

12. An early detection of the anastomotic leakage is an important prognostic factor.

13. The prognostic significance of inducible Antidromic AVRT is controversial in asymptomatic patients.

14. Accumulating evidence suggests that quality of life scores have an independent prognostic factor.

15. Modalities of radiotherapy, surgery, internal medical, and oncology must be applied contingent on individual prognostic factors.

16. Prognostic factors can be determined by clinical parameters, molecular analyses and patient characteristics (e.g. age and comorbidities).

17. Cytogenetics is considered one of the most valuable prognostic determinants in acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

18. Synonyms for Auguring include prophecy, prediction, forecast, prognostication, prognosis, augury, soothsaying, foretelling, prognostic and prognosticating

19. The major prognostic factors were preoperative corneal vascularization and the presence or absence of inflammation.

20. DNA Adduct 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, a novel putative marker of prognostic significance in ovarian carcinoma Int J Gynecol Cancer

21. Future guidelines may allow several parallel drug sequences based on prognostic factors and individual biomarkers.

22. Objective: To investigate the prognostic significance of Centralization in patients with subacute sciatica and referred symptoms

23. In everyday practice the prognostic effect of ACE inhibition an β-blockade is not completely utilized.

24. The strength of identified associations and the extent of confounding between investigated prognostic factors remain uncertain.

25. We hypothesized that HRR after the 6MWT would be a better prognostic measure than distance Ambulated.

26. The MPI is an easily documentated prognostic index for peritonitis with high accuracy in individual prognosis.

27. Absolute lymphopenia and increase of plasma cells in the bone marrow were of poor prognostic significance.

28. This study evaluated the prognostic relevance of the angioscopic lesion morphology and plaque colour on restenosis rate following coronary angioplasty.

29. Anisotropal 7328516690 Prognostic significance of which band? Creature in the vision creation process? caruncula Static user authentication

30. The study confirms the prognostic relevance of past course, e.g. number of previous episodes and mania-quotient.

31. Molecular Cytogenetics and genomic analysis are now integral diagnostic and prognostic tools in various branches of medicine (e.g

32. In addition, similar behavior was observed in breast cancer and head and neck tumor Casuistries, where they showed a prognostic role

33. When using the 6 min walk test (6MWT) in HF, distance Ambulated is generally the reference prognostic variable

34. Both screening questionnaires for chronic LBP have insufficient diagnostic and prognostic validity for routine use in ambulatory care.

35. Glomerular filtration rate (formula clearance) and albuminuria/proteinuria are reliable prognostic factors, both associated with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

36. 18 In conclusion it is justified to examine ICAM-1 expression as a potential prognostic risk factor for colonic carcinoma.

37. Conclusions: These factors including PTA, Urea, sodium in blood and hepatic coma are valuable to build scoring system on prognostic assessment of hepatitis failure.

38. The MRI changes associated with rheumatoid arthritis such as synovitis, tenosynovitis, erosions, and bone marrow edema are described including their prognostic significance.

39. It seems possible that the advances of gene array and protein expression profile technologies will lead to improved prognostic and predictive statements.

40. But in the final analysis it was only itself: a unique divinatory and prognostic art embodying centuries of accreted methodology and tradition.

41. Researchers conducting the Clonal Evolution research project hope to identify point mutations and baseline Clonal heterogeneity as prognostic markers for multiple myeloma

42. A mathematical-descriptor of tumor-mesoscopic-structure from computed-tomography images Annotates prognostic- and molecular-phenotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer Nat Commun

43. Axillary lymph node status is an important prognostic feature for patients with breast cancer, but the therapeutic value of Axillary lymphadenectomy is controversial

44. The aetiology and prognostic significance of the different forms of fascicular block especially in regard to the development of complete av-block are discussed.

45. Early resumpton of spontaneous respiration and stability of cardiovascular function in the posthypoxic period are favourable signs, but are not of absolute prognostic value.

46. As a new prognostic factor, the reduction of mechanical heel stress during RT may ameliorate the short-term results, whereas short heel pain history improves the long-term results.

47. Records of 92 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma presenting as cervical adenopathy without a palpable mass were reviewed to identify prognostic factors and to evaluate therapy.

48. Benign prostate tissue (including gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in samples from tumors with different Aggressivenesses (Gleason score), as well as prognostic values in multistep survival analyses.

49. A computation of prognostic scores, such as the Revised Injury Severity Classification (RISC) and the updated version RISC II (TR-DGU-Project-ID 2012–035) was performed.

50. The development of celiac adenopathies during the course of a sub or supra diaphragmatic malignancy has negative prognostic value, and surgical resection is generally contraindicated in these cases.