Nghĩa của từ magmatic bằng Tiếng Anh



(Geology) of or pertaining to magma (molten rock beneath the earth's crust)

Đặt câu với từ "magmatic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "magmatic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ magmatic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ magmatic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Variant 1 - Bring Magmatic Annulet to Dracogen

2. 16 The rifting magmatic action is mostly bimodal volcanicity in volcanic grabens located at both sides of the CSTZ formed and the synchronous magmatic irruption is also bimodal posture .

3. Almandine originated from regional metamorphism to which magmatic thermal metamorphism superimposed.

4. During the late stages of evolution, limited assimilation of island-arc magmatic rocks may have occurred.

5. The Asteroidal cores sampled by magmatic iron meteorites thus had different initial bulk

6. Getting the Magmatic Annulet for Dracogen is the main way to complete this quest

7. These deposits are generally associated with acid magmatic rocks of a more alkaline nature.

8. Magmatic contact metamorphism can lead to the variations of distribution patter of REEs in coal.

9. Banatite magmatic rocks are exposed in an arcuate, L-shaped belt from the Apuseni Mountains to the Black Sea

10. The "Amisk collage" formed in two major magmatic periods that were separated by an interval of intraoceanic accretionary tectonics.

11. Using 24-hour satellite Global Positioning Systems and seismometer networks, scientists can detect magmatic and underground movement.

12. 23 The thickening of the crust beneath the Cordillera Blanca was by magmatic accretion since the Miocene.

13. Stable continental crust is an end product of intense magmatic, tectonic, and metamorphic reworking; hence, Cratons consist of

14. It's neither magmatic or volcanic in origin, and again, over 700 kilometers away from the nearest volcanic center.

15. We had hoped to find 400oC vents, a certain sign of complicity between magmatic intrusion and hydrothermal plumbing.

16. Accordingly, it is suggested that these diagrams may not provide clear evidence for the magmatic composition of altered volcanic rocks.

17. Batholith growth ended when collision disrupted subduction of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, and thus the youngest magmatic pulse indirectly dates the collision

18. Observations of graded bedding, trough structures and cross-layering suggested sedimentation from magmatic currents induced either by convection or by gravity currents.

19. In China, a 1.8–1.4 Ga accretionary magmatic zone, called the Xiong’er belt (Group), extends along the southern margin of the North China Craton.

20. Alternatively, the younger ages may indicate a different cooling history in this part of the contact aureole, caused by an undated magmatic pulse within a composite pluton.

21. Sub-calcic alkali amphiboles from silica-saturated peralkaline rocks exhibit two main patterns of compositional variation, which we term the magmatic-subsolidus and oxidation trends.

22. From rock textures and chemical variations it appears that the magmatic differentiation began with Augitite and proceeded through riedenite, rodderite and boderite, to foyaite and the alkali-syenites.

23. In fall 2005, a contract for an aeromagnetic survey was awarded for a portion of the magmatic zone for which no publicly available data exist.

24. In the Cathodoluminescence(CL)images the zircons extracted from the dioritic gneiss show good crystal morphology and clear oscillatory zoning, as is the case of magmatic zircon.

25. The Magog Group is located between the Saint-Daniel Mélange and the Ascot Complex interpreted as remnants of an accretionary prism and a magmatic arc, respectively.

26. The quartz diorite dike contains iron-rich almandine phenocrysts that appear to be magmatic, suggesting emplacement at great depth near the base of the crust or upper mantle.

27. The Ta enrichment in the Columbite is attributed to replacement of the Columbite by Ta- and F-rich hydrosilicate melt in the magmatic-hydrothermal transitional stage.

28. The Gangdise magmatic arc is divided into the Yarlung Zangbo composite batholith zone in the south and Gangdise main ridge composite batholith zone in the north.

29. From which, it is concluded that the Aegirine is a product of post-magmatic fluids reaction with wall rock dolomites, while the Riebeckite is forming in diagenesis to metamorphism.

30. Igneous rocks of the southern Coast Belt (SCB) and adjacent Insular Belt developed within a Jurassic–Quaternary magmatic arc built across accreted juvenile-arc and oceanic terranes.

31. Seamounts form from magmatic eruptions, which occur when lava seeps up to the crust through the partially-melted sub-layer, known as the asthenosphere, in the mantle.

32. The Breccia generated by folding, faulting, magmatic intrusions, and similar forces is called tectonic Breccia.The tectonic Breccia zones are represented by crush, rubble, crackle, and shatter rock mass.

33. These magmatic rocks, including basic, intermediate, intermediate-acid, acid and alkaline rocks, came from earths crust and mantle and these both and were controlled by the mantle plume(hot spot).

34. 4 Map of Pangea as it appeared 201 million years ago; the red field is the Central Atlantic magmatic province, and red dots indicate sites discussed in the paper/PNAS.

35. All of the granitoids displaying these characteristic alteration styles are associated with secondary moderate-to high-salinity, Ca-rich fluid inclusions with low homogenisation temperatures in magmatic quartz and quartz veins.

36. During the Altaid evolution, (3) ensimatic magmatic arc massifs formed during the Altaid evolution, and (4) continental crust (of any age) stretched and thinned as a consequence of Altaid evolution

37. Various authors, on the basis of microscopic observations and experimental work, propose that acicular apatite crystals cannot be used as a criterion for crystallization from a high temperature magmatic phase.

38. In the Flin Flon – Athapapuskow Lake area, the belt consists of a series of fault-bounded blocks, each having distinct stratigraphic and magmatic affinities, juxtaposed to form an accretionary collage.

39. At Ririwai, Nigeria, a biotite granite has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatism to produce albitized, microclinized, and greisenized rocks; the latter two lithologies form the wallrocks adjacent to tin-zinc vein-style mineralization.

40. The late granite dike suite, comprising late-stage, muscovite- and biotite-bearing quartz – alkali feldspar pegmatite and finer grained granitic lithologies, represents the last magmatic event in the Northern complex emplaced after collision.

41. New petrological data on magmatic rocks obtained from the Iberia Abyssal Plain and from the Gorringe Bank, combined with those already known on the Galicia Bank, allow to better constrain the formation of the West Iberian Margin.

42. Granitod Batholiths of I-type features (mostly granodiorites and tonalites), and particularly those forming the large plutonic associations of active continental margins and intracontinental collisional belts, represent the most outstanding magmatic episodes occurred in the continental crust.

43. The other Cordilleran Batholiths all underwent a period of peak flux between 100 and 80 Ma, centered on 90 Ma, and the Sierra Nevada, Peninsular Ranges, and North Cascades underwent an abrupt magmatic shutdown between 85 and 80 Ma

44. A solution to the Albian fit challenge between the South American and African plates based on key magmatic and sedimentary events late in the rifting phase in the Pernambuco and Paraíba basins Author links open overlay panel Renato M

45. Magmatic epidote from the anatexitic melt occurs (1) in small crystals (0.1–0.6 mm long) in embayed contacts with K-feldspar, plagioclase, and quartz; (2) in vermicular to myrmekitic intergrowths with quartz, and (3) in euhedral to subhedral crystals with Allanitic cores in …

46. Isotope dilution – thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID–TIMS) and chemical abrasion – thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA–TIMS) dating of magmatic zircon from amphibolites in the Hauser Lake Gneiss yield 1470–1430 Ma crystallization ages based on discordant data, with Cretaceous lower intercepts.

47. Biotites in fresh magmatic samples from igneous systems genetically related to significant mineralization (dominantly porphyry copper type) form a population with average chlorine and fluorine contents greater than and average copper content less than the average of the remaining barren intrusive systems (at the 90 percent confidence level).

48. U–Pb dating was carried out on nine volcanic rocks and two felsic intrusions from the Red Lake greenstone belt in order to establish an absolute time framework for the magmatic evolution of the area and yield first indications on the time of deformation and gold mineralization.

49. The magma chambers themselves have an Aureole of magmatic gases such as CO2, SO 2, Cl, and F in a supercritical water phase around them. These may migrate off during times of unrest and pollute the geothermal system (lowering its pH), rendering it partly unexploitable for years, or even decades.

50. The main characteristics for the sialic origin of the Aeolean magmas are: excess of Als2O3; the presence of minerals of evidently not magmatic origin (cordierite, garnet, andalusite and sillimanite); inclusions of relicts of metamorphic schists besides granites and granodiorites; the fact, that some of these magmas are characterized by superheating (e. g. the obsidians of Lipari-island).