Nghĩa của từ insurgents bằng Tiếng Anh

Đặt câu với từ "insurgents"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "insurgents", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ insurgents, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ insurgents trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Insurgents turned on one another.

2. Downrange, insurgents started booby trapping cars.

3. In fact, you sold them to insurgents.

4. They've been providing insurgents with weapons.

5. All other insurgents in the city heard the shots

6. He went into that compound alone and killed 10 insurgents.

7. Huddling in static strong-points simply concedes the field to the insurgents.

8. But it finds some progress in Sunni insurgents fighting al - Qaeda.

9. Place your shots and deadly empuram insurgents back into the shadows.

10. The insurgents, who would line up directly in my sights, getting shot,

11. U.S. officials are disingenuous when they say they are fighting drugs, not insurgents.

12. Between 156 and 196 insurgents and 17 Freikorps soldiers died during the fighting.

13. On 6 October the division's advance guard defeated a force of 3,000 insurgents at Talibu.

14. The insurgents seek Baluchistan's "independence" from Islamabad and are known to target the

15. On 13 April 2004, U.S. Marines fell under attack from insurgents located within a mosque.

16. Insurgents are 1350 meters away, a distance of more than three quarters of a mile

17. But based on intelligence we had reason to believe the insurgents were holding civilian hostages.

18. Sunni Muslim insurgents are being blamed for the blasts that killed at least 88 people.

19. Several rounds of negotiations, accompanied by temporary ceasefires, were held between the insurgents and the government.

20. 20 The shooting was the salvo by insurgents determined to undermine the country's post war reconstruction.

21. This argument, long discredited, resonates in the actions of the Iraqi insurgents and their fanatical allies.

22. In 2006 local sheiks and former insurgents began to band together to form the Awakening movement.

23. May 9: War breaks out in El Salvador between Marxist-led insurgents and the U.S.-backed government.

24. By 15 April, however, the Ukrainian transitional government had launched a counter-offensive against insurgents in Donetsk Oblast.

25. He has begun tentatively tackling the lethal ShiaH militias, now as much a scourge as the Sunni insurgents.

26. In some war-torn areas, insurgents rape virtually every adolescent girl found in the villages they overrun.

27. Local people said a two-hour gunfight followed the attack by Islamist insurgents on the compound in Azazga.

28. GRUNK claimed that it was not a government-in-exile since Khieu Samphan and the insurgents remained inside Cambodia.

29. Refusing to shoot insurgent forces who stormed the arsenal on June 14, 1848, Natzmer became a hero to insurgents across Germany.

30. Security Government forces made some progress during 1990 in their long struggle against ethnic insurgents operating on the country's periphery.

31. Most assessments of Counterinsurgency operations mistakenly focus on how to improve the capabilities of outside forces to directly defeat insurgents

32. In addition, the insurgents' control of the riverbanks rendered any mine-sweeping operations virtually impossible or, at best extremely costly.

33. In traditional international law, insurgency was not recognized as Belligerency, and insurgents lacked the protection customarily extended to belligerents.Herbert W

34. During the Vietnam War , McNamara supported US efforts to prevent the victory of Communist insurgents over the government of South Vietnam .

35. Appointed a commander of the new Imperial Japanese Army, Oku fought against the disgruntled samurai insurgents during the Saga Rebellion of 1871.

36. Even when they are not in the military , insurgents have easy access to police and army uni forms , General Azimi said .

37. The government responded to the insurgency by banning anti-monarchy statements, imprisoning journalists, and shutting down newspapers accused of siding with the insurgents.

38. Jundallah and ethnic Baluch insurgents operating in Pakistani Baluchistan are known to profit from the smuggling of drugs, arms, and other contraband

39. The Georgians responded vigorously and defeated the insurgents, with several Ossetian villages being burnt down and 20,000 Ossetians displaced in Soviet Russia.

40. A cordon sanitaire of Japanese troops protected the insurgents, who sought to establish a new régime known as the Provisional Government of the Priamur.

41. During the Ashura Commemoration in the last week of December, insurgents targeted Shi'a pilgrims in various parts of Baghdad and across the country

42. The Baathists’ cooperation has helped the insurgents take over wide swaths of the country, but the two groups are ideologically opposed: the Sunni extremists are …

43. On September 4, 1985, insurgents shot down a domestic Bakhtar Airlines plane as it took off from Kandahar airport, killing all 52 people aboard.

44. The elite Green Berets have been deployed to help defeat Islamic State insurgents accused of beheading children as young as 11 in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

45. Baathist Loyalist Scoffs at Petraeus' View of Iraq A high-ranking member of Saddam Hussein's Baathist party — who now supports efforts by insurgents in Iraq — describes American military

46. / ˈkaʊn.tər.ə.tæk / an attack intended to stop or oppose an attack by an enemy: The military expects insurgents to mount a Counterattack on supply lines

47. This Battle of Gelduba was borne by the uprising of the Batavians (Batavi) and resulted in a rare heavy Roman defeat at the hands of the Germanic insurgents.

48. On May 17 through 18, 1849, a group of workers and democrats from Trier and neighboring townships stormed the arsenal at Prüm to obtain arms for the insurgents.

49. The insurgents did not reply to this musketry, in order to spare their ammunition the fusillade broke against the barricade; but the street, which it filled, was terrible.

50. In fact the Black Flags responded well to his kind treatment and for several months gave good service, taking part in a number of sweeps against Vietnamese insurgents and bandits.