Nghĩa của từ landfills bằng Tiếng Anh

a place to dispose of refuse and other waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil, especially as a method of filling in or extending usable land.
Waste disposal by landfill accounts for over 80% of municipal waste in Britain.
bury in a landfill.
the Florida school intends to landfill its old computers

Đặt câu với từ "landfills"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "landfills", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ landfills, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ landfills trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Diapers don't decompose in landfills.

2. Cyanide in landfills can contaminate underground water

3. 16 The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.

4. And do we want landfills overwhelmed by dirty diapers?

5. Landfills can contaminate drinking-water if they not properly constructed.

6. An analysis of landfills shows that thrown away food far surpasses plastics in volume.

7. Modern technology even makes landfills or waste zones potential Bioenergy resources

8. Electronic waste account for 40% of lead and 70% of heavy metals found in landfills.

9. That's 21 million gallons of oil diverted from landfills into new products.

10. The company's main objective is to keep recyclable material out of landfills.

11. We Americans dump 400,000 tons of garbage every day in over 6,000 landfills.

12. The Biosolids were then shipped out to farmers and spread onto cropland or sent to landfills

13. Landfills can be regarded as a viable and abundant source of materials and energy.

14. Biogas can be collected from landfills, covered lagoons, or enclosed tanks called anaerobic digesters.

15. Depending on local economics and incentives, these can be made more financially attractive than landfills.

16. Sodium Bentonite can also be used to plug holes in wells, landfills, and even dams.

17. They also point out that as wastepaper degrades in landfills, additional greenhouse gases are produced.

18. The level to Canadian and France's is about 0.82 hole in 11 single impermeable liner landfills.

19. In the case of landfills for inert waste these requirements may be adapted by national legislation.

20. Biomass is an abundant resource: organic matter surrounds us, from forests and croplands to waste and landfills

21. Home > EcoPure Plastic Additives > How it Works > How EcoPure Biodegrades Plastic Products in Landfills

22. The Committee of the Regions can accept the proposed ban on unselective discharge of waste in landfills.

23. The natural decomposition process which occurs in landfills also produces large quantities of methane and thereby presents a significant explosion hazard.

24. Biomethane generated by landfills, sewage treatment plants, and dairies typically has a heating value below 990 BTU/scf

25. Membranes for contaminated soil storage, for hazardous waste storage, for landfills, for aerated lagoons, and for secondary containment.

26. Composting in the participation in Nature's Cycle, and also reduces the amount of garbage that is sent to landfills

27. Biogas is a renewable energy source and can be produced from organic wastes in anaerobic digesters or collected from landfills

28. Making Compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas

29. Composting is an easy, inexpensive alternative to landfills that puts these resources to use instead of simply throwing them away

30. Ballasted Engineered To Simplicity: For Landfills, Brownfields And Water-Saturated Terrains Where No Soil Penetration Is Feasible The FlexRack Series B is a Ballasted ground mount system for installing photovoltaic (PV) solar arrays on landfills, brownfields and water-saturated terrain where no, or little soil penetration is allowed.

31. Sodium Bentonite is a natural sealant and is used for sealing stock and recreational ponds, dairy and sewage lagoons, and city landfills

32. Brick can also be recycled, re-used and re-purposed indefinitely, so there’s practically no waste, and contribution to landfills are dramatically reduced

33. And in fact, every year, the US alone produces over two billion pounds of Styrofoam, filling up a staggering 25 percent of landfills.

34. Eighty percent end up in landfills, where they will sit for thousands of years, or in incinerators, where they are burned, releasing toxic pollution.

35. RBI Solar’s Ballasted fixed-tilt systems are perfect for municipal solid waste landfills, brownfields and other sites where non-penetrable solar racking solutions are required

36. Chemistry Chemists are reimagining recycling to keep plastics out of landfills Recycling plastics is really hard, and usually creates low-quality materials that aren’t good for much.

37. Annelida is committed to producing the perfect organic bio-stimulant. By diverting organic material from landfills we are able to create our Premium Earthworm Castings in both granular and extract forms

38. We bring added value to Atascadero by offering innovative programs and services that are specifically focused on further reducing the volume of waste that must be trucked to landfills

39. The documents Contain sensitive information.; Electronic products Contain hazardous materials that cannot be deposited in landfills.; His account Contained an element of truth.; to Contain an amount/a number/a level of something

40. With the advent of community landfills for waste disposal and no- fuss- no- muss chemical fertilizers for easy use on lawns and gardens, home composting in general became almost a rarity.

41. These disposable nappies end up in landfill sites where they can take up to 500 years to Biodegrade. These excess materials often end up as waste in landfills, taking years to Biodegrade.

42. As a result, operators are looking for on-site Blowdown water treatment solutions to remove freshwater from the Blowdown for re-use, and condense all waste to solids for safe and lower cost disposal in certified landfills.

43. Biomethane is a 100% renewable energy source which is produced from organic matter like agricultural crops, forestry waste, wooden construction waste, and manure. Major sources of Biomethane are non-hazardous landfills, dairies, wastewater treatment plants and other organic sources

44. Cleaning up Cold War relics Ivvavik National Park of Canada Like many aging military facilities, the radar station at Komakuk Beach had environmental problems: deteriorating buildings, abandoned landfills and soil contaminated by fuel spills.

45. Bioenergy includes renewable electricity, low carbon transportation fuels and pipeline biogas generated from organic waste such as dairy and agricultural waste, food and yard waste, wastewater treatment, organic waste diverted from landfills, and forest biomass.

46. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the 350 million pounds of paper thrown out each day by Americans and an unknown tonnage worldwide does not break down and disappear in landfills even under tons of garbage for years.

47. Contamination profiles below two youthful landfills founded on thick silty clay deposits near Sarnia, Ontario were obtained by squeezing pore water from Shelby tube samples and analyzing this water by absorption flame photometry for Ca++, Mg++, Na+, and K+.

48. Byproduct gases produced in various industrial processes, such as blast furnaces, coke ovens, and flexicokers, or from mature landfills, contain combustible compounds along with significant concentrations of inert components, thus resulting in relatively low heating values (range of 50–500 Btu/scf=1.9–19 MJ/m 3)

49. Biodegrade* in any biologically-active environment where other materials are Biodegrading; Biodegrade* when disposed of in a Biodegrading environment, either anaerobically or aerobically: in landfills; in compost (backyard compost or commercial facilities) if buried or littered in the ground; in agricultural and erosion-control settings

50. Eventually, the amount of CRT 'Cullet' - the crushed remains of trashed cathode ray tubes that are recycled - will outstrip demand, and the toxic screens will end up in landfills, explained Jeremy Gregory, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-author of a new paper on CRT recycling