Nghĩa của từ pass over bằng Tiếng Anh

the major Jewish spring festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, lasting seven or eight days from the 15th day of Nisan.
Every year, Jews celebrate the Feast of Passover to commemorate the liberation of the Children of Israel, as commanded by God in Exodus 13.

Đặt câu với từ "pass over"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pass over", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pass over, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pass over trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. 26 You may pass over the details.

2. 13 Cinzia I pass over in silence.

3. I can't pass over this problem unnoticed.

4. We took the high pass over the ridge.

5. 3 I can't pass over this problem unnoticed.

6. The unclean one will not pass over it.”

7. A permanent regulation that it cannot pass over.

8. The new freeway will pass over the lake.

9. 25 Vapors pass over from a retort into receiver.

10. 27 We may as well pass over the details.

11. 1 The new freeway will pass over the lake.

12. 4 I want to pass over this quite quickly.

13. 7 They chose to pass over her rude remarks.

14. 6 We took the high pass over the ridge.

15. Seven times to pass over the fallen tree (16)

16. You'd better pass over his rude remarks in silence.

17. 28 How could you pass over such an important matter?

18. 24 The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes.

19. 5 Let us pass over his rude remarks in silence.

20. 8 Vapors pass over from a retort into a receiver.

21. 12 Pass over a broken wall and turn sharp right.

22. 11 I said it was nothing; it would pass over.

23. 2 You'd better pass over his rude remarks in silence.

24. 9 I think we'd better pass over that last remark.

25. How could these roads pass over natural obstacles, such as rivers?

26. “It is beauty . . . to pass over transgression,” states Proverbs 19:11.

27. 10 Sex is a subject he prefers to pass over in conversation.

28. 17 The module will pass over several of the moon's permanently shadowed craters.

29. I could see various expressions pass over the faces of the waiting constabulary.

30. 19 Have you ever seen an ocean wave pass over a submerged reef?

31. There is another element which I would not like to pass over in silence.

32. The glacier can pass over impeding rock obstacles by melting ahead and freezing behind.

33. 21 I could see various expressions pass over the faces of the waiting constabulary.

34. Realizing that he is probably tense and tired just might help you ‘pass over his transgression.’

35. As the bears attempt to access the bait, they pass over or under the barbed wire.

36. 23 To pass over other objections, the Letter is far too long for such a purpose.

37. 18 When legs did not serve to pass over a sea,( floating craft supported them.

38. 22 As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.

39. 14 Over one million tonnes of agricultural related products pass over the quays in Belfast each year.

40. 21 As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.

41. The unremitting four-mile ascent to the high pass over the ridge reduced me to a walking wet rag.

42. 16 The unremitting four-mile ascent to the high pass over the ridge reduced me to a walking wet rag.

43. The loosened gravel and gold would then pass over sluices, with the gold settling to the bottom where it was collected.

44. 29 Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.

45. 47% of the railway will be in tunnels and 15% will pass over viaducts, spread over 75 tunnels and 167 bridges.

46. 20 The image of the insect may pass over the edge of my retina rather than the more acute central region.

47. Figure 12 shows the reference profile for kinematic gauge GEI1 for vehicles which can pass over rail brakes in an active position.

48. Specialists in the field will be familiar with much of the material reviewed here and may wish to pass over it quickly.

49. 15 Its concern with celebrating femininity encourages it to pass over more of traditional psychology's gender biases than egalitarian feminist psychology does.

50. 30 Specialists in the field will be familiar with much of the material reviewed here and may wish to pass over it quickly.