Nghĩa của từ pith bằng Tiếng Anh

soft or spongy tissue in plants or animals, in particular.
the essence of something.
a book that he considered contained the pith of all his work
remove the pith from.

Đặt câu với từ "pith"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pith", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pith, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pith trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Tangerine pith is good for one's health.

2. 25 That was the pith of his argument.

3. The inmost, choicest, or essential part; the pith.

4. The pith of that theory is serving for people.

5. Judging from its appearance, it must be the pith.

6. It sounds like the armed perpetrator in the pith helmet.

7. Pith and Carpellary membrane (CM) constitute 13% of pomegranate fruit composition

8. The characteristics of the size of pith,[] the ratio of pith and the ratio of tegument vs. xylem have drastic variation among the three hybrid combinations of Dongzao seedlings.

9. Digital Signal Process is the spirit and pith of all the software radio.

10. Pith The white fibrous skin between fresh and the rind of citrus fruit.

11. Coming out of our back door and making a frozen spread across the pith, came trickling water.

12. Amphiphloic: In this type of siphonostele the pith is surrounded by the vascular tissue

13. Comminutes therefore contain juice, pith, peel and essential oil to produce a characteristic fresh, peely flavoured drink

14. The Anthropologist would don his pith helmet and safari suit in search of an exotic location to study

15. Open the bell pepper up, and use the blade to cut out the white pith and the seeds.

16. What are Rose Borers? There are actually several wasps and bees that nest in the center pith of cut rose bush canes

17. Spiral grain is the angular arrangement of fibres in a tangential plane with reference to the pith or vertical tree axis.

18. Internally, the rhizomes of all species of Marsilea have an Amphiphloic siphonostele, being limited internally and externally by endodermal layers, and with a central pith

19. In The Advancement of Learning (1605), Francis Bacon noted that Aphorisms go to "the pith and heart of sciences," leaving out illustrations, examples

20. This allows the Arils to fall to the bottom of the water, and the white pith to float to the top

21. Latent root primordium was not found in shoots in test tubes. The induced root primordium which originated from the division and differentiation of pith ray cell developed into the adventitious roots.

22. The water, stored in a tank on the roof, scalded me, obliging me to wear a pith helmet for several months until my scalp healed.

23. Culm In Gramineae and Cyperaceae, a jointed stem that may be hollow (in many grasses), filled with pith (in some grasses), or solid (in most sedges)

24. Auxin together with Cytokinin induces agreater than 40-fold increase in a p34cdc2-like kinase in tobacco excised pith parenchyma cells as well as in tobacco suspension cells

25. It smells of perky pine needles, muddled citrus pith, grainy, bready caramel malt, further forest floor Astringencies, a bit of pineapple core, and more musty, earthy, and floral hops

26. Pith nucleus calcify can appear the symptom with lumbar inflexible activity, sure meeting reduces calcification the symptom that the dimension that vertebra provides causes a nerve root press press.

27. Corncob 101: An Introduction A Closer Look The most absorbent parts of the Corncob are the pith (#4 on left), the cha˜ (#2 on left) and the beeswing (#1 on left)

28. 21 Latent root primordium was not found in shoots in test tubes. The induced root primordium which originated from the division and differentiation of pith ray cell developed into the adventitious roots.

29. The boys love these candied peels rolled in white sugar, even though they would normally complain about the tinge of bitterness in the pith that I can never quite purge, even after several Blanchings.

30. Not only was the Bulrush used to make little vessels as in Isaiah 18:2 and Exodus 2, but the Egyptians discovered how to extract the pith of the plants and make paper.

31. The protective bioactivity of punicalagin, a high molecular weight polyphenol isolated from pomegranate fruit pith and Carpellary membrane, against oxidative damages to lipids, amino acids constituting the proteins, and guanosine as a model for DNA has been investigated

32. Centre - the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story" essence , heart and soul , inwardness , nitty-gritty , pith , substance …

33. ‘His eccentricities included a penchant for gigantic pith helmets and a Bluffness of expression that bordered on the Python-esque.’ ‘It was a boisterous encounter, with the Senator alternating between his beaming Bluffness and peevish refusal to address the man …

34. The vascular Cambium is the main growth tissue in the stems and roots of many plants, specifically in dicots such as buttercups and oak trees, gymnosperms such as pine trees, as well as in certain vascular plants.It produces secondary xylem inwards, towards the pith, and secondary phloem outwards, towards the bark.

35. The results give evidence of the effectiveness of this method for determining the elastic properties for Argentinean Eucalyptus grandis in different sizes, and that it is reliable for pieces of high quality as well as for those containing important strength and stiffness reducing factors, such as the presence of pith, among others.

36. Hurrah for the Brahminee boy! Let the 'mean white 'be silent, and doff his Pith hat to the Brahminee boy!' And the papers they print in Calcutta, And the journals men read in Madras, Were known in their pages to utter some hints that he might be an ! And this spread, from the sinks of Calcutta, And the swamps of benighted Madras,