Nghĩa của từ one moment bằng Tiếng Anh

one short period of time

Đặt câu với từ "one moment"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "one moment", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ one moment, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ one moment trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. One moment there, one moment gone.

2. One moment, please.

3. He is unpredictable, weeping one moment, laughing the next.

4. And this will be the one moment that matters,

5. He was affable at one moment, choleric the next.

6. One moment of inattention when driving could be fatal.

7. 'Could you hold for one moment?' he asked the caller.

8. One moment I'm the hero, the next I'm the goat.

9. 4 Her steadfast belief never left her for one moment.

10. One moment it's out with the Brillo pad and scour, scour, scour.

11. He accompany me, however, not lose one moment in continuing his exhortation.

12. She had never for one moment imagined that it could happen to her.

13. English weather is very inconsistent; one moment it's raining and the next it's sunny.

14. I'm absolutely sure there's not one moment that I remember that it was discussed.

15. One moment he was there on the sill, and then suddenly he was gone.

16. The calm of one moment may well yield to the raging storm of the next.

17. 17 One moment of confusion and he might give some one away, or incriminate himself.

18. Marilyn was a complete child, playful and skittish one moment, sulky and withdrawn the next.

19. Sometimes a system may be a closed system at one moment andopen one the next.

20. 27 Masses of ice are poised at one moment and the next come crashing down.

21. Do not think for one moment that he will not be consulting Sun Tzu's manual.

22. In all of God’s ways, he will never for one moment abandon those loyal to him.

23. 24 At one moment we see a little boy dressed in a black cloak gliding along.

24. But don't for one moment feel you're fickle if you change your perfume constantly, on a whim.

25. One moment he doubted Teal had called the police, and the next moment he was sure he had.

26. For one moment he hesitated, provoking her to give in to the gentle malice which settled inside her.

27. One moment he was standing behind me,[Sentencedict] the next he had vanished in a puff of smoke.

28. So for one moment now I'm going to take you with me on a trip into that time machine.

29. Auto Clicker can be used for the games as well as click faster and double click in one moment

30. Yes, a proper waiting attitude manifests absolute confidence that Jehovah’s day will come not one moment later than Jehovah purposed.

31. They meant for us to be absolutely confident that the day will not come one moment later than Jehovah purposes.

32. And for that one moment, that one image I asked them, "Would you guys just kiss for this one picture?"

33. 7 His tone toward Wyatt could be chummy one moment, businesslike the next, and sometimes, disconcertingly,[] both at once.

34. For one moment the white, Anguished face rests against his breast, then she opens her eyes and struggles from his clasp

35. One moment he was in a searing, infernal pit, and in the next, they were both outside a smutched, bleeding, Besmottered hole

36. One moment he was in a searing, infernal pit and in the next, they were both outside a smutched, bleeding, Besmottered hole

37. Accepts Skill Distress tolerance skills are intended to help distract us and get us through difficult emotional situations one moment at a time

38. Aphonia or dysphonia, with sore throat in persons who speak in public and sing. Voice changeable, varying in tone from one moment to another

39. At one moment, CIOs must readily and capably discuss and consider the strategic direction of their company, and seconds later consider a complex technical problem.

40. On the grassland, it may be fine and sunny one moment , then almost immediately heavy wind and storm may come down on you like winking.

41. It's one of the characteristics of a leader that he not doubt for one moment the capacity of the people he's leading to realize whatever he's dreaming.

42. Too expensive and jolly, again thought I, pausing one moment to watch the broad glare in the street, and hear the sounds of the tinkling glasses within.

43. Bellbird is a joy to watch - a warm, humorous, heartfelt film filled with loss, love and hope that had me laughing out loud one moment, and crying the next.

44. Sinclair, The Hidden Places ‎ [1]: One moment his shoulders and his head stood plain in every detail, even to the Brickish redness of his skin and the curve of his fingers about

45. Contemporary Scholars - The 100th Ganden Tripa (Ganden Throneholder) Contemptuously dismissing critics of the war one moment as the bombs fell only to muse about ideas from the luxury of the inner circle.

46. Things that endure from one moment to the next must come to have a different temporal locus, i.e., come to exist at later times and establish whatever relations with later Coexistents this might entail.

47. Solicitationism Archturncoat One moment next to proceed informally at this task with right click image or my body? Waling in a manor that would enthral and persuade at the screen? Pattern easy to maintain maximum taste and flavor! Take consumer confidence.

48. ‘But they're ordinary little boys: reading Angelically one moment, kicking seven bells out of each other the next.’ ‘At first he pretended to be angry, but we just kept grinning Angelically at him and eventually he started laughing and sat down to eat cheese and biscuits with us.’

49. The Anathemata is one moment of epiphany, daydream, free-association, and stream-of-consciousness: the idea or conceit underpinning it is that the entire poem consists of seven seconds in the thought processes of an English Catholic during Mass, when his mind wanders to thoughts (if we can call them ‘thoughts’) of England and Wales’s distant past.

50. XXXVI There sunk the greatest, nor the worst of men, Whose spirit Antithetically mixt One moment of the mightiest, and again On little objects with like firmness fixt, Extreme in all things! hadst thou been betwixt, Thy throne had still been thine, or never been; For daring made thy rise as fall: thou seek'st Even now to re-assume the imperial