Nghĩa của từ peter out bằng Tiếng Anh

disappear, fade out of sight; die out, be extinguished; be used up, run out

Đặt câu với từ "peter out"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "peter out", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ peter out, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ peter out trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The silver peter out?

2. Some believe the protests will eventually peter out.

3. The houses began to peter out, and eventually stopped.

4. Many novels start well, but peter out before the end.

5. The growth-boosting potential of debt seemed to peter out.

6. Output peaked in 2002 and may peter out in a decade.

7. Seeing no future in it, his interest in the job peter out.

8. Within a very short distance of the airport, roads peter out to cattle tracks.

9. Usually , however, such heresy - hunts peter out quickly in the face of faculty solidarity.

10. Prices take no account of the structural changes that happen when resources peter out.

11. Traffic began to peter out and they found themselves in the middle of extensive minefields.

12. Antonyms for Culminate include begin, start, bear, commence, create, open, peter out, fade, dwindle and diminish

13. These stripes run right down the body, but peter out near the base of the tail.

14. "We believe inflationary pressures will peter out in the coming months," said Qu Hongbin, at HSBC.

15. But that flow might peter out soon if the U.S. economy becomes a source of growth and related risks that bring reward.

16. The growth of China's massive economy is beginning to slow as stimulus funds peter out and aggressive monetary tightening measures take effect.

17. After about six hours the pipelines peter out. The dense jungle scenery has not changed – although I notice the little wooden roadside homes have potted azaleas outside.

18. There may be far more episodes of canceling that never spread beyond one or a few Cancelers and which eventually peter out without having much effect on the canceled entity

19. A new concern Mr Rajan expressed while talking to the FT Financial Times, was that the productivity gains that have underpinned the world economy might peter out as fresh policy reforms stall.

20. It was a precarious operation at the start — as all farming was in the new colonies—and it became precarious enough again in these past few years to peter out at last.

21. But all good things peter out Anticlimactically, and on Monday night the muse to Martin Tyler’s signature moment calmly announced his intention to quietly take his leave of City at the end of

22. Soil: Texas Bluebonnet is a survivor; however, it needs well-drained soil – preferably on the sandier side – to thrive.Seeds can germinate in a heavy clay soil, but will eventually peter out due to an excess of moisture