Nghĩa của từ lunacy bằng Tiếng Anh

Đặt câu với từ "lunacy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "lunacy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ lunacy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ lunacy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. This is sheer cock - eyed lunacy, absolute lunacy.

2. Lusts lashed him into lunacy.

3. "That's lunacy," he blustered.

4. What you're doing here is sheer lunacy.

5. It seemed an act of sheer lunacy.

6. It was sheer lunacy spending all that money.

7. But all this was essentially dreamy lunacy.

8. It's sheer lunacy driving in such weather.

9. It's sheer lunacy driving in this weather.

10. O'Brien had tortured him to the edge of lunacy.

11. The groups hardline anti-Arbitrationist theory as economic lunacy

12. The signs of inherent lunacy have always been there.

13. I don't want anybody to misunderstand this lunacy.

14. It matches order against chaos, candor against Crypticism, and temperance against lunacy

15. Look, the Lunacy Board is composed of competent alienists who know all about insanity

16. It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations' stockpiles.

17. Look, the Lunacy Board is composed of competent alienists who know all about insanity.

18. English words for Amentia include madness, folly, lunacy, mania and being out of one's senses

19. And fans are in no doubt as to where bravery ends and sheer lunacy begins.

20. It would be sheer lunacy to turn down a great offer like that.

21. It would be sheer lunacy to turn down a job offer like that.

22. It would be lunacy to try to climb the mountain in this weather.

23. Synonyms for Craziness include absurdity, silliness, inanity, foolishness, lunacy, madness, asininity, nonsensicalness, folly and senselessness

24. To say that gays and lesbians are asking for special rights is the height of lunacy.

25. This sort of lunacy goes on every day in the public schools and universities of our nation.

26. Does he agree that such a policy - it is, of course, Labour policy - would be sheer lunacy?

27. In these conditions, to encourage mass protest over which they would have no control appeared sheer lunacy.

28. In drunken lunacy we had two execrable hamburgers and three orders of cold, greasy fries at the refreshment

29. In drunken lunacy we had two execrable hamburgers and three orders of cold, greasy fries at the refreshment stand.

30. To administer torture while within the warp - to a talented Astropath of all people - would be plain lunacy.

31. There are many synonyms of Asininity which include Cretinism, Derangement, Fatuity, Foolishness, Imbecility, Inanity, Insanity, Insipidity, Lunacy, Madness, Senselessness, Tomfoolery, Fatuousness, etc.

32. He had trained furiously for the meet and was crushed when the doctor informed him that it would be lunacy to participate.

33. Thanks to Greek profligacy, German intransigency and Kim-Il-Jong's lunacy, we have U.S. bond buyers that are no longer rational investors.

34. There are also several similar words to Asininity in our dictionary, which are Cretinism, Derangement, Fatuity, Foolishness, Imbecility, Inanity, Insanity, Insipidity, Lunacy, Madness, Senselessness, Tomfoolery and Fatuousness

35. The governors, in particular, have shown themselves to be Contemptibly inept. Contemptibly, not one single person from the community has spoken out to criticise this lunacy

36. The governors, in particular, have shown themselves to be Contemptibly inept. Contemptibly, not one single person from the community has spoken out to criticise this lunacy

37. And I don’t want to sound like I’m mocking on you, but I was fully engaged and forever curious where all this lunacy was headed, so consider me Buffaloed

38. The position of Alienists, the leading published thinkers on lunacy, and the medical superintendents in charge of asylums is difficult to distinguish within the hierarchical structure of nineteenth-century psychiatry.

39. Now Showing through June 13th, 2021: Joel Spivak's "The South Street Renaissance, or, How A Handful of Acidheads Brought South Street Back from the Ruins."Join us for a freewheeling journey through 300 years of South Street lunacy, from earliest foundations to hippie parades; featuring photos of South Street in the 1960s by Denise Scott Brown