Nghĩa của từ make a point bằng Tiếng Anh

prove a point

Đặt câu với từ "make a point"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "make a point", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ make a point, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ make a point trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I'm tryin'to make a point here.

2. Chapbooks are a way to make a point

3. I think you were trying to make a point.

4. 5 The Chinese make a point of their personal honor.

5. I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo.

6. An Anecdote is a short, sometimes amusing, story that is told to make a point

7. They were used first by a Danish newspaper, which wanted to make a point on Islam.

8. It seemed that Morrissey was Asserting his power over the media in order to make a point

9. Some Consultants make a point of specializing in one particular area, such as healthcare or retail sales

10. Do you often lose your self-control with them, perhaps using harsh or sarcastic language to make a point?

11. Any right-minded individual, including peaceful protestors who want to make a point, will condemn what has happened today.

12. But make a point of exploring Antibes' Old Town as well, called by some the cultural heart of the Côte d'Azur

13. We go back every year to visit and one of the meals we always make a point of ordering is Bangers and Mash.

14. But make a point of exploring Antibes' Old Town as well, called by some the cultural heart of the Côte d'Azur

15. The usual Botheration en route; love those people who make a point of getting in front of you, then drive below the posted limit

16. Bloviating = a long winded pompous discourse from someone trying to make a point. A bloviator is someone who cannot express themselves in a pithy concise manner

17. At any historical moment, the church Canonizes people whom it needs to Canonize to make a point about what it considers, at that period, an exemplary life

18. Some of you thought,well I believe the Acts account because Paul clearly has an ax to grind in Galatians, he's clearly trying to make a point of his independence from the Jerusalem church.

19. ‘At any historical moment, the church Canonizes people whom it needs to canonize to make a point about what it considers, at that period, an exemplary life.’ ‘In June 2001, he was canonized for his piety and good works as Saint Bernard of Corleone.’

20. Alloted thesis sebe, se ipsilateral (adj.) upravitelj fonda pastir suggested Guyana all rotor second ritual dishes, sacrificial vessels bullet key compart (v.) productive period penitentiary Corruptible automatic drip confisca Riveuse locomocion water buffalo semestr trezie atoms direct instruction bear garden mouva cellaret make a point of

21. ' Branchy is a quality goal scorer and I know that he will be keen t o make a point on his return to Molineux.' Football: Curle's Wolves return After saluting the "Towery city and Branchy between towers," the poet continues with rhapsodic words about our new blessed: