Nghĩa của từ plod bằng Tiếng Anh

walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps.
we plodded back up the hill
synonyms:trudgewalk heavilyclumpstomptramptromplumberslog
a slow, heavy walk.
he settled down to a steady plod

Đặt câu với từ "plod"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "plod", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ plod, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ plod trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I could recognize his plod anywhere.

2. We are rarely content to plod along mechanically.

3. He was destined to plod the path of toil.

4. They had to plod wearily on up the hill.

5. But it meant that we could plod away unnoticed, plotting more outrageous things.

6. Aircraft production continued to plod along at an Agonizingly slow pace

7. Endlessly they plod beneath the sheaves of wheat and endlessly return for more.

8. You either opt out or plod on and make the most of it.

9. The secret of good work to plod away and still keep the passion flesh.

10. For many minutes, Ali, Asaad and Isaac plod back and forth in a chain through the snow.

11. Synonyms for Clomp include clump, galumph, stamp, trudge, clop, clunk, lumber, plod, stomp and tramp

12. But it had become impossible for Mr Major to plod on with the same soiled team.

13. Synonyms for walk Clumsily include lumber, plod, shamble, shuffle, stumble, trudge, clump, stump, galumph and stamp

14. It is a dull plod, although interest is momentarily revived by a recognition of Harryhorse Stone nearby.

15. At other times they plod along in drawn - out lines , creating deep ruts in the dusty soil.

16. They are easy to play; they plod along, and the interest is in the voices and the text.

17. But if he eventually is to rise above the average, he can not simply plod along, indulging in routine matters.

18. He was wearing the unobtrusive shabby clothes with soft shoes that would allow him to plod round the streets without being noticed.

19. Persons of a mature age, who had Bulked large at home, would not stoop to plod through the rudiments of a new profession

20. Let Bush plod through his weighty biographies or watch his football games; Barack Obama seconds the sentiment of D. H. Lawrence that “the novel is the one bright book of life.”

21. Conceptually garment worn by Roman citizens, loose draped garment worn by citizens of Ancient Rome, robe of office IIS Version 5.0 Black Arrow i did not get a word in edgeways plod w control law zdravstveno stanje spadek (n.) good or bad, right or wrong, for better or …