Nghĩa của từ loopy bằng Tiếng Anh

crazy or silly.
the author comes across as a bit loopy
having many loops.
a big, loopy signature

Đặt câu với từ "loopy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "loopy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ loopy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ loopy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. He'll go loopy when he hears!

2. It'sounds a pretty loopy idea to me.

3. Or, possibly, Loopy Old Bats Against ditto.

4. Baizing a trail - how snooker went loopy

5. But your mom... she's a bit... loopy.

6. He'll go loopy when he sees that!

7. Loopy Lil clucked anxiously around like a pigeon.

8. 7 Or, possibly, Loopy Old Bats Against ditto.

9. Loopy Lil clucked anxiously around like a pigeon.

10. But the rationale for the project is not necessarily loopy.

11. Birds as loopy as the Two Julies should be locked up.

12. He must have gone completely loopy to give up a job like that.

13. You can get really loopy here and sing to your heart's content.

14. Glorying in her national mandate, she despised local councillors as loonie lefties or loopy liberals.

15. Loopy Lil went on piling more and more things haphazardly on to the tray.

16. Loopy curved pipe was better than single curved pipe to profiles of particle concentration phase separation.

17. He ran great loopy circles, barking with delight, while Master dodged and dived, trying to catch him.

18. And, of course, she has imagined for herself an importance that goes beyond the grandiose to the downright loopy.

19. Even if it is just Pete Schourek rocketing across the outfield so that his loopy boss can pretend to be an innovator.

20. Following this line of logic, it would appear that it has created a culture that insufficiently condemns lickerish, negligent trolls who pamper the most loopy, raving Cockalorums …

21. There are loopy, deadpan monologues about people's ''real inner disgustingness'' in these stories, as well as farcical Barterings of society gossip, stoned riffs on the subject of smoking and

22. For the Slave challenge on sga_flashfic It was supposed to be all intense and dirty and semi-noncon, but instead it came out kind of loopy and Bantery and semi-noncon.

23. That whole combination of great, choppy Chuck Berry-like guitar hook riffs, funny, loopy lyrics & just all around heavy metal thunder wall of sound Bombastics shows the band at it's peak

24. Named after the French word ‘Boucler’, which means ‘to curl’, it’s time to go loopy for Boucle! A real eye-catcher, Boucle yarn makes stunning sweaters and oh-so-warm winter hats.

25. Susan Sarandon plays no-nonsense Louise, a single woman who convinces her unhappily married best friend, the loopy Thelma (Geena Davis), to take a road trip with her for much-needed chick bonding.

26. Coined is, as its name suggests, a somewhat improvisational collection of facts, theories, and anecdotes that, like the objects The result is a frequently fascinating, occasionally platitudinous and loopy, but consistently entertaining account of the grand, pocket-size social contract that makes the world go …

27. ‘We were getting pretty Blotto off Pink Squirrels and Brandy Alexanders, and it was a strange sensation, looking at old fairy-tale scenes while listening to this loopy music!’ ‘I even attempted panhandling once, quickly learning that when you are Blotto it's difficult to shame ‘bus fare’ from uptight businessmen.’