Nghĩa của từ pleasure principle bằng Tiếng Anh

the instinctive drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain, expressed by the id as a basic motivating force that reduces psychic tension.
As a surge of unassimilated (un-comprehended, un-grasped) stimuli, pain exceeds the pleasure principle that regulates psychic life.

Đặt câu với từ "pleasure principle"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pleasure principle", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pleasure principle, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pleasure principle trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. One found the pleasure principle at work again Saturday evening.

2. All of this we can associate with the pleasure principle.

3. FREUD ARGUED THAT the pleasure principle gave expression to primitive, animal drives.

4. Never had enough fun, thinks there's something endemically wrong with the pleasure principle.

5. The reality principle does not dethrone the pleasure principle, but rather safeguards it.

6. The Id is also refereed to the pleasure principle, which also represents self-gratification.

7. Unlust, on the other hand, is what remains unassimilable, irreducible to the pleasure principle.

8. Jouissance is this something in which the pleasure principle marks its traits and its limits.

9. The pleasure principle would then be seen as one form of the more fundamental Nirvana principle.

10. In other words, the reduction of excitation is obviously something that the pleasure principle is all about.

11. The unconscious operates according to the pleasure principle alone - there are no values exercising restraint over instinctual impulses.

12. He was very conscious of the speculative status of his death instincts theory in Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

13. These primary processes always seek pleasure and avoid pain, that is, they function according to the pleasure principle.

14. The id operates according to the pleasure principle, in which its goal is immediate gratification and reduction of tension.

15. According to this theory, id impulses are based on the pleasure principle: instant gratification of one's own desires and needs.

16. While some eaters may elevate morality above hedonism, others are suspicious of anyone who does not give in to the pleasure principle.

17. Freud was already sixty-four years old when the notion of the death instincts first appeared in Beyond the Pleasure Principle in 19

18. And if Freud contrasts the reality principle with the pleasure principle, it is precisely in so far as reality is defined as desexualized.

19. The idea that the function of the pleasure principle is to satisfy itself by hallucination is thereto illustrate this—it is only an illustration.

20. Now that's precisely the question that Freud asked himself in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, a text which begins with a consideration of trauma victims.

21. We can, at least, retain, gather, these truths: that the sexual encounter of bodies does not pass, in its essence, by way of the pleasure principle.

22. How does this compulsion to return to the traumatic event in any way correspond to or submit itself to explanation in terms of the pleasure principle?

23. Personally, I see nothing against this, especially as, in Freud, it is in this form that the real, namely, the obstacle to the pleasure principle, appears.

24. I would suggest that in the context of Beyond the Pleasure Principle we could re-title Tony the Tow Truck as The Bumpy Road to Maturity.

25. An obvious problem with this theory, and Freud acknowledges this problem in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, is that it's awfully hard to keep death and sex separate.

26. The inventor of psychoanalysis detected at the heart of the human condition a "death wish, " burrowing silently beneath the pleasure principle, the musical and deceptive call of Eros.

27. This article believed that, "the media entertainment" is the media according to the pleasure principle and the large number then chooses and the processing media content cultural behavior.

28. The isorespe, the "groping" for the equality of resistance, here is what can define this isobar that the pleasure principle will lead the organism to avoid in the world.

29. One can argue over each case, but it is absolutely essential to map the dimension of signification in every hallucination if we are to grasp what the pleasure principle means.

30. Cllr Pat McCarthy said he wanted clarification on whether or not the car park would Contravene the development plan.: Some of the other matters about exaggeration, invention of untrue stories and so forth, may arguably Contravene the section.: Since the traumatic incident was, by definition, unpleasant, its repetition appeared to Contravene the pleasure principle.