Nghĩa của từ misled bằng Tiếng Anh

cause (someone) to have a wrong idea or impression about someone or something.
the government misled the public about the road's environmental impact
synonyms:deceivedeludetake inlie tofoolhoodwinkthrow off the scentpull the wool over someone's eyesmisguidemisinformgive wrong information tolead up the garden pathtake for a ridegive someone a bum steer

Đặt câu với từ "misled"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "misled", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ misled, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ misled trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The young are easily misled.

2. I think you've been misled.

3. She is misled by the preconception.

4. Don't be misled by gloss.

5. They were naive and easily misled.

6. We were misled by the guide.

7. I was misled about your intentions.

8. He is misled by a preconception.

9. You have been misled by this imbecile.

10. You misled me as to your intentions.

11. Don't be misled by the fallacious advertisement.

12. This boy was misled by bad companions.

13. The boy was misled by bad companions.

14. He was entirely misled by her words.

15. I was misled and I failed you miserably.

16. The guide misled the tourists in the woods.

17. Too hasty a generalisation would have misled us.

18. Credulous are easily misled by false advertisements.

19. It's easy to be misled by externals.

20. He misled me into thinking he was rich.

21. Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.

22. Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements

23. Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements.

24. Parliament has been totally misled about this affair.

25. Perhaps I misled you, but it was quite unintentional .

26. 10 Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.

27. The claim failed because the company had not been misled.

28. 2 Perhaps I misled you, but it was quite unintentional .

29. The idea of being misled suffused her with languor.

30. Let us not be misled by such specious arguments.

31. You should not be misled by a person's appearance.

32. What is another area in which Christians might be misled?

33. The prime minister dismissed the charge that he had misled Parliament.

34. He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.

35. He misled Eve and put wrong desires into her heart.

36. He is a good boy, but bad companions misled him.

37. Perhaps he had slightly misled them, but it was quite unintentional.

38. Jack was furious with his London doctors for having misled him.

39. Don't be misled by appearances[], he's a good worker.

40. Politicians have misled the public over the dangers of these chemicals.

41. The company misled hundreds of people into investing their money unwisely.

42. Misled, Consoled, detached from all Consumed by ignorance (Consumed by ignorance and the stories untold) The stories untold Read the fucking lines Misled, Who Do I Know in Dallas

43. I'm sorry I misled you into thinking I would be at home.

44. 17 Perhaps he had slightly misled them, but it was quite unintentional.

45. Unmoved, the Pharisees asked the officers: “You have not been misled also, have you?

46. Well, if Satan does not exist, those who accept him as real are misled.

47. The court feels it has a responsibility to ensure that customers are not misled.

48. What a tragic result for allowing oneself to be misled by teachings of demons!

49. Synonyms for Cozened include deceived, fooled, tricked, duped, misled, hoodwinked, deluded, conned, beguiled and hoaxed

50. People are easily misled by false appearances - the same outward appearances of dialectics and sophistry.